50 Predicted MCQs for NTA NET Paper 1: June 2023 Exam Preparation

Welcome to your greatest NTA NET Paper 1 exam preparation resource! Improving your knowledge and test-taking abilities is vital before the June 2023 exam. We’ve compiled 50 NTA NET Paper 1 Predicted multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to help you prepare. These MCQs cover typical exam subjects and ideas, allowing you to measure your comprehension and find areas for development. These Predicted questions can help you hone your abilities and raise your confidence, whether you’re a first-time exam taker or want to improve. NTA NET Paper 1 practise MCQs can help you succeed!
Also, read Expert Analysis Of UGC NET 2023 Paper 1

(a) Choosing a topic (b) Doing a literature review (c) Collecting data (d) Analysing data (e) Writing a report
2. Which is not a research method?
(a) Survey (b) Experiment (c) Case study (d) Content analysis (e) Historical research

3. Which isn’t the research stage?
(a) Planning (b) Doing (c) Analysing (d) Writing (e) Reporting
4 . Which is not a data type?

(a) Quantitative (b) Qualitative (c) Nominal (d) Ordinal (e) Interval
5. Which is not considered a data analysis approach?
(a) Descriptive statistics (b) Inferential statistics (c) Correlational analysis (d) Regression analysis (e) Factor analysis
6. Which report kind is not listed as a research report?

(a) Empirical (b) Theoretical (c) Review (d) Proposal progress report
7. Which approach is not used to present a research report?
(a) Oral presentation (b) Poster presentation (c) Written report (d) Web presentation (e) Video presentation
8. Which is not an ethical research consideration?
(a) Informed consent (b) Confidentiality (c) Data protection (d) Plagiarism (e) Human subject research
9. Who doesn’t provide funding for research?
(a) Government grants (b) Foundation grants (c) Corporate grants (d) Individual donations (e) Self-funding
10. The problem of ‘research ethics’ is concerned with which aspect of research activities?
(a) Following the prescribed format of a thesis(b) Data analysis through qualitative or quantitative techniques(c) Defining the population of research(d) Evidence based research reporting
11. Which is not a research phase?
(a) Choosing a topic (b) Reviewing literature (c) Collecting data (d) Analysing data (e) Reporting research
12. A researcher attempts to evaluate the effect of the method of feeding on the anxiety–proneness of
children. Which method of research would be appropriate for this?
(a) Case study method(b) Experimental method(c) Ex-post-facto method(d) Survey method
13. Which of the following is not part of the 7 Cs of Communication?
(a) Curiosity (b) Channel (c) Clarity (d) Content
14. Communication is the word derived from?
(a) French (b) German (c) Latin (d) Persian
15. Which approach is not a method of data analysis?
(a) Descriptive statistics (b) Inferential statistics (c) Correlational analysis (d) Regression analysis (e) Factor analysis
16. The Mathematical model of Communication is given by?
a) Shannon and Weaver b) Osgood and Schramm c) Lasswell d) Aristotle
17. 3,5, 9,17,33
(a) 44 (b) 65 (c) 64 (d) 49
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 16 (d) 8
19. Listening to a lecture is
(a) information Listening (b) evaluative listening (c) emphatic Listening (d) none of these
(a) communal harmony (b) threat to all religious persons (c) threat to persons fighting for freedom (d)British reaction against the natives
(a) Freedom to worship any God (b) Death of Religion (c) Separation of religion from the state (d) All of these
21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test?
(a) Reliability (b) Objectivity (c) Ambiguity (d) Validity
22. India’s first university was founded.
(a) 1857 (b) 1858 (c) 1859 (d) 1860
23. Which year, the University Grants Commission (UGC) was established?
(a) 1949 (b) 1950 (c) 1953 (d) 1957
24. The UGC Act was revised
(a) To recognise universities (b) To set minimum standards for teaching, examination, and research (c)To fund universities D. All of the above

