IBPS jobs 2020: Great CRP clerks wanted, apply till 23 September

IBPS jobs 2020 is all about the vacancies of clerks in nationalised banks in India for 2020-21 for which applications are being invited from eligible candidates.
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is conducting the recruitment in connection IBPS jobs 2020.

These posts exist in noted public sector banks Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, UCO Bank, Bank of India, Central Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Union Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra, Indian Bank and Punjab and Sindh Bank.
Application process for IBPS jobs 2020 has begun on 2 September and the last date for submitting application in connection with IBPS jobs 2020 is 23 September.
The last date for paying application fees is also 23 September.

Date for downloading hall tickets with regards to preliminary exam in connection with IBPS jobs 2020 is 18 November.
The preliminary examination in connection with IBPS jobs 2020 5, 12 and 13 December this year this will be an online examination and its result will be released on 31 December this year.
The mains examination in connection with IBPS jobs 2020 will be held on 24 January 2021. The hall-tickets for the main exam can be downloaded on 12 January 2021.

IBPS will also likely conduct a pre-exam training for a period of six days from 23 to 28 November this year.
People willing to take part in this can download hall-tickets for pre-exam training in connection with IBPS jobs 2020.
The further information about pre-exam training will be made available at the appropriate time provided the possibility for conducting it exists.
In case if there is no scope for conducting the pre-exam training in connection with IBPS jobs 2020, it may also be cancelled.
The information about this will be available on the official website of IBPS. Applicant registering for IBPS jobs 2020 must be a citizen of India.

Candidate can also be a subject of Nepal, Bhutan or Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1 January 1962 with an intention to settle permanently in India.
Even person of Indian origin who migrated Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries namely Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam to India with a motive of settling in India permanently can also apply.
Subjects of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibetan refugees and persons of Indian origin from the above mentioned countries have to get an eligibility certificate from Government of India to apply for the posts.
The age limit for the applicant for IBPS jobs 2020 must be of atleast 20 years and his maximum age must be 28 years.
The age relaxation is available for SC/ST category candidates by 5 years, non-creamy layer OBCs have an age relaxation of 3 years. PwD candidates get age relaxation of 10 years.
Widows, divorced women and women legally seperated from their husbands and are not remarried get an age relaxation of nine years.
Persons affected by 1984 riots get an age relaxation of five years.
Regular employees of Union Carbide who were retrenched from service will have age relaxation of 5 years, this is applicable only to state of Madhya Pradesh only.

The same for ex-service men of SC/ST category will be a sum of eight years and actual number of years of their service.
The educational qualification for the candidates is a pass in a degree from a recognised educational institute.
Candidates must also have a working knowledge of computers, applicants must also have a certificate/degree/diploma related to computer knowledge.
Candidates must also have proficiency (read/write/speak) of official language of any state or Union Territory of India, the proficiency preferably should be in langauge of the state or Union Territory the candidate wishes to choose as peferred work place.
The method to apply for the IBPS jobs 2020 is online. Candidates have to visit the website of IBPS at ‘https://www.ibps.in/’ and click the button with title ‘Click here to apply for Online for Common Recruitment Process for Clerks-X (CRP Clerks-X)’ written in bold black colour on white background.
After clicking the button a webpage with following url ‘https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/crpcl10aug20/’ will download and applicants must click the appropriate link to register themselves.
Registering must be completed and username and password must be obtained. Using them applicants can login and begin applying for IBPS jobs 2020.
Candidates must also upload their photograph which should be a scanned image of the size 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm.
They must also upload the scanned image of their left thum impression, siganture along with host of other required documents.
Candidates have to pay the application fee while applying for IBPS jobs 2020. The application fee is Rs 175 (including GST) for SC/ST/PWBD/EXSM candidates.
The same for all others is Rs 850 (inclusive of GST). The fee for IBPS jobs 2020 can be paid through online banking, debit card, credit card.
Candidates have to write prelims exam soon after they apply for IBPS jobs 2020.
Those qualifying in prelims have to write mains exam and those who pass the mains exam will be called for further stage of selection process which will involve an interview, inspection of documents, verfication of candidate’s performance in the exam and his profile.
Both prelims and mains exam in connection with IBPS jobs 2020 will be held online.
Apply Now For – Parul University, Vadodara Gujarat
Prelims exam for IBPS jobs 2020 will have english language, numerical ability and reasoning ability questions for a total of 100 marks and total duration is to write the exam is 60 minutes.
The mains exam in connection with IBPS jobs 2020 will have questions related general/financial awareness, general english, reasoning ability and computer aptitude and quantitative aptitude for a total of 200 marks.

Question if left unattended there will be no mark deduction.
The information booklet regarding the number of vacancies, how to apply for them, date for downloading hall-tickets can be accessed at ‘https://www.ibps.in/wp-content/uploads/DetailedAdvtCRPClerksX.pdf’
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.