5 morning habits to boost intelligence in kids

Encourage a nutritious breakfast rich in brain-boosting foods like whole grains, fruits, and proteins to provide essential nutrients for optimal cognitive function throughout the day. 

Healthy breakfast 

Set aside time each morning for reading activities, whether it's reading aloud together, exploring new books, or engaging in educational games that stimulate language development and critical thinking skills. 

Reading time 

Introduce mindfulness practices such as deep breathing exercises or guided meditation to help children develop focus, concentration, and emotional regulation, enhancing their cognitive abilities and reducing stress. 

Mindful meditation 

Incorporate morning exercise routines such as stretching, yoga, or outdoor play to promote brain health, improve circulation, and boost mood, energy levels, and cognitive function. 

Physical exercise 

Listen to classical music or instrumental melodies during morning routines to stimulate brain activity, enhance mood, and improve concentration and memory retention throughout the day. 

Music appreciation