Delhi ITI Admission 2022: Know all the great information here

Delhi ITI Admission 2022: Know all the great information here
Published at : 4 Jul 2022, 7:20 PM IST
Updated at : 5 Jul 2022, 11:37 AM IST

Delhi ITI Admission 2022 has begun on July 4 and it is about the admission process for 19 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) located in Delhi. A great deal of courses are being offered in these ITIs and a total of 11,336 seats are to be filled through this admission process and this story by College Chalo would explain everything about this procedure. Students keen on studying in ITIs can get ready to apply for various courses.

The basics
The training in ITI will be about installing various skills in engineering, technology, science disciplines. The training in these disciplines will help students in two ways – they can find jobs in the fields related to above disciplines or they can setup their own enterprises.

Admission Open in Amity for 2025

Delhi ITI Admission 2022

Delhi ITI Admission 2022

Where are the institutes?
These institutions are located at various places in Delhi and among them are ITI Pusa, ITI Arab-Ki-Sarai, ITI Shahdara and ITI Malviya Nagar. These are just among the few and exact information about these ITIs and persons to be contacted there can be obtained from the official website.

Delhi ITI Admission 2022
Admission Open in SRM for 2025

On a general note, candidates must have passed 10th standard with subjects as maths, physics and chemistry if they are keen on courses related to engineering. Students focused on Biology or Biology oriented courses must pass 10th standard with good marks in biology, physics and chemistry.

For certain courses like Carpenter, Dress Making, Painter, Plumber, applicants must have passed class 8. The exact information regarding the qualification will be available in the prospectus related to Delhi ITI Admission 2022.

Admission Open in LPU for 2025

How to apply for Delhi ITI Admission 2022
The procedure to apply for Delhi ITI Admission 2022 is online, candidates can visit the official website ‘’ Soon after the webpage downloads, candidates can read the instructions and required information before applying.

Post reading the required information, candidates can click the required link for registration and create an account comprising username and password. After account creation, candidate can login using the username and password and start filling the application.

Read More –

Post filling the application, candidates have to pay the registration fees and the submit the application form for Delhi ITI Admission 2022. Post submission, candidates have to wait for submission confirmation message. Once, the message is obtained, candidates can download it and take a printout of it and preserve it for future use.

Admission Open in VIT for 2025
Delhi ITI Admission 2022

The schedule for Delhi ITI Admission 2022

S.NO Activities Dates Day
1 Date of Start of Online Candidate Registration, Fee submission, Choice Filling & online verification of candidate documents at http://www. 04-July-22 Monday
2 Last Date of Online Candidate Registration & Registration Fee submission at http:// www. 31-July-22 Sunday
3 Last Date for Candidate online document Verification 02-August-22 Tuesday
4 Last Date for Candidate Choice Filling 03-August-22 Wednesday
5 Tentative Rank Display on http:// www. 05-August-22 Friday
6 Online Submission of objections/correction by Candidates, against Tentative Rank 08-August-2022






7 Final Rank Display at http:// www. 12-August-2022 Friday
8 Publish of FIRST round Seat Allotment Result 18-August-2022 Thursday
9 First round Reporting and Round Fee submission (Freeze candidates ) as per allotted seats list 22-August-2022 to 25-August-2022 Monday




10 Display of vacant seat position after first round of seat allotment 26-August-2022 Friday
11 Reshuffling of trades/ITI 26-August-2022 to 28-August-2022 Friday



12 Publish of SECOND round Seat Allotment Result 02-September-2022 Friday
13 SECOND round Reporting and Fee submission (Freeze candidates ) as per allotted seats list 05-September-2022 to 08-September-2022 Monday




14 Display of vacant seat position after second round of seat allotment 09-September-22 Friday
15 Reshuffling of trades/ITI 09-September-22 to 11-September-22 Friday



16 Publish of THIRD round Seat Allotment Result 14-September-22 Wednesday
17 THIRD round Reporting as per allotted seats list 14-September-22 to 17-September-22 Wednesday




18 Third Round Fee submission (Freeze candidates ) 14-September-2022 to 18-September-2022 Wednesday





19 Display of vacant seat position after third round of seat allotment 19-September-22 Monday
20 Reshuffling of trades/ITI 19-September-2022 to 21-September-2022 Monday



21 Publish of FOURTH round Seat Allotment Result 26-September-2022 Monday
22 FOURTH round Reporting and Fee submission (Freeze candidates ) as per allotted seats list 26- September-2022 to 29-September-2022 Monday




