NEST 2022 Results: Announcement Details

NEST 2022 results have been announced on July 5th, 2022 that is today. If you are a candidate who has been given this examination and wants to check the results, keep reading this news till the end to know the whole process for checking the results.
The full form of NEST is The National Entrance Screening Test. It is an annual college entrance examination in India, conducted for admission into the National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar (NISER) and the Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CEBS), Mumbai. The NEST exam is the gateway for students who have completed their higher secondary to get admission in various premier institutes for an integrated 5-year program in the Science stream.

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The NEST 2022 results have been declared in the form of separate rank cards for NISER Bhubaneswar and the University of Mumbai Department of Atomic Energy Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM CEBS). The scoreboard is yet not available but as per the exam officials, it will be available for the students in the next few days. The NEST 2022 exams were held on June 18th, 2022 and the result is out on July 5th, 2022. They can check the result of the exam on the official website of NEST 2022. The students can get the rank card from here. The answer keys were released on June 22 and the objections could be submitted by June 25 via email.
The counselling schedule for the NEST 2022 results will be scheduled soon by the exam concerning authorities which are NISER Bhubaneswar and the University of Mumbai Department of Atomic Energy Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM CEBS).

So, the students are advised to keep a check on the website for the same. The students who have passed the exams and will be eligible for counselling will also get personal mail for the same. The total number of seats available is 257, out of which 200 are in NISER Bhubaneswar and 57 are in CEBS. NEST is the gateway to Integrated MSc programmes offered in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics.