TSECET 2020, syllabus is available here
TSECET 2020. TSECET 2020 also known as Telangana State Engineering Common Entrance Test is a state level exam that is organised every year by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
This exam is held every year for providing admissions into BE, BTech and BPharma courses every year through lateral entry in colleges, universities located across Telangana.
collegechalo is making an attempt to bring the syllabus for this exam. Candidates can go through the portions and prepare effectively for the exams.
TSECET 2020 will have questions related to maths, physics, chemistry, pharmacy, computer science engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering.
Questions related to pharmacy, chemical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electronics and instrumentation engineering, mettalurgical engineering and civil engineering will also be asked in the exam.
TSECET 2020 – collegechalo has highligted the topics that come under each subject for the sake of those who are preparing for the exam.
Unit- I: Successive differentiation- Expansions of Functions- Mean value theorems – Indeterminate
forms – Curvature and Evolutes – Partial differentiation – Homogeneous functions- Total derivative – Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables –Asymptotes- Envelopes.
TSECET 2020 -Unit- III: Higher order linear differential equations: Solution of homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients – Solution of non-homogeneous differential equations P (D)y = Q(x) with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators when Q(x) = be ax, b sin ax/b cos ax, bxk, Ve ax. Partial Differential equations – Formation and solution – Equations easily integrable – Linear equations of first order.
Unit- IV: Sequences: Limits of Sequences – Limit Theorems for Sequences – Monotonic Sequences –
Cauchy Sequences – Subsequences – Lim sup’s and Lim inf’s – Series – Test for convergence –
Alternating Series.
Unit- V: Sequences and Series of Functions: Power Series – Uniform Convergence – More on Uniform
Convergence – Differentiation and Integration of Power Series.
TSECET 2020 – The Riemann Integral – Properties of Riemann Integral – Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Unit- VI: Groups: Definition and Examples of Groups – Elementary Properties of Groups – Finite
Groups – Subgroups – Subgroup Tests – Cyclic Groups – Properties of Cyclic Groups – Permutation Groups – Homomorphism – Isomorphism of Groups and their properties – Auto morphism – Cosets – Normal Sub Groups.
TSECET 2020 – Unit- VII: Introduction to Rings: Examples of Rings – Properties of Rings – Subrings – Integral Domains – Field – Characteristics of a Ring – Ideals and Factor Rings – Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals – Ring Homomorphisms – Isomorphism of Rings and their properties – The Field of Quotients Polynomial Rings – Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism.
TSECET 2020 – Unit – IX: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – The Characteristic Equation – Diagonalization – Eigenvectors and LinearTransformations- ComplexEigenvalues – Orthogonality – Inner Product – Length – Orthogonality – Orthogonal Sets.
TSECET 2020 – Unit- X: Solutions of Equations in One Variable : The Bisection Method – Fixed-Point Iteration – Newton’s Method and Its Extensions – Error Analysis for Iterative Methods – Accelerating Convergence – Zeros of Polynomials – Interpolation – Lagrange Polynomial – Divided Differences – Numerical Differentiation and Integration.
Unit-I: Units and dimensions: Physical quantity-fundamental and derived physical quantitiesunits-fundamental and derived units-SI units-multiples and sub-multiples in SI units-advantages of SI units-dimensions and dimensional formulae for physical quantities -dimensionless quantities-principle of homogeneity in dimensions- applications and limitations of dimensional analysis.
TSECET 2020 – Unit-II: Modern physics: Photo electric effect–explanation and its laws-applications of photo electric effect (photocell)-Einstein’s photoelectric equation–critical angle and total internal reflection– optical fibers – principle, working, types and applications-concept of super conductivity , examples for super conducting materials – and applications.
Unit-III: Heat and Thermodynamics: Boyle‘s law-Absolute scale of temperature-Charles laws-Ideal gas equation-Universal gas constant and its value-SI Units-problems – isothermal process-adiabatic process-first law and second law of thermodynamics – two specific heats of a gas-relation between Cp and Cv-problems.
Unit-IV: Elements of vectors: Scalar and vector quantities-examples-types of vectors-addition and subtraction of vectors-triangle law-parallelogram law- expression for magnitude direction in case of parallelogram law -polygon law-resolution of a vector-unit vectors(i,j,k)-dot product and cross product of two vectors- characteristics of dot and cross products-examples- problems.