23 Display of vacant seat position after Forth round of seat allotment 30-September-2022 Friday
24 Reshuffling of trades/ITI 30-September-2022 to 02-October-2022 Friday



25 Publish of FIFTH round Seat Allotment Result 06-October-2022 Thursday
26 FIFTH round Reporting as per allotted seats list 07-October-2022 10-October-2022 & 12-October-2022 Friday




27 Fifth Round Fee submission (Freeze candidates ) 07-October-2022 to 12-October-2022 Friday






Note:- Schedule is tentative. Moreover, there may be more rounds of counseling as per seat vacancy. There will be no OFF-Line round

Delhi ITI Admission 2022

Post document verification, candidates can take up choice filling, which is nothing but choosing the college and the course they wish to study there. Post choice filling in connection with Delhi ITI Admission 2022, rank generation will take place and candidates have to check their rank in the rank list which will be displayed in the website.

If candidate finds any incorrectness in his/her verified details then he/she must file objection regarding the same. For filing objection the candidate must visit the verifying ITI with verification slip, correct details and proof of the same within the stipulated time for objection filing.

Final rank list will be displayed after incorporating the valid correction. Candidate must note his rank for future reference. The result of counselling (seat allotment result) would be displayed on the online admission portal.

Candidates can find their allotment status by logging into the Online Admission portal using his/her User ID and password. Candidates who get a seat can confirm it and pay the fees and join the course.

If no seat is allotted to the candidate then he/she would automatically participate in next counselling so they need to wait for next counselling result. However they can reshuffle/fill new/delete trade choices on stipulated dates for reshuffling of trades. The procedure with regards to Delhi ITI Admission 2022 is explained in great detail in tabular format below and students can refer it for any extra information:

Delhi ITI Admission 2022 process

REGISTRATION 1. Generation of application number and password.

2. Filling of information as asked.

3. Documents Uploading

4. Candidate needs to upload all the documents as asked in the portal. If portal asks for uploading some document which is not relevant to the candidate then the candidate should write “Name of Document” is “NOT APPLICABLE” on a white sheet, SIGN and upload its PDF.

5. If certificate is not available with the candidate due to genuine reason, then the candidate should upload an undertaking as per annexure XVI of prospectus stating :- a) His/ her correct information. b) Reason for not uploading the certificate. c) Candidate would submit his/her certificate at the time of admission and non-submission of certificate at the time of admission would lead to cancellation of admission and removal of candidate from further counselling.” And upload self-attested copy of an Undertaking in PDF format.

6. It is at the discretion of ITI/DTTE whether to accept the undertaking or file objection.

7. Registration Fee Payment.

ONLINE VERIFICATION 1.       ITI officials will preliminary check the information provided by candidate and may compare it with uploaded documents.

If official is satisfied by the information provided or candidate is given some relaxation in providing information then the candidate’s details will be verified. Accepting candidate’s documents at the time of verification is only meant for allowing candidate to participate in counselling.

However the candidate needs to compulsorily produce original documents at the time of counselling for taking Admission and failure to produce original documents at the time of counselling will lead to cancellation of allotted seat and removal of candidate from participating in further counselling’s.

2. If any discrepancy is found by verifying official, the candidate can view the discrepancy by logging into the online admission portal. Reply to the objection can be given by the candidate through online admission portal. Any discrepancy/ incorrectness/ non submission of information/ hiding of information may lead to objection during verification and non-removal of objection by the candidate within stipulated time would lead to cancellation of candidature of candidate. It is the responsibility of candidate to get the discrepancy removed.

3. SMS may be sent to the candidate regarding the same, but non receipt of SMS would not be an excuse for non-removal of objection by the candidates so candidates are advised to regularly check their status by logging on to online admission portal. The candidate should check his/her verification status on Online Admission Portal.

Choice Filling 1.       After verification candidates needs to fill his/her ITI/Trade choices within stipulated time of choice filling

2.       It is advised that the candidate should make a list of trades/ITI choices beforehand in preference order as per Performa attached as per Annexure XI Candidate can use “Map with location” of various admitting ITI available in the prospectus and locate the distance of ITI’s from his/her residence.

This information would come handy to candidate while filling trade/ITI choices.

3. After filling the choices, the candidate must save the filled choices and thereafter “Lock” Filled choices.

Rank Generation and Objection filing 1. Tentative rank List Display: The candidate must thoroughly check his/her details in the online tentative rank list displayed on the website.

