AP Inter 1st 2nd year: Results for the great exam by 4pm on 12 June

AP Inter 1st 2nd year exam 2020 results will be made public by 4 pm tomorrow. Candidates who have written their intermediate exams this year can visit the official website of Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (APBIE) at ‘https://bie.ap.gov.in/’ to know their results.
The other official website to know AP Inter 1st 2nd year exam result is ‘https://jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in/’ Apart form these the other websites where the results will be available are ‘www.manabadi.co.in’ ‘schools9.com’ and ‘examresults.net’

Inter first year exams took place 4 to 21 March this year while the second year intermediate exams were conducted from 5 to 23 March.
About 4 lakh students have appeared for intermediate exams this year in Andhra Pradesh. Not only that, AP Inter 1st 2nd year results are usually declared in the in April.
The previous year witnessed AP Inter 1st 2nd year exam results being released on 12 April. The usual trend of result release was not seen this year owing to the outbreak of corona virus and imposition of lockdown subsequently.

This year while announcing AP Inter 1st 2nd year exam results there will be no conference. The results will also be declared online, say sources. All this is being done keeping in view the present lockdown condition.
It is interesting to note that the AP Inter 1st 2nd year results saw an overall pass percentage of 60 and 72 respectively.
The same momentum is expected to be seen on 12 June when results of AP Inter 1st 2nd year results are to be made public.

Once the link is clicked, the result page will download where candidates have to enter their roll number/roll code and press the ‘submit’ button.
The result will be displayed and candidates can take a print out and save it for the future use. While the results for AP Inter 1st 2nd year exams will be declared on 12 June, the marksheets have to be obtained later.

Students can approach their educational institutions where they have studied intermediate to collect the marksheets. As far as SSC exams for pending subjects are concerned, AP Education Minister Adimulapu Suresh has announced that they would be conducted from 10 to 15 July.
About – APBIE
With the introduction of Intermediate Education in Andhra Pradesh, there was an enormous work-pressure in the Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI) and much attention could not be given to the three levels of Education viz. Secondary, Intermediate and Collegiate Education.

Later, certain problems were cropped up at the time of introduction of UGC Pay scales 1986 to the staff of composite Degree colleges.
Then it was decided to bifurcate these composite degree colleges as separate Degree and Junior Colleges. Accordingly, the Directorate of Higher Education was also suitably restructured and bifurcated into two Directorates as the Directorate of Collegiate Education (DCE) and Directorate of Intermediate Education (DIE) vide G.O.Ms.No.1537, Education (I.E) Department, dated 31.8.1989.
Thus the Directorate of Intermediate Education was established on 1.11.1989 vide G.O.Ms.No.343, Education Department, dated 31.10.1989, with the objective of better co-ordination, monitoring, functioning and management of junior colleges both in Government and Private sectors in Andhra Pradesh.
The Board of Intermediate Education (BIE), Andhra Pradesh was established in 1971 at Hyderabad in the united Andhra Pradesh to regulate and supervise the system of Intermediate education in the state of A.P and to specify the courses of study and matters connected there with and now it is located at Vijayawada after bifurcation of State into Andhra Pradesh and Telangana during 2014.
The BIE offers 2-year Intermediate course both in General and Vocational streams nearly with 85 combinations/ groups/courses in Science, Humanities, Commerce and in professional streams. Vocational courses are basically meant for skill development of the students to get immediate employment or to pursue higher technical education in their discipline whereas general courses are useful to go for higher studies at graduate level both in general and professional streams.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.