Unit-V: Kinematics: Equations of motion-acceleration due to gravity-equations of motion under gravity- projectile motion-examples-horizontal and oblique projections- expression for path of projectile in case of oblique projection – expressions for maximum height, time of ascent, time of flight, horizontal range in case of oblique projections – problems.
TSECET 2020 – Unit-VI: Friction: Friction- causes and types of friction-normal reaction-laws of frictioncoefficients of friction-angle of friction-methods to reduce friction-advantages and disadvantages of friction-expression for acceleration of a body over a rough horizontal surface – expressions for
displacement and time taken to come to rest over a rough horizontal surface – problems.
Unit-VII: Work, Power and Energy: Work, power and energy-definitions and units-potential and kinetic energies-examples and expressions-work-energy theorem – relation between kinetic energy and momentum – law of conservation of energy in case of freely falling body -problems.
Unit-VIII: Simple harmonic motion: Definition-conditions of SHM – examples of SHM – expressions for displacement, velocity, acceleration, time period, frequency and phase of SHMexpression for time period of a simple pendulum- laws of simple pendulum -seconds pendulum problems.
TSECET 2020 – Unit-IX: Sound: Sound- longitudinal wave and transverse wave – musical sound and noise-noise pollution-Effects and methods to control Noise Pollution-Beats and echo’s and their applications -Doppler effect– Explanation, and Applications –Reverberation time -Sabine’s formula characteristics of a good auditorium – problems.
Unit-X: Properties of matter: Define terms – elasticity, plasticity – stress and strain – units –Hooke’s law – definition of surface tension, examples – explanation on the basis of molecular theory – angle of contact , capillarity and examples – formula for surface tension based on capillarity –viscosity and examples- Newton’s formula for viscosity- Poiseulle’s equation for coefficient for viscosity- effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids and gases- problems.
TSECET 2020 – Unit-XI: Electricity and Magnetism: Ohm’s law –Specific resistance, Conductance and their units- state and explain kirchoff’s laws- expression for balancing condition of Wheat stone’s bridge- concept of meter bridge-coulomb’s inverse square law in magnetism- magnetic field – magnetic lines of force- magnetic induction field strength and units – moment of couple acting on a bar magnet placed in uniform magnetic field – problems.
Unit I: Fundamentals of Chemistry: Atomic structure: Introduction-Fundamental particles of an atom – Bohr‘s theory – Quantum numbers – Aufbau’s principle – Hund‘s rule – Pauli‘s exclusion principle- Electronic configurations of elements up to atomic number 30, shapes of s, p, d orbitals.
TSECET 2020 – Chemical Bonding: Introduction – Types of chemical bonds – Ionic bond – NaCl and MgO –
Characteristics of ionic compounds – Covalent bond – H2, O2, N2 – Characteristics of covalent
compounds – Coordinate covalent bond –Definitions and examples, [NH4 +], [NH3BF3] .
TSECET 2020 – Oxidation-Reductions: Electronic concept of Oxidation and Reduction – Oxidation number and its calculations – Differences between oxidation number and valency.
Unit-II: Solutions: Introduction – Definition of solution, solute and solvent – Classification of
solutions based on physical state – Mole concept – Molecular weight, equivalent weight of acids,
bases and salts – Molarity, Normality and numerical problems.
TSECET 2020 – Unit-III: Acids and Bases: Introduction – Theories of acids and bases – Arrhenius theory – Bronsted – Lowry theory – Lewis theory – Ionic product of water – pH and related numerical problems pertaining to strong acids and bases – Definition of buffer – Types of buffer – Acidic buffer ( Acetate buffer) – Basic buffer (Ammonia buffer) – Applications.
Unit – IV: Principles of Metallurgy: Characteristics of metals and distinction between metals and non-metals. Definitions of metallurgy, ore, gangue, flux, slag – Concentration of ore by froth floatation process – Roasting, calcination, smelting – Alloys – Composition and uses of brass, German silver and nichrome.
Unit-V: Electrochemistry: Conductors – Metallic and electrolytic conductors- Insulators, electrolytes (strong and weak) – Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation – Electrolysis of fused NaCl – Faraday‘s laws of electrolysis- Numerical problems – Galvanic cell – Electrode potential – Standard electrode potential – Electro chemical series – emf and numerical problems on emf of a cell.