2.       Objection Filing by candidate: if candidate finds any incorrectness/ discrepancy in his/her verified details then he/she must file objection regarding the same. For filing objection the candidate must visit the verifying ITI with verification slip, correct details and proof of the same within the stipulated time for objection filing.

Final Rank List Generation: Final rank list will be displayed after incorporating the valid correction. Candidate must note his rank for future reference

COUNSELLING The result of counselling (seat allotment result) would be displayed on the online admission portal. Checking of allotment result Candidates can find their allotment status by logging into the Online Admission portal ( using his/her User ID and password.

No seat allotted Candidates If no seat is allotted to the candidate then he/she would automatically participate in next counselling so they need to wait for next counselling result.

However they can reshuffle /fill new/delete trade choices on stipulated dates for reshuffling of trades. Only for seat allotted candidates Candidates who are allotted a seat in counselling (Including Upgraded/Retained candidates of previous round and Fresh allotment candidates) needs compulsorily select his/her preference (upgrade(only available in first counselling) * /freeze#) online.

Freezing /Up gradation of allotted seat Counselling would be available on stipulated dates given on the online admission portal (

Freezing means

If the candidate is satisfied with the seat allotted to him/her and wants to take provisional admission then he/she should freeze his/her allotted seat. Up-gradation means that candidate wants to participate in next counselling for allotment of higher choice seat. If a higher choice seat is allotted to the candidate then he/she would lose the previously allotted seat. If no upgraded seat is allotted than candidate would retain his/her previously allotted seat. After up gradation candidate needs to wait for next counselling.

However they can reshuffle /fill new/delete trade choices on stipulated dates. This option is only available during first counselling only.

Only for Freeze Preference candidates

Candidates who opt for freezing preference need to follow the following process for completing the admission process:-

1.       Physical Reporting: Physical Reporting of candidate for Counselling at Allotted ITI would be done on stipulated dates from 9:30 AM to 4:30PM. The details (helpline nos/ address etc) of ITI’s are available on the online admission portal and prospectus. The candidate should call (Preferable)/visit the allotted ITI and take the appointment (time slot) for physical verification beforehand so as to avoid un-necessary rush.

However directly reporting candidates may also be physically verified if work load is less else they would be given time slot (date and time) by admitting ITI for physical verification.

2.       Online Fee Submission: Candidate needs to pay Online Admission Fee on stipulated dates after physical reporting. If a candidate pays fee first and then is not able to successfully complete physical reporting due to any reason then his/her allotted seat would get cancelled, fee paid would not be refunded and would be out of counselling process.

The following documents would be required at the time of Physical reporting at allotted ITI:

1.       Copy of seat Allotment letter 2. Copy of Provisional admission Slip 3. All his original certificates 4. Set of self attested photocopies of documents to be submitted at the allotted ITI. 5. Medical fitness certificate 6. Self Attested Prohibition of Ragging undertaking 7. Undertaking 8. Self attested Character certificate 9. Aadhar card of candidate 10. Three Pics of candidate

Important Points

If a admitted candidate who does not physically report to provisionally admitting ITI within stipulated time, then his/ her provisional admission would be cancelled and fee paid would not be refunded and he/she would be out of admission process.

If a candidate reports to admitting ITI but is not able to provide/show the certificates as given in the above table then his/her provisional admission would be cancelled and fee paid would not be returned and he/she would be out of admission process.

So to avoid such situation it is advised (at the discretion of candidate) that candidate may visit the allotted ITI with all the documents and get them checked for correctness (Before last date of freezing/ fee payment) and then pay the admission fee and physical verification.

If candidate is satisfied with the correctness and completeness of his/her documents then he/she can pay the fee beforehand and then physically report to allotted ITI within stipulated time.

Helpdesks for this purpose would be working in all admitting ITI’s from date of declaration of result. If candidate has submitted undertaking of some document and the document is still not available with him but may get available after some days then he/she may opt for up gradation option (first counselling only) and in this way he will get time to get the document before next counselling. Please see up gradation option as given above.

If such candidate wants to hold currently allotted seat in next counselling then he/she can put the allotted trade/ITI as top option or else based on merit a higher choice seat may be allotted to the candidate and he/she would lose the previously allotted seat. If no upgraded seat is allotted than candidate would retain his/her previously allotted seat

(For All Non Admitted Candidates) Seat Vacancy Display and Choice Filling After Counselling

Non allotted, upgraded and verified candidates who have not filled any trade choice may add, delete *and/or reshuffle their Trade/ITI choice after counselling during stipulated days for choice filling. *Important choice filling note for upgraded candidates only: The allotted seat of the previous counselling would appear in different shade/colour and cannot be deleted.

