5 Study Abroad Scholarships for Indian Students  


68% of Indian students are set to study abroad in 2022, making financial aid more crucial than ever.Scholarships bridge the gap, offering worthy students a chance to pursue their academic dreams without breaking the bank.  

Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships

1-2 years, need- and merit-based, for Indian students in the US. Focus on community leadership in Arts, Economics, and Environmental Science. Requirements: 55% in Bachelor's, 3 years of experience, and community service. 

Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships  

 6-9  months, merit-based support for Indian Ph.D. students in the US. Encourages global research excellence. Eligibility: Enrolled in an Indian  Ph.D. program with a submitted thesis.Fill in some text

National Overseas Scholarship 

1. 2-year  need-based support for marginalized students pursuing Master's and PhD  degrees in engineering and medicine abroad. Eligibility: Minority group   member, earning less than 6 lakh INR, and under 35 years old.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree 

 1-2   years, EU-backed merit-based scholarship for Indian students in integrated  master's programs. Promotes academic diversity and international  collaboration. Qualification: Graduate degree or equivalent.

Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowship 

Full  funding for Indian students studying history, economics, and politics at   Oxford. Performance-based extension to 2nd year. Eligibility: 60% or above  till Ph.D., 30-40 years old, and 3 years of teaching experience