Meghalaya  Post-Crisis Higher Education Challenges  

by Tanu Bhatnagar

Shortage of trained teachers, untrained teacher backlog, NEP 2020 challenges, SSA funding shortfalls, NEHU vacancies, and PM-USHA scheme hurdles demand immediate attention. 

Enrollment Decline: Looming Crisis

Statistical downturn in student enrollment signals a worrisome future for Meghalaya's higher education. Economic uncertainties, disrupted academic calendars, and safety concerns on campus contribute to the alarming decline.

Budgetary Constraints: Stranglehold on Progress

Decrease in budget allocations severely impedes optimal functioning of educational institutions. Insufficient funds hinder research initiatives, infrastructure upgrades, and recruitment of qualified faculty, exacerbating higher education challenges 

Infrastructure Strain:  Hindered Learning

Financial constraints limit investments in infrastructure, leaving institutions grappling with outdated facilities. Inadequate resources impede adaptability to evolving educational paradigms, affecting the overall student learning experience.

University Rankings: Tezpur and Mizoram's Mixed Fortune

Tezpur University and Mizoram University secure relatively better ranks, yet the overall performance of central universities like Tezpur and NEHU raises concerns. Gauhati University and NEHU's lower rankings underline the need for comprehensive reforms.

PGI Concerns: Alarming Educational Disparitie

Performance Grading Index reveals concerning trends. Assam and Tripura fare well at Level 4, while Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, and Nagaland struggle at Level 7. Disparities in access, learning outcomes, equity, governance processes, and infrastructure highlight urgent challenges.