Nagaland 10th 12th result: Great release is on 30 May

Nagaland 10th 12th result will be released by afternoon of 30 May. A notification from Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) said the provisional results of HSLC and HSSLC Exams (HSLC-10th class, HSSLC-12th class) will be available both online and also through SMS facility.
According to sources, Nagaland Board of School Education conducted the 10th and 12th standard board exams from 13 February to 4 March. A total of 22,923 candidates applied for HSCL exam this year, 15,461 students applied for HSSLC exam.

Lateron, NBSE responded and declared the news as fake. Lot of students are eagerly waiting for the declaration of Nagaland 10th 12th result.
It is worth recollecting again that Nagaland 10th 12th result last year was declared on 2 May. Most of the work regarding the evaluation was done before the announcement of lockdown was made on 24 March, say sources.
A few part of the evaluation work left was taken up from home adhering to social distancing norms, say sources. There are three ways to know the Nagaland 10th 12th result once released.

Chairman of NBSE Mrs. Asano Sekhose in the notification released mentioned that there are three ways to know Nagaland 10th 12th result.

That is not all, Nagaland 10th 12th result can be known from other websites namely ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’

Students have to get into the website and provide their details like their name, roll number, date of birth to obtain Nagaland 10th 12th result.

It is ‘NB10 <space>ROLL NUMBER’ to 56070.
Similarly to know the 12th exam 2020 result students must send type NB12 and leave space and type their roll number and send it to 56070.

It is ‘NB10 <space>ROLL NUMBER’ to 56070.
The other way to know the Nagaland 10th 12th result is through mobile app of NBSE. The app is available on Google Playstore and students can download it.
After downloading the app, students have to open it and enter their roll number and date of birth to get Nagaland 10th 12th result.
Students must remember that Nagaland 10th 12th result can be known on 30 May. Provisional result gazettes with regards to Nagaland 10th 12th result will be issued to all registered institutions of the Board.
The result gazettes will only be issued from 5 June onwards to Centre Superintendents. These superintendents will give the result gazettes to the schools coming under their jurisdiction.
There is a standard operating procedure for distribution of result gazettes and that is already mentioned in the official website of ‘’
An analysis of Nagaland 10th 12th result of the past would give us some valuable insights. In 2013 18,005 students appeared for the exam. This number rose to 19,784 in 2014.
Similarly, Nagaland 10th result analysis showed that 23,512 students appeared for board exams in 2015, it was 24,055 in 2016 and 22,456 in 2017.
The number of students who took board exams increased from 2013 to 2014. The same was seen from 2015 to 2017. Over all these years, from 2013 to 2017 passing percentage remained from 60.45 to 70.19.
Further analysis of Nagaland 10th 12th result further says 43.32 percent of students qualified 10th exam in 2019 from state government schools.
As far as 12th exams were concerned about 76 percent of students who passed the exams during last year were from government institutions. While the percentage of students passing 12th exam last year from private institutions stood at 82.
Students who could not pass the 10th 12th exams this year can apply for supplementary exams. These examinations are said to be held in June.
Application and notification regard supplementary examination will be available on the official link of the NSEB at ‘’ The notification about 10th and 12th exam results can be accessed at the official url ‘’
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.