CBSE 10th Results 2021

The CBSE 10th results 2021 are out and this year too the girls outperformed the boys with 99.24%. Well, the girls have repeated the history yet again. We say this because most of the time the girls perform better than the boys. This year the same thing happened. The overall pass percentage is 99.04%. The girls were 0.35% higher than the boys. 2097128 candidates register for the CBSE 10th exams 2021 out of which 2076997 have passed the examination.
An important thing to note here is that CBSE 10th exams 2021 could not happen because of the severe pandemic spurge in India. After a lot of discussions, finally, the exams got cancelled.

The same thing happened with the CBSE 10th results 2021 too. The results kept on getting delayed until it finally was declared on 3rd August 2021. The evaluation criteria for checking the papers also got changed because the exams got cancelled. The break up of the marks included ten marks for Unit Tests, 30 marks for half-yearly exams, 40 marks for pre-boards, and 20 marks for internal assessment.
Some students aren’t satisfied with their marks because of a lot of reasons. For them, a special examination will be conducted from August, 16th to September, 15th 2021, as per the current announcement. All the details regarding these examinations will be out soon. The application details will be out too. All of this information will be out on the official website of CBSE.

Overall Pass Percentage | Boys Vs Girls
The overall pass percentage for CBSE 10th results 2021 is 99.04%. The girls were higher than boys scoring a combined score of 99.24%.
Final Date of CBSE 10th Results 2021 after so many delays
The CBSE 10th results 2021 got announced on August, 3rd 2021. Few more dates in the past got booked as the official result announcement dates. But, it did not work out because of various reasons (mainly pandemic caused all of them). Finally, after a lot of delays, the results were announced today. Must mention that the students were eagerly waiting for their results because enough delays had already happened.

Websites where the results were published
First and foremost, the best place to check the CBSE 10th results 2021 is the official website of CBSE that is The results can be checked over here through the online mode. The other platform where the results are displayed is on a platform called Digilocker via their official website Another direct website to check the CBSE results is this
Apart from these websites, the students can also check their results via SMS, through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), or call. The process includes cbse10<space>roll number<space>date of birth<space>school number<space>centre number and send it to 7738299899.

Also, we want to mention that the roll numbers weren’t allotted to the students in a regular way. This year, the exams did not happen so students did not get their admit cards with the roll numbers. This year, the students had to find their roll number in another way that we mentioned in our previous article.
How to convert CGPA into the Percentage
– To convert your CGPA, multiply it with 9.5.
– If your CGPA is 6.4, multiply it with 9.5
– It will be 6.4 * 9.5 = 60.8%
We wish all the best to all the candidates for their future.