Unit –VI: Corrosion: Introduction – Definition of corrosion – Factors influencing rate of corrosion – Electrochemical theory of corrosion- Composition cell, stress cell and concentration cell – Rusting of iron and its mechanism – Prevention of corrosion by (a) protective coatings (b) cathodic protection (sacrificial anode method and impressed voltage method).
Unit-VIII: Polymers: Introduction – Polymerization – Types of polymerization – Addition, condensation polymerization with examples – Plastics – Types of plastics – Advantages of plastics over traditional materials – Disadvantages of using plastics – Thermo plastics and thermo setting plastics– Differences between thermo plastics and thermo stetting plastics – Preparation and uses of the following plastics: TSECET 2020 – 1. Polythene, 2. PVC, 3. Teflon, 4. Polystyrene, 5.Urea
formaldehyde 6. Bakelite – Rubber – Natural rubber – Processing of rubber from latex – Vulcanization – Elastomers – Butyl rubber, Buna-s, Neoprene rubber and their uses.
Unit-IX: Fuels: Definition and classification of fuels based on physical state and occurrence –
Characteristics of good fuel – Composition and uses of gaseous fuels. (a) Water gas, (b) producer
gas, (c) natural gas, (d) coal gas, (e) bio gas, (f) acetylene.
Unit-X: Environmental Chemistry: Introduction – Environment – Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere biosphere, biotic component, energy component pollutant, receptor, sink, particulate, DO, BOD, Threshold limit value, COD – Air pollution.
TSECET 2020 – Causes-Effects- Forest resources, uses and over exploitation – Deforestation – Acid rain – Green house effect – Ozone depletion – Control of Air pollution – Water pollution – Causes – Effects – Control measures – Renewable and Non Renewable energy sources – Concept of ecosystem – Producers, consumers and decomposers – Biodiversity, threats to Biodiversity.
Computer Science and Engineering
Unit-I: Digital Electronics: Logic gates AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR – Boolean Expressions – De-Morgan’s theorems – K- map – Combinational Circuits – Logic Families: TTL, ECL, MOS– Flip-flops – Edge and Level triggering – Counters – registers – semiconductor memories -encoders & decoders – multiplexers and de-multiplexers.
Unit-II: Microprocessors: 8086 microprocessor – architecture, segmentation concepts – instruction set of 8086 – register organization – addressing modes of 8086 – interrupts – assembly language programming – peripheral devices & interfacing –INTEL 8255, 8257, 8251A, 8279 – preliminary features of 80286, 80386 and 80486.
Unit-III: Computer Organization: Functional blocks of CPU – stored program concept – instruction execution –Fixed point, floating point number representations – addressing modes – memory hierarchy – virtual memory, associative memory – cache memory – I/O organization – modes of data transfer – programmed I/O, DMA, Interrupts –pipeline and vector processing – Flynn’s classification.
Unit-IV: C, Data Structures using C++: C Tokens- Data types – operators and expressions – precedence and associativity of operators – type conversions – control statements – arrays – strings – functions, parameter passing – pointers – structures, unions – storage classes– Pre processor directive statements – files Data Structures– Algorithms – Time and Space complexities – Linked Lists – queues and stacks – trees – sorting: bubble, selection, insertion, quick and merge sorts – Searching : linear and binary search techniques.
Unit-V: Computer Hardware & Networking: BIOS – Components of Motherboard – processors –Hard Disk Drives – Input & Output devices – Networking – OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model –Network topologies: Bus, Ring, Star, Mesh, Hybrid – LAN components – Coaxial, twisted pair, optical fiber cables and connectors – LAN devices – repeaters, hubs, switches, NIC, Higher – Layer protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Telnet – TCP/IP addressing scheme – IP address classes – IP sub netting.
Unit-VI: Operating Systems: Operating system concepts, functions, types, system calls – process management – CPU scheduling algorithms – Threads – Semaphores – Inter process Communication- deadlocks –
memory management – overlays, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, page replacement algorithms – thrashing- disk scheduling – free space management – allocation methods – disk scheduling algorithms – File management – file operations, access methods, protection.
Unit-VII: RDBMS: Need of database systems, data abstraction- data independence, Data models, E-R model –structure of relational database – DDL, DML and DCL commands –Keys – normal Forms : 1st, 2nd, 3rd and BCNF – EF Codd rules – SQL – data types, operators – Joins – views, sequences, synonyms, indexes and clusters – PL/SQL – data types, control structures, cursor management, triggers, exceptions, functions, procedures recursion and packages.