25. When a normal student behaves in an erratic manner in class, you would:
(a) Pull up the students then and there (b) Talk to the student after the class (c) Ask the student to leave the class
(d) Ignore the student
26. The teacher’s role at the higher educational level is to:
(a) Provide information to students (b) Promote self-learning in students (c) Encourage healthy competition among students (d) Help students to solve their personal problems
27. Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of:
(a) Aptitudes (b) Attitudes (c) Skills (d) Relationship
28. The most appropriate purpose of learning is :
(a) Personal adjustment (b) Modification of behaviour (c) Social and political awareness (d) Preparing oneself for employment
29. Educational TV was first introduced in India in the year
(a) 1961 (b) 1959 (c) 1968 (d) 1969
30. Which of these is not a number system?
(a) Decimal Number system (b) Binary Number system (c) Octal Number system (d )Roman Number system
38. Which is not a type of graph in Computer Science?
(a) Bar graph (b) line graph (c) pie chart (d) histogram
39. 128,64,32…?
(a) 33 (b) 35 (c) 45 (d) 16
40. The trial of P.K. Sehgal, Shah Nawaz and Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon symbolises
(a) communal harmony (b) threat to all religious persons (c) threat to persons fighting for freedom (d) British reaction against the natives
41.’There has seldom been a matter which has attracted so much Indian Public Interest and, it is safe to say, sympathy … this particular brand of sympathy cuts across communal barriers.’ Who sympathises with whom and against whom?
(a) Muslims sympathised with Shah Nawaz against the British (b) Hindus sympathised with P.K. Sehgal against the British (c) Sikhs sympathised with Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon against the British (d) Indians sympathised with the persons who were to be trialled
42. Photosphere is described as the:
(a) Lower layer of the atmosphere (b) Visible surface of the sun from which radiation emanates (c))Wavelength of the solar spectrum (d) None of the above
43. Which among the following gives more freedom to the learner to interact?
(a) Use of film (b) Small group discussion ( c) Lectures by experts (d) Viewing country-wide classroom programme on TV
44. Which of the following skills are needed for present-day teachers to adjust effectively to classroom teaching?
(1)Knowledge of technology (2 )Use of technology in teaching-learning(3 )Knowledge of students’ needs (4 )Content mastery
(a) 1 & 3
(b) 2 & 3
(c) 2, 3, & 4
(d) 2 & 4
45. Microteaching is more effective
(a) During the preparation for teaching practice (b) During the teaching practice (c) After the teaching-practice
(d) Always
46. Which of the following can not be a good way of communication in promoting literacy among villagers?
(a) Demonstration (b) Reading and writing (c) Providing material on TV and film projector (d) Large group discussion
47. A student helps a teacher to solve a problem while the teacher was delivering the lecture. He was
(a) an emphatic listener (b) an evaluative listener (c) a realistic listener (d) an informational listener
48. SITE stands for
(a) System for International Technology and Engineering (b) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment
(c) South Indian Trade Estate (d) None of these
49. The process of communication enhances through:
(a) Belongingness (b) security and freedom to make choices (c) informality of meeting and avoidance of pressure
(d) all of these
50. The teacher has been glorified by the phrase “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” because:
(a) He has to play all vital roles in the context of society (b) He transmits the high value of Humanity to the students
(c) He is the great reformer of the society (d) He is a great patriot

It’s time to review your growth and performance. To track your progress and performance, compute your score based on the number of correct answers. Recognise your talents and accomplishments, but also accept your areas for improvement. Remember that this Predicted test is just one part of your exam preparation.
You may comfortably take the June 2023 NTA NET Paper 1 test if you practise, prepare, and stay optimistic. Trust your preparation, believe in your talents, and strive for perfection. We wish you the best as you work towards NTA NET Paper 1 success!
Also, read the Difference between NTA UGC NET and JRF
Answer key
1-(b) 2-(e) 3-(d) 4-(a) 5-(c) 6-(e) 7-(d) 8-(e) 9-(e) 10-(d) 11-(b) 12-(c) 13-(a) 14-(c) 15-(a) 16-(b) 17-(d) 18-(d) 19-(a) 20-(c) 21-(c) 22-(a) 23-(c) 24-(a) 25-(b) 26-(b) 27-(c) 28-(b) 29-(b) 30-(d) 31-(d) 32-(d) 33-(d) 34-(d) 35-(d) 36-(d) 37-(d) 38-(a) 39-(d) 40-(a) 41-(d) 42-(b) 43-(b) 44-(c) 45-(b) 46-(b) 47-(a) 48-(b) 49-(d) 50-(a)
Meet Tanu Bhatnagar, an educational expert with extensive experience in teaching, research and mentoring.With a decade in education and research, Tanu combines academic expertise with engaging storytelling. Her research background ensures every article is well-researched and insightful. Beyond textbooks, Tanu's expertise spans writing, exam preparation, economic trends, and global education, delving into the realms of spiritual awakening. This diverse perspective shines through in his writing, offering a fresh take on education. Join Tanu and CollegeChalo for an enriching learning adventure, where his passion ignites yours, and his words light your way.