WBJEE 2023 Result, direct link to download rank card here

WBJEE 2023 Result was announced today (26 May 2023) on the official website by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB). It is all about the entrance exam for admission into graduate courses in colleges in West Bengal.
It is to note that WBJEE 2023 was conducted on 30 April 2023 at various exam centres in West Bengal. The evaluation began soon after the exam was conducted across the state.

How to check WBJEE 2023 Result?
The process to check WBJEE 2023 Result is online and candidates have to visit the official website for it at ‘wbjeeb.nic.in’ The URL has to be typed into the browser and the website must be allowed to download.
Once it is ready, candidates can click the link for WBJEE 2023 Result, enter their roll number, date of birth and other required information, and submit to view WBJEE 2023 Result.
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After the WBJEE 2023 Result is visible, candidates can download it and take a printout of it. The official website for WBJEE 2023 Result may take some time to respond owing to the heavy flow of visitors.
In case the website mentioned above takes time to respond, candidates can wait and then make an attempt to view the WBJEE 2023 Result. If the website does not show up, they can look for an alternative.
The alternative website to check WBJEE 2023 Result is ‘wbjeeb.in’ This URL must be typed into the browser and the website must be allowed to download.

Once it is ready, candidates can click the link for results of WBJEE 2023, enter their roll number, date of birth and other required information, and submit to view WBJEE 2023 Result.
If this website also does not show up owing to the heavy flow of visitors, candidates can wait for some make an attempt to check WBJEE 2023 Result. Heavy traffic can make the website put up a no-show on many occasions.

How to download the rank card?
Candidates who have checked results for WBJEE 2023 can also download their rank card. They have to visit the official website of WBJEE 2023 at ‘https://wbjeeb.nic.in/WBJEECMS/Page/Page?PageId=1&LangId=P’

This URL must be typed into the browser and the website must be allowed to download. Once it is available, candidates can click the link for WBJEE 2023 rank card.
Another webpage with URL ‘https://admissions.nic.in/WBJEEB/Applicant/Root/CheckCandIdentity.aspx?enc=Nm7QwHILXclJQSv2YVS+7vFSCs1Ck/W6pNnVRGadXTx/Grf4Th+S6nf1Bmq2zN+X’ will open up where candidates can enter their Application Number, Date of Birth, Security PIN and the submit them to view the rank card in connection with WBJEE 2023 Result.
What after WBJEE 2023 Result?
There is a lot of process that takes place after the release of the WBJEE 2023. An announcement of the result is just the beginning. Applicants have to pass WBJEE 2023 with the required qualifying marks.
Those who have checked WBJEE 2023 and ensured that they have passed the test with the required qualifying marks can apply for the next phase which comprises counselling.
The rank card in connection with WBJEE 2023 and other documents have to be produced during the counselling. Students who get the seat can convey their acceptance and pay the fees and join the course.

WBJEE 2023 has a lot of delightful points. About 97,500 candidates are said to have appeared for the exam and 99.4% of them have been successful.
There is more to it than meets the eye as far as WBJEE 2023 is concerned. The toppers are Mohammed Sahil Akhtar, Soham Das, Sara Mukhopadhyay, Souhardya Dandapat, Ayan Goswami, Aritra Ambudh Dutta, Kintan Saha, Sagnik Nandi, Raktim Kundu and Sriraj Chandra.
All the students who have been successful deserve a big praise for their hard work.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.