Unit-VIII: Object Oriented Programming Through C++: Concept of OOPs – classes and objects – Constructors and destructors – arrays, pointers, references – function overloading and operator overloading – inheritance – virtual functions – friend functions –this pointer – i/o manipulators – file and i/o functions – templates.
Unit-IX: Java Programming: Java – data types, variables, operators, arrays – Classes and Objects – methods – constructors – overloading –inheritance – Visibility mode – packages – interfaces–multithreading – exception handling – JDBC.
Unit-X: Internet Programming: Internet fundamentals – HTML, tags, attributes, formatting text –cascading style sheets-web servers- Java script –data types,operators – control structures – procedures, functions and arrays – PHP – data types, variables, operators, control structures, arrays, functions, concept of accessing databases – sessions and cookies.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Unit I:-Basic Electrical Engineering: Ohms and Kirchhoff‘s Laws, series and parallel resistance circuits, star/delta transformation, Network theorems, work Power and Energy, Heating effects of Electric current, Magnetic effects of Electric current, Electromagnetic Induction, Electrostatics, Types of Electrical Engineering Materials – Conducting, Semi – conducting, Magnetic, Insulating, Di – electric materials –Properties and Uses-Special purpose materials, Batteries, Types, Properties and applications.
UNIT II: – D.C. Machines and Measuring Instruments: D.C. Generators: Construction, Operation, types, EMF Equation, Windings, Armature reaction, Characteristics, Efficiency and Parallel operation, Applications.
DC Motors: Principle of operation, Back EMF, Torque Equation, Types, Characteristics, Starters, Speed Control, Losses, Efficiency and Testing. Measuring Instruments: Classification, Deflection, Controlling and damping torques, shunts and multipliers – Construction, Working Principle of Operation of moving Coil, Moving Iron, Dynamometer type, Induction type meters.
Errors Instrument Transformers, Induction type Energy meter, Shunts and Multiplers, Measurement of Resistance, Megger, Potentiometer, Transducers and Sensors – Types, Thermistor, Thermocouple, LVDT and Strain gauges. Electronics and digital instruments. Rectifier type, Digital Multimeter, Energy meter, Frequency meter, synchroscope and Clamp meter.
UNIT III: A.C. CIRCUITS AND TRANSFORMERS: A.C. Circuits: Fundamentals, Series and parallel AC Circuits, Resonant circuits, Polyphase Circuits, Measurement of power by 2 Wattmeter’s method. Transformer: Single-phase Transformer, Construction, Operation, Equivalent circuit, regulation, efficiency, Testing and Parallel operation, Accessories of Transformers and Cooling. Three-phase Transformers, Auto-Transformers.
UNIT IV: – A.C. MACHINES: Alternators: Construction, Operation, EMF equation, regulation, testing and parallel Operation. Synchronous Motors: Operation and performance, effects of field excitation, ‘V‘-Curve and inverted ‘V‘- Curve, methods of Starting and uses.
Hunting and its effects. Three-Phase induction Motors: Construction, Principle of Operation, Torque Equation, Slip- torque characteristics, losses, efficiency, testing, speed control, starters, double-cage motor and applications.
Single-phase Motors: Induction Motor: Types, Principle of operation, applications. Single Phase commutator motors: Types, Principle of operation and applications.
UNIT V:-POWER SYSTEM GENERATION & PROTECTION: Generating Stations: Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy, working, Components, Thermal, Hydel, Nuclear and Gas Power stations, types, Comparison Renewable energy sources, Solar Photovoltaic and windmill, Pollution control, Combined Working, Power Stations auxiliaries, Characteristic Curves and Important Terms, types of tariffs, power factor correction and economy.
Switch gear Power Systems Protection: Circuit Breakers – Types, Principles of operation and uses, Current Limiting, fuses and reactors, Relays – Classification, Principle of Operation of Induction type over current relay, Directional over current relays, distance relays, Protection of alternators, Transformers, Bus-bars, Transmission lines and feeders, Lightening arrestors, neutral grounding.
Skin effect, Basic concepts of HVDC Transmission, types, advantages and disadvantages of HVDC Transmission. Components of lines, supports, conductor spacing, ground clearance and sag, insulators, voltage distribution across the string, string efficiency, methods of improving string efficiency.