Only the choices placed above the allotted seat of previous counselling would be considered for next counselling/ seat allotment. However candidate can reshuffle the priority of his/her choice including upgraded seat of previous counselling. Note: Verified candidates who have gone out of admission process due to non reporting can opt for participation in remaining counselling by logging on to online admission website and accepting the consent within stipulated time of choice filling. The consent would appear on online admission portal once candidate log into portal using his login id and password.

Point to note: The above information is subject to change and same may be intimated on online admission website. Candidates can visit the official website regarding Delhi ITI Admission 2022 at regular intervals for latest information. The changes could be made to procedures related to Delhi ITI Admission 2022 due to various reasons, candidates have to be in touch with latest information which can be accessed on the official website related to Delhi ITI Admission 2022.


S. Vishnu Sharma

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.

MBA or MCom in 2025: Know Difference, Course, Fee, Eligibility and Colleges

MBA or MCom in 2025: Know Difference, Course, Fee, Eligibility and Colleges
Published at : 15 Mar 2025, 8:10 PM IST
Updated at : 15 Mar 2025, 8:10 PM IST

MBA or MCom in 2025 is all about the complete information about both the academic programs so as to help students who wish to pursue post graduation this year.

Often it is seen that students come forward with great enthusiasm to step into the realms of higher education, but confusion as to what course to study often puts a students in a fix.

Admission Open in Amity for 2025
MBA or MCom in 2025

The story will deal with similarities, differences, eligibility and career prospects and so on in connection with MBA and MCom.

Details provided in MBA or MCom in 2025 are quite general in nature, they are meant for broad understanding for students about both the courses.

Those desiring to know more about MBA or MCom can browse various sources in online and offline fronts for in-depth information. Details are mentioned below for the sake of the students:

Admission Open in SRM for 2025

MBA or MCom in 2025? Similarities and Differences

While both courses share some similarities, they have distinct differences in terms of their focus, curriculum, and career prospects.


1. Postgraduate degrees: Both MBA and MCom are postgraduate degrees that require a bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite.

2. Duration: Both courses typically have a duration of two years.

Admission Open in LPU for 2025

3. Theoretical and practical learning: Both courses offer a mix of theoretical and practical learning, with a focus on developing analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.


1. Focus: MBA focuses on business management and administration, covering topics like finance, marketing, human resources, and operations. MCom, on the other hand, focuses on commerce and trade, covering topics like accounting, taxation, and financial management.

2. Curriculum: The curriculum for MBA and MCom differs significantly. MBA courses include subjects like organizational behavior, business strategy, and entrepreneurship, while MCom courses include subjects like advanced accounting, taxation laws, and financial management.

3. Career prospects: MBA graduates can pursue careers in management, consulting, finance, and entrepreneurship, among others. MCom graduates can pursue careers in accounting, taxation, financial management, and research, among others.

Admission Open in VIT for 2025

4. Entrance exams: The entrance exams for MBA and MCom also differ. MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, and GMAT are highly competitive, while MCom entrance exams like DUET, BHU PET, and JNU CEE are relatively less competitive.

5. Specializations: MBA courses offer a range of specializations like finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, while MCom courses offer specializations like accounting, taxation, and financial management.

MBA or MCom in 2025? Consider these factors

When choosing between MBA and MCom, consider the following factors:

1. Career goals: What are your career aspirations? If you want to pursue a career in business management, MBA might be the better choice. If you want to pursue a career in commerce and trade, MCom might be the better choice.

2. Interests: What are your interests? If you’re interested in business and management, MBA might be the better choice. If you’re interested in commerce and trade, MCom might be the better choice.

3. Skills: What are your skills? If you have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, MBA might be the better choice. If you have strong numerical and accounting skills, MCom might be the better choice.

Ultimately, the choice between MBA and MCom depends on one’s individual goals, interests, and skills.


There is more to it than meets the eye as far as MBA or MCom in 2025 is concerned. One of them is the eligibility criteria. Who can choose what course, MBA or MCom in 2025? The answers are below:


Those deciding for go for MCom in MBA or MCom in 2025 must fulfill the eligibility mentioned below:

1. Bachelor’s degree: You must have a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or a related field (like BCom, BBA, or BBM) from a recognized university.

