Vishwakarma Puja 2024: History & Significance

Written By:  Vani Jha

About Vishwakarma Puja 

A significant Hindu festival honouring Lord Vishwakarma, who is regarded as the divine architect and craftsman, is called Vishwakarma Puja, Vishwakarma Jayanti, or Vishwakarma Day. 

History of Vishwakarma Jayanti

Vishwakarma Jayanti's beginnings may be found in ancient Indian scriptures, with the Rigveda, one of Hinduism's most ancient sacred writings, having some of the earliest references. 

Vishwakarma Puja: Significance

For architects, labourers, carpenters, manufacturing workers, and mechanics, Vishwakarma Jayanti is a significant holiday. On this day, these professionals worship their machines, computers, vehicles, bikes, and other machinery, and pray to Lord Vishwakarma.