Types of sub-stations and Substation equipment. Cables – Classification, insulation resistance, specifications. Distribution – Radial and ring distributors, variation of load voltage.
UNIT VII: – ELECTRIC DRIVES AND TRACTION: Electric Drives-selection of motors, AC and DC types-rating-load-Equalization – use of fly wheel- types of enclosures and Bearings – reduction of noise. Electric braking – Types – AC & DC – Plugging, Rheostatic and Regenerative braking. Domestic Application and industrial application of Drives.
Electric Traction: Systems of Train Electrification, Speed-time Curves for different services, Schedule speed, Tractive Effort, Specific Energy Consumption, Traction system auxiliaries, Traction motor, Supply systems – train lighting systems.
UNIT VIII: – ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND ESTIMATION: Electric Wiring: Tools, Wires, Types of wiring, Accessories, Lamp Circuits, Estimating and costing of domestic, industrial, power, irrigation pump sets, over head lines and 11KV Substations, Rural electrification, departmental tests, earthing, maintenance of electrical machines.
UNIT IX: – BASIC ELECTRONICS AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS: Semi-Conductor devices: Resistance, capacitance, specifications, inductance types, PN diode, Zener diode, Characteristics, PNP and NPN Transistors, Transistor configurations, characteristics, half and full wave rectifiers, Bridge rectifiers, Filters, Zener diode regulation. Special devices: UJT, FET, MOSFET, LED, SCR, Opto Coupler, Photo diode, Photo Transistor, CRO and Timers.
Amplifiers: Types, Principles of operation, Characteristics, Multistage, Coupled amplifiers, Power amplifiers, and Feedback amplifiers. Oscillators: Types, working principle of operation and applications, CRO and 555 Timer. Digital Electronics.
Different numbering systems, inter conversions, Boolean Algebra, Logic families, performance of AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-OR gates, combinational Logic Circuits, sequential logic circuits, Registers and Memories,
A/D and D/A converters, counters and flip-flops.
UNIT X: – POWER ELECTRONICS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS : Power Electronic Devices: Construction and working of SCR, GTOSCR, DIAC, TRIAC, IGBT, LASCR, Voltampere characteristics, Triggering of SCR using UJT, Commutation of SCR and SCR Protection. Converters, AC regulators, Choppers, Inverters and Cyclo converters: Types, Characteristics and applications and principle of working.
Speed Control of DC/AC motors and application of power devices: Speed control of D.C. Shunt Motors by using converters and choppers, Speed control of Induction motor by using V/F Control and AC voltage regulator, applications. Micro Controllers: Architecture of 8051, instruction set of 8051, programming concepts, applications.
Mechanical Engineering
Unit I: Workshop Technology, Metrology and Conventions in drawing Basis Workshop tools and Operations (Carpentry, Fitting, Forging and sheet metal), Forging processes and Tools, Drilling, Mechanical working of Metals- Cold and hot working processes.
Foundry-Pattern types, types of moulding and their properties. Metrology — Liner and angular measuring devices, Measurement of surface roughness, Interferometry.
Conventional representations in machine drawing — production drawing — limits, fits & Tolerances — surface finish – specifications of standard components like Bolts, Nuts, Bearings etc.
Unit Il: Engineering Materials and Engineering Mechanics Mechanical properties of materials —structure of materials- Destructive and Non-destructive testing of materials, Production of Iron and Steel.
Iron Carbon equilibrium Diagram – Heat treatment processes — Plain Carbon and alloy steels — Ferrous and Nonferrous metals and alloys — Powder metallurgy.
System of forces- Resolution of Forces, Concept of Equilibrium, Lami’s Theorem, Couple, Concept of Friction, Geometrical Properties of Sections, Simple Machines, Dynamics – Impulse Momentum Equation, D’ Alembert’s Principle.
Unit III: Strength of Materials and CAD/CAM Simple Stresses and Strains, Concept of Strain Energy, Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams, Concept of Simple Bending and Deflection of Beams – Concept of torsion in shafts and springs — Thin cylinders.
Basic components of NC, CNC and DNC machines — CNC part programming – Manual and Computer assisted-CIMS, FMS and Robotics.
Unit IV: Design of Machine Elements Principal Stresses- Theories of failure – Basic Link mechanisms, Design of Bolts-Power screws-Shafts — Keys – Couplings- Bearings, Design of Belt – Chain and Gear drives — Flywheels-Governors – Cams – Brakes and Clutches.