2. Minimum percentage: You must have secured a minimum percentage (usually 50% to 60%) in your Bachelor’s degree.

3. Entrance exams: Some universities require you to pass entrance exams like DUET, BHU PET, or JNU CEE.


Those who want to go for MBA, in MBA or MCom in 2025 have to have the criteria specified below:

1. Bachelor’s degree: You must have a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline (like BA, BSc, BCom, BTech, etc.) from a recognized university.

2. Minimum percentage: You must have secured a minimum percentage (usually 50% to 60%) in your Bachelor’s degree.

3. Entrance exams: Most MBA programs require you to pass entrance exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, or MAT.

4. Work experience: Some MBA programs require or prefer candidates with work experience (usually 1-2 years).

Additional Requirements

1. Language proficiency: Some universities may require you to demonstrate language proficiency in English, especially if you’re an international student.

2. Other certifications: Some MBA programs may require or prefer candidates with additional certifications like CA, CS, or CFA.

As far as the information above in connection with MBA or MCom in 2025 is concerned, the above mentioned skills can be of use in both MBA and MCom, these skills will be of added advantage for students of both the courses.

Colleges for MBA or MCom in 2025

MBA or MCom in 2025 is the topic of discussion and then question that comes into one’s mind is that what are the some of the well-known colleges for studying MBA or MCom. The answer is mentioned below:

MBA or MCom in 2025

– Mumbai University, Mumbai: Offers a comprehensive MCom program with specializations in Accounting, Finance, and Management.

– University of Madras, Chennai: One of the oldest and most prestigious universities in India, offering a well-structured MCom program.

– University of Calcutta, Kolkata: A highly respected institution with a long history of academic excellence, offering a comprehensive MCom program.

– Osmania University, Hyderabad: A renowned institution in southern India, offering a well-structured MCom program with various specializations.

Other notable colleges offering MCom programs include:

– Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi

– Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh

– Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

– Panjab University, Chandigarh

– University of Pune, Pune

These colleges offer a range of specializations, including Accounting, Finance, Management, and more.

It’s essential to research each college’s program, faculty, and placement opportunities to find the best fit for your academic and career goals.


– IIM Ahmedabad

– IIM Bangalore

– IIM Lucknow

– IIM Indore


– Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi

– XLRI Jamshedpur

– SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai

– Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon

– Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad

Other notable colleges

– Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai

– Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (SJMSOM), IIT Bombay

– Department of Management Studies (DMS), IIT Delhi

– Vinod Gupta School of Management (VGSoM), IIT Kharagpur


What else is required when it is about MBA or MCom in 2025? The fees, it is about the money one has to pay to study the course. The fees for both the courses are mentioned below for the sake of the students:


– Government Colleges: ₹1,000 to ₹5,000 per year

– Private Colleges: ₹10,000 to ₹50,000 per year

– Distance Education: ₹8,100 to ₹16,200 for the entire 2-year program

Some specific examples of MCom fees in top colleges in India are:

– Shri Ram College of Commerce: ₹50,000

– Hindu College: ₹25,800

– Hansraj College: ₹26,074

– Loyola College: ₹14,830

– Madras Christian College: ₹27,257


– IIMs: ₹17 lakh to ₹27 lakh

– Top Private Colleges: ₹10 lakh to ₹30 lakh

– Government Colleges: ₹1 lakh to ₹5 lakh

– Distance Education: ₹1.5 lakh to ₹2 lakh

Some specific examples of MBA fees in top colleges in India are:

– IIM Ahmedabad: ₹26.5 lakh

– IIM Bangalore: ₹26 lakh

– IIM Calcutta: ₹27 lakh

– XLRI Jamshedpur: ₹11.31 lakh

– FMS Delhi: ₹2.32 lakh

Keep in mind that these fees are subject to change and do not include additional expenses such as hostel fees, study materials, and other living expenses.

The fees are subject to change due to various reasons, students can visit the official websites of the institutions or can visit the institutions in person to know more about the fees.

MBA or MCom in 2025


MBA or MCom in 2025 are both courses with their own set of unique features, students can decided depending on their interest and career focus. A career in commerce can gets a boost on study of MCom, a career in corporate world or management world can be boosted through an MBA.

Choice between MBA or MCom in 2025 can be done considered the experience from professionals who have already proved their mettle in commerce or management sectors. Candidates also have to remember to have the required financial viability to study the courses.

Some of the institutions may be offering scholarships, candidates aiming for MBA or MCom in 2025 can also apply for these scholarships. The information can also be obtained from various online or offline sources with regards to MBA or MCom in 2025.

S. Vishnu Sharma

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.
