2020 UPSC CS exam: Apply for great CS Mains from 28 Oct to 11 Nov

2020 UPSC CS exam results have been declared by Union Public Service Commission and time has come for candidates to get ready for the next stage.
The next stage for candidates aspiring to become civil servants is the Civil Services Mains exam. 2020-UPSC CS exam Preliminary was held on October 4.

Civil Services exam is held to recruit IAS, IPS and IFS officers who form the core of the bureaucracy system in India who help the government in policy formulation.
2020 UPSC CS exam is available on the official website of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
Candidates have to keep their roll number for 2020 UPSC CS exam (prelims) with them and then visit the official website of UPSC ‘https://upsconline.nic.in/’

Soon after the website downloads, candidates can see a buttons titled ‘RESULT: Civil Services (PRELIMINARY) EXAMINATION, 2020’
The button would be visible in blue colour and candidates can click that to know the result for 2020 UPSC CS exam.
Soon after candidates click the button they can find another notification downloading which will inform on what candidates who passed 2020 UPSC CS prelims can do.

Candidates of 2020 CS exam prelims have to scroll down the notification to find out the rollnumbers of candidates who have passed prelims exam.
The exam recruiting civil servants comprises three parts, the first part is ‘preliminary or prelims’, the second part of the exam is ‘mains’ and the final part or the third part is ‘personality test or interview’
Each stage is a selection for the next stage. Prelims exam selects candidates for the mains exam, mains exam selects candidates for the interview or personality test.
While 2020 UPSC CS Exam is not an exception to all that said above, preparation to for the next stage is now of paramount importance.

Candidature of all these candidates who have passed CS exam prelims is provisional in nature. They have to apply seperately for through a Detailed Application Form-1 (DAF-1) for CS Exam Mains.
The application for 2020 UPSC CS Exam Mains will be available on the official website of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
Candidates who passed preliminary exam have to visit ‘https://upsconline.nic.in’ from 28 October to 6 pm of 11 November and apply for 2020 UPSC CS Exam Mains.

Important instructions to be followed while filling the form for 2020 UPSC CS Exam Mains will also be available on the website of UPSC.
Candidates who have passed 2020 UPSC CS Exam Prelims have to register themselves on the relevant page of the official website of UPSC ‘https://upsconline.nic.in’ before filling up the DAF-1 form online.
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The candidates are also advised to refer to the Rules of Civil Services Examination 2020 published in Gazette of India (Extraordinary) of Department of Personnel and Training Notification dated 12.2.2020.
Candidates who are about to register for 2020 UPSC CS Exam Mains have to remember that mere registration will not confer the right to enter into the exam hall for Civil Services Main exam.
The e-admit card will be made ready for download on the official website for the exam about three to four weeks before the commencement of 2020 UPSC CS Exam Mains.
Also the timetable for the examination will also be uploaded at the sametime.

Candidates are also informed that marks, cut off marks and answer keys of screening test held through 2020 UPSC CS Exam Prelims will be uploaded on the Commission’s website ‘https://upsc.gov.in’
only after the entire process of 2020 UPSC CS Exam is
over, after the declaration of final result.
Candidates requiring any clarity with regards to 2020 UPSC CS Exam Prelims result can contact the facilitation counter near examination hall building on the premises of UPSC.
Candidates can reach the above mentioned facility from 10 am to 5 pm in person on all working days. They can also call on telephone numbers 011-23385271, 011-23098543 or 011-23381125 located at the facilitation counter.
The result and notification regarding 2020 UPSC CS Exam prelims result can be accessed at ‘https://upsconline.nic.in/WR-CSP-20-231020-Engl-F.pdf’
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.