Unit V: Production Technology Working and operations of lathe- Capstan and turret lathes – copying lathes – Shaper, slotter, Planner and milling machines, Broaching machines, Welding – Equipment used in arc and gas welding.
Modern welding methods — Submerged arc, atomic, hydrogen, C02, and ultrasonic welding. Cutting fluids, Coolants and Lubricants, Milling and Gear making,-Grinding machines, surface finishing operations — Honing, lapping, super finishing, electro plating, Metal spraying, Modern machining processes, Press tools, Jigs and fixtures.
Unit VI: Thermodynamics Basic thermodynamics and Laws of Perfect gases, Thermodynamic processes, Air standard Cycles, Fuels and Combustion, I.C Engines – two and four stroke engines — Petrol and Diesel
engines, Indicated and brake powers, Indicated and brake thermal efficiencies.
Unit VII: Heat Power Engineering Air Compressors- Gas turbines and Jet propulsion, – Properties of Steam- Working and Performance of Boilers- Steam nozzles, Steam Turbines -Steam Condensers.
Unit VIII: Hydraulics and Pneumatic systems Properties of Fluids, Flow of liquids-Continuity and Bernoulli’s equation, Flow through pipes, Impact of Jets, Hydraulic Turbines, Governing, Working principle and operation of Reciprocating and Centrifugal pumps, Hydraulic and pneumatic Circuit devices, Air cylinders and Hydro Pneumatic Systems.
Unit IX: Industrial Management & Engineering and Estimation & Costing Principles and functions of management, organization structures, Production and materials management, Marketing, sales and Feasibility study, Entrepreneurial development, Principles of ISO 9000, Inspection and Statistical Quality Control, Fundamentals of Estimation and Costing. Work study and Method study.
Unit X: Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, and Energy Sources and Power Plant Engineering, Fundamentals of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning – Vapour Compression and Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems. Methods of refrigeration. Refrigerants- Refrigeration equipment and Applications, Refrigerant Leak detection methods, Psychometry. Concept of Renewable sources of energy- Solar-Wind-Bio-Tidal. Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants.
Mining Engineering
UNIT I: ELEMENTS OF MINING: Definitions of Terms, Mineral based industries, Mining operations, modes of entry, shaft, incline, adit-applicable conditions, Mining Methods used in coal and Non coal mining.
Classification of the mineral deposits based on various factors, classification of coal seams based on various factors. Classification of methods of working-U/G Coal, OCM & Metal Mining, Bore(Drill) holes uses, classification and various tools used in boring(Drilling), feed mechanism, core recovery, deviation of boreholes.
Explosives- Characteristics, classification,
composition, properties, different explosives used in U/G, OCM, Metal and coal mines, selection of
explosives and initiation of explosives, Detonators- types, Blasting practice in Mines- terms, tools,
sequence of shot firing, drill patterns types, misfires, blown out shots, sockets, treatment of misfires dangers associated with underground blasting, precautions to be taken before and after blasting, simple problems on powder factor yield/kg of explosives- drill bits-drill – Water conditioning – fuse – electric blasting.
Mine Gases- types, physical and chemical properties, physiological effects and occurrence, flame safety lamp-purpose, principle constructional details of bottom, top feed typesmethod of heat transfer, accumulation and percentage test, different detectors .Shaft sinking methods – sinking through normal strata, Special methods of shaft sinking pilling, drop shaft method, widening and deepening– modern trends, cementation, freezing method. Temporary, permanent lining of shafts.
Support- Necessity, classifications, materials used for supports, classification of supporting
system application of various types of supports in coal by metal mining, size- shape of supports,
Principle of roof bolting, stitching, merits and demerits of bolting, rigid – yielding props-construction details, Friction-Hydraulic supports-method of setting-load yield characteristics -fore poling, safari supports, junction supports, clearance of heavy roof fall, systematic supporting rules – withdrawal of support problems on load bearing capacity of friction props-factor safety roof bolts.
UNIT II: MINING GEOLOGY: Definition of the term Geology, scope, uses of geology in Mining field, Branches of geology, Age of the earth, origin of the earth-Nebular hypothesis of Kant and Laplace, Physical Geology, internal structure of earth, weathering, erosion, denudation, Attrition, Abrasion, Earthquakes, its propagation, intensity, causes and effects of earthquakes.
