UGC NET June 2020: Know about great admit cards, exam schedule

UGC NET June 2020 exam is again in the news as hallticket for the second phase of this test are available for download.
National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting the second phase of UGC NET June 2020 from 4 to 13 November for which admitcards are now available for the applicants to download.

Applicants whose UGC NET June 2020 exam falls between 4 to 13 November can visit the official website of the exam at ‘’ and scroll down the page to find a button titled ‘Download Admit Card for UGC-NET JUNE 2020 (for examination on 04,05,11,12 and 13 Nov 2020)’ written in white colour on maroon colour background.

Candidates can click that button and enter their UGC NET June 2020 exam roll number, their date of birth and security pin and then press ‘Submit’ button to access the admit card.
Soon after the admitcard appears in another webpage, with the url ‘’

applicants must check for any errors in the information provided on it.
Applicants must take it to the notice of the authorities concerned in case if they find any errors on their admitcard for quick rectification.
If there are no mistakes on the admitcard of UGC NET June 2020 exam, then they can go ahead with the job of taking a printout and preserve it for future purpose.

The alternative way to download admitcard for UGC NET June 2020 is that they can directly access the required page directly through the url ‘’
And after the required page downloads, candidates have to enter their UGC NET June 2020 exam application number, date of birth and security pin and then press ‘submit’ button.
Soon after the admitcard downloads in another page, they can take a printout of it after ensuring there are no mistakes in connection with the information on the admitcard.
Applicants must produce the hallticket (admitcard) when they attend the UGC NET June 2020 exam. They must not forget it.

It is to recollect that the first session of UGC NET June 2020 exam took place between September 24 to October 1.
Also read ‘Candidates who submitted applications for GATE 2021 can make corrections in them till 13 November‘
UGC NET June 2020 exam will be held in two shifts, namely – the morning shift ( 9 am to 12 pm) and afternoon shift (3 pm to 6 pm).
The schedule for UGC NET June 2020 exam is given below:
Shift: 09.00AM to 12.00Noon(IST)
Subject code and exam: 36 (Assamese),(22) Malayalam,
(38) Marathi, (24) Punjabi, (41) Russian and (27) Telugu.
Shift: 03.00PM to 06.00PM(IST)
Subject code and exam: (28) Urdu, (19) Bengali, (94) Bodo, (84) Kashmiri and (81) Social Medicine & Community Health.
Shift: 09.00AM to 12.00Noon(IST)
Subject code and exam: (88) Electronic Science,
(55) Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial
Relations/Labour and Social Welfare/Human
Resource Management, (16) Music, (15) Population Studies, (79) Visual Art (including Drawing & Painting/Sculpture Graphics/Applied Art/History of Art)
Shift: 03.00PM to 06.00PM(IST)
Subject code and exam: (7) Anthropology, (12) Home Science, (14) Public Administration, (10) Social Work and (100) Yoga
Shift: 09.00AM to 12.00Noon(IST)
Subject code and exam: (5) Sociology
Shift: 03.00PM to 06.00PM(IST)
Subject code and exam: (87) Computer Science and Applications.
Shift: 09.00AM to 12.00Noon(IST)
Subject code and exam: (9) Education
Shift: 03.00PM to 06.00PM(IST)
Subject code and exam: (80) Geography
Shift: 09.00AM to 12.00Noon(IST)
Subject code and exam: (020) Hindi (Group 1)
Shift: 03.00PM to 06.00PM(IST)
Subject code and exam: (020) Hindi (Group 2)

Museology and Conservation, Psychology, Human Rights and Duties, Tourism Administration and Management, Archaeology were among the subjects for which UGC NET June 2020 exam was conducted in the first phase.
This year proved quite unique for the field of academics in India. Things did not move as per the plan this year.
Many school, college, university exams and also competitive exams for government recruitment had to be conducted beyond their schedule.
Even UGC NET June 2020 turned no different.
One factor mainly responsible for all academic activities including examination was spread of COVID-19.
Entire nation went into a lockdown more than five months ago.
Initially, the idea was that the lockdown was for only a short period and things would turn normal after that.
However as lockdown went on getting extended and there was little scope left for conducting exams like UGC NET June 2020.
It was a couple of months ago that saga of unlock began and life started returning to normal in a phased manner.
As the scope for conducting exams became visible after the onset of lockdown, authorities began conducting exams.
JEE Mains, JEE Advanced and NEET UG were conducted in the recent past, now it is the turn to conduct UGC NET June 2020 exam.
UGC NET June 2020 exam is being conducted amidst strict adherence to safety protocols keepin in mind the present COVID-19 situation.

UGC NET is held twice every year and candidates who pass the exam will be eligible to get Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) where they avail a grant and can take research.

UGC NET of 2019 witnessed a registration of more than 10.34 lakh candidates and appearance of about 7.93 lakh candidates for the exam.
The same enthusiasm is expected even with regards to UGC NET June 2020 exam.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.