MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 direct links to check here

MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 will be announced on 25 May 2023. It is all about board exams for classes 10 and 12 conducted recently in Madhya Pradesh. The board exams are a regular affair and are held every year.
This year (2023) too the exams were held across Madhya Pradesh and students in large numbers appeared for the exams of classes 10 and 12. Board exams for class 10 took place from 1 to 27 March 2023.

Exams are conducted and then the evaluation process starts after that. The results are released after the completion of the answer sheet correction. MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 are now the point of focus.
When to expect
There may be a formal announcement about MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 on 25 May 2023. Post formal announcement, the links to check MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 will be made active.
Once the links turn active, students can start checking the MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023. The timing to activate the links would be 10 AM likely.

However, in case of any delay, the links for MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 will be made active by 12 PM or by evening on the release day. Students can visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) for exact information.
How to check MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023?
The process involves visiting the official website of PSEB at ‘’ URL has to be typed into the browser and then the webpage is to be allowed to download.

Once the webpage is ready, candidates must click the link for MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023. After clicking the link, they must enter their roll number, date of birth and other required details and submit them to view MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023.
The results can be downloaded and a printout can be taken.

The URL mentioned above has to be typed into the browser and the webpage must be allowed to download. Once the webpage is ready, candidates can click the link for MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023.
After the link is available, students must enter their roll number and other required information and submit them to view the MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023.
MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 can be checked through SMS facility on the mobile phone. The process is mentioned below:
# Students have to type MPBSE10 and then their roll number and send an SMS to 56263 to obtain class 10 results
# Students have to type MPBSE12 and then their roll number and send an SMS to 56263 to obtain class 12 results
Students must remember that MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 will be sent to their mobile phones in the form of SMS.
Students can also check MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023 on Digilocker also, if they are provided. They have to visit the official website of Digilocker at ‘’
The URL mentioned above has to be entered into the browser and the website has to be allowed to download. Once it is ready, candidates can click the links for the results and enter their Aadhar Number, Date of Birth, PIN (provided by their schools) and other required details and activate their account.
Once the accounts are activated, they can log in and view the MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023. They can also download the Digilocker App on their mobile phones and follow the required process to view MP Class 10 and 12 Results 2023.

Points to remember
Candidates have to remember that, these scorecards are temporary. It would take time to obtain original scorecards in the physical form.
Students who have passed the exams with the required qualifying marks can focus on their future plans. Those who could not score the required qualifying marks can apply for supplementary.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.