Volcanoes and its classification, Mineralogy – Physical characteristics of minerals, important mineral families, industrial uses of important minerals; Occurrence and distribution in Telangana and India. Petrology – Classification of Rocks and its characteristics, structures and textures.
Structural Geology, folds, faults, joints, unconformities. Geological time scale, major stratigraphical divisions of India, Physio-graphic divisions of India, Economic Geology- Terms, processes of mineralization and important economic minerals formed by these processes. Geological prospecting- objectives, guidelines for location of
mineral deposits in fields, methods of prospecting. GIS and Remote sensing concepts.
Coal Geology – Periods of coal formation, stages of coal formation, origin of coal seams, drift and insitu theories, structural features of coal seams, distribution of coal seam in India, and Telangana state. Petroleum Geology-Origin, migrations, and accumulations, distribution of oil fields in world and India
UNIT III: METHODS OF WORKINGCOAL: Methods of working Bord and pillarapplicability –merits – demerits – different terms – stages of development and deplillaring – panel system –types –applicability- factors influencing this size of panel – general considerations.
Number of opening of panel-merits, demerits – factors governing the selection of the development method -opening of districts, different methods of development systems, along dip along strike, cross cuts, steeply dipping seems loading machines and continuous miners.
Blasting of solids, different conveyers ,coal cutting machines LHD, SDL depillaring, terms – classification-planning preparation arrangements – sequence of operations – pillar extraction under week roof mechanized method of pillar extractions by LHD, SDL – conveyor systems – size ,shape of pillar, ribs– local fall – main fall-air blast, dangers precautions- stowing- methods conditions for adoption of stowing – H/L ratio.
Preparatory arrangements for stowing-stowing panel- danger and precautions while working below goafed areas- contiguous seams extractions precautions against fire during and after depillaring Long wall mining – drivage of road ways by drill blast by manual loading, by gathering arm loader, by road header, dint header, continuous miner.
Long wall advancing applicability, merits, demerits, limitations comparison between long wall retreating and
advancing, machinery employed-continuous mining method – factors governing length of long wall face, layout conventional long wall face,advancing with caving and stowing – layouts of mechanized long wall face advancing with caving and stowing comparison with bord and pillar- production calculation.
Long wall retreating method – applicability –layout of mechanized /conventional long wall with caving and stowing, layout of long wall face with shearer – methods of sumping – method of push- salvaging-productions calculations.
Blasting gallery method – applicability, merits, demerits, limitations – drilling – blasting pattern – loading operations – supporting – spacers – precautionary measures at goaf edge line development of BG panel – mechanized layout of BG panel-production calculations thin seem mining –applicable condition of plough – method of working uni –
directional – bi-directional method, over passing types of coal ploughs, cutting operations plough-Thick seam mining by slicing – difficulties-methods- applicability inclined slicing.
Horizontal slicing, with caving and stowing- blasting gallery, sublevel caving with mechanized long wall – horizon mining. Merits – demerits applicability, limitations-Hydraulic mining-applicability-merits and demerits – Hydraulic breaking of coal-transport-layout of Hydraulic mining in moderately thick and steep seems – Gasification of coal applicability – merits –demerits – principle of Gasification-opening of coal seems with gasification, linkages bore holes in gasification of coal.
Stowing practice in mines, subsidencesubsidence survey, its effects and remedial measures- Surface mining-definitions- different forms-geo mining situations, major coal and metal Opencast – limitations-merits and demerits- different terminology with sketches-stages of surface mining– Equipment machinery for preparing ground, dozed scraper, ripper, road grader, road rollers-classifications of dozer, components – functions, operations-classification of rippers – road grader main components functions and operations classification of road roller, components functions and operations.
Drilling and OC mines – classification of drill host – vertical and inclined drilling – merits-demerits various parameters-drill parameters-application- estimation of charges for blasting round of holes, blasting tools-shot firing procedure-patterns-blasting techniques –transportation-storage –charging of bulk explosives- use of NONELS-electronic detonators, boosters firing procedure –use of bulk explosives.–control blasting techniques –
applicability-conditions for adopting sleeping hole – secondary blasting techniques – dangers due blasting in OC mines preventive measures.
