JAM2020 results declared

JAM2020 results have been declared. Candidates who have written Joint Admission Test for M.Sc 2020 (JAM 2020) have a news worth noting. The results for the exam have been declared on the official portal of the exam at ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/’ Candidates can logon to this website to know the result.
Candidates who have written the exam can click the link ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/’ and wait for the website to download. After the website downloads, candidates have to click another link ‘JOAPS Portal’ which will be located below the text ‘JAM 2020 Result Declared’ which is written in red colour in between yellow background.

About JAM2020 results
Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM) is being conducted from 2004 onwards to provide admissions to M.Sc. (Four Semesters), Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree and others.
Programmes at the IITs and Integrated Ph.D. Degree Programmes at IISc for consolidating Science as a career option for bright students. These postgraduate programmes at IITs and IISc offer high quality education in their respective disciplines, comparable to the best in the world.
The curricula for these programmes are designed to provide opportunities to the students to develop academic talent leading to challenging and rewarding professional life.

Students downloaded the admit card for JAM 2020 exam on 7 January this year and wrote the exam on 9 February this year. The results for the exam are also declared.
The exam happend in two phases. The first phase was between 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on 9 February. The subjects covered under this phase were Biotechnology (BT), Mathematical Statistics (MS) and Physics(PH).

The second phase took place on 9 February from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm and subjects covered during this time were Chemistry (CY), Geology (GG) and Mathematics (MA).
The next step in JAM2020 results
Candidates who have successfully passed the written test have to submit the application form for admission on official website of JAM ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/’ from 9 to 22 April. The last date to receive the request for change of category in proper format, rectification of defective documents is 4 May.
The first admission list will be declared on 1 June, the second list will be released on 16 June. The third and final admission list will be declared on 29 June. Closure of admissions through JAM 2020 will be on 3 July.
Final answer keys for JAM2020 results released
Candidates have an opportunity to view the question papers and final answer keys related to JAM 2020. Those who have written the exam can go to the official website of JAM 2020 at ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/’ to access them.

Procedure for answer keys of JAM2020 results
Candidates who have written exams must click the official link of JAM 2020 ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/’ and wait for the page to download. Once the page downloads they can go to another link ‘JAM 2020 Question Papers and Final Answer Keys Here’ and click it.
After the link is clicked another website downloads with URL ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/qp2020keys.php’ Candidates can see question papers of various subjects and their answer keys in a tabular format. Click on the respective subject to obtain either the question paper or answer key.
Older information about JAM2020 results
The older updates regarding JAM 2020 can also be obtained by the candidates. Candidates who feel the need for the former updates regarding the exam can access them at ‘http://jam.iitk.ac.in/oldUpdates.php’
Points to remember for JAM2020 results
Candidates must not forget to take a look at their mobile phones and emails regularly. Post the written test, result declaration, candidates will be getting information about the next stages of admission on their emails or mobile phone numbers.
Having an eye on the mobile-phones or emails regularly will ensure candidates will not miss them and prompt them for required timely action.
More about JAM2020 results
The JAM 2020 Examination is conducted in collaboration with eight zones which are IISc Bangalore zone, IIT Bombay zone, IIT Delhi zone, IIT Guwahati zone, IIT Kanpur zone, IIT Kharagpur zone, IIT Madras zone and IIT Roorkee zone.
The exam is carried out as computer based test and duration of the test is three hours. The candidates will have to answer questions which will be in multiple choice format. The test will have 60 questions which carry 100 marks.
Each paper is divided into Sections A, B and C. Section A will have 30 questions, Section B will have 10 multiple choice questions and Section C will have 20 questions. The exam has a provision of using online virtual calculator, so candidates are not allowed to bring calculators with them.

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.