Celebrating National Sports Day 2024: Honoring Major Dhyan Chand's Legacy

Written By:  Vani Jha

India celebrates National Sports Day every year on August 29, which is a special occasion dedicated to marking the spirit of sports in India. 

This day is celebrated to mark the contribution of India's legendary hockey player Major Dhyan Chand, who helped India dominate in the hockey games inspiring generations. 

The Indian government officials announced to celebrate National Sports Day in 2012 marking August 29 as a day to recognise sports excellence. The date was selected to pay tribute to Major Dhyan Chand, also known as the 'Wizard of Hockey'. 

The President of India annually recognised the achievement and contributions of Major Chand in hockey. Last year, In 2023, badminton players Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy were awarded this prestigious honour.