OC machinery – selection classification of HEMM – application –Excavators used in open cast mines –all types of excavators-shovel-dragline – BWE-surface miner applicability’s merits-demerits etc.-All types of transport system in opencast mines-dumpers, belt conveyors – rail-pipeline-high angle conveyor – types -merits-demerits-applicable condition of inpit crusher technology spreaders.
Working –slope stability in OC benches – factors-terms – simple problems – slope failures – types – preventive measures of slope failure-problems on factor of safety of bench slope-various layout of opencast mines -design factors of layout- different combinations.
Layout – shovel dumper, drag line, surface miner, bucket wheel excavator – impact on environmental and ecology in OC mines – terms- various pollutions –causes- preventive measures. Relationship between ecology and environment – BOD methods- calculations of BOD –EIA, EMP, land reclamation.
UNIT IV: METHODS OF WORKING METAL: Definitions-calcification of mineral deposits- comparison between coal and non coal- Development of mineral deposits, levels, sublevels, Winzes and Raises etc., Handling waste rock and mineral, Drilling and blasting, arrangement for loading, conventional and mechanized methods of raising, – merits-demerits.
Method of raising of all raising methods TBM, drivage in metal mines – winzes –raises merits-demerits – various stopping methods, classification selection of stopping methods, breast, under hand, overhand, open strokes , filled, shrinkage cut and fill, sublevel, Block caving, top slicing, VCR, Ring hole drill, square set, stopping methods-merits – demerits-limitations Sampling- Classification of sampling methods, reduction of samples.
Salting preventive measures, Assaying, Assaying plans, valuation of mines, problems associated with deep mining. Rock mechanics- concepts ground forces, stress distribution in underground properties of rocks, rock indices, Geo-Mechanical properties of Rocks and methods of determination , failure of rocks theories of rock movements and strata control and ground subsidence and related terms of mine subsidence.
TSECET 2020 – Ore dressing, necessity, processing, advantages coal cleaning and mineral processing, comminution , objectives classification of process law of comminution, principles of crushing, classification of crushing operation, types of crushes, grinding mills etc.
Industrial sizing methods definitions etc, concentration techniques etc, clean coal technology.
UNIT V: MINE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING – 1: Ventilation – purpose types – systems of ventilation – down cast –up cast shaft – natural ventilation-factors influence NV definition of NVP –motive column –derivation applications – calculation of NVP and mechanical ventilation, classification of Centrifugal, axial flow fans principle and
construction details.
Distribution of mine air, ventilation devices, construction location and application. Auxiliary ventilation, Booster ventilation, Homotropal, anti-tropal systems.
TSECET 2020 – Laws of mine air friction, Equivalent orifice of a mine, numerical problems, laws relative to passage of mine air, Atkinson’s and modified Atkinsons equations ,relation between pressure resistance –Formulas- splitting of air current, laws of mechanical ventilations.
Determination of Fan efficiency Ventilation survey –Quality- Quantity-Pressure surveyscooling power mine-kata factor –kata thermometer. Gas detectors- types, uses, application, principles, determination percentage of gases using conventional methods and using latest detectors.
UNIT VI: MINE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING – 2: Mine fires, classification, causes preventive measures spontaneous heating of coal, different methods of dealing with fires, Collection of air samples and interpretation of Mine air samples.
TSECET 2020 – Ventilation survey, types, instruments, Mine Explosions – Types, Fire damp explosions causes and preventive measures, Coal dust explosions, causes and preventive measures, treating coal dust, dust barriers, water barriers, methane drainage Mine inundation dangers – precautions in water logged areas burn side safety boring operates, Inundation in mines, its causes, precautions, design of dams.
TSECET 2020 – Gas detectors user’s principles –remote sensing devices – continues recorders – monitors warm blooded birds. Continuous monitoring Mine lighting, monitoring a velocity, quantity ,Tele- monitoring ,merits-demerits, purpose, lighting.
TSECET 2020 – Method and standards of lighting Places to be illuminated in open cast and under ground mines and solve numerical problems on illumination. Miners diseases, causes and preventive measures, symptoms, treatment of jaundice, ankylostomiasis – nystagemus, pneumoconiosis, asbestosis, silicosis, sidirosis, manganese poisoning-lead poisoning, chromium poisoning.
Radio-active minerals, pollution and control methods-rescue and recovery operations –definitions-rescue apparatus –photo mark IV principle, functions, tests, care and maintenance smoke helmet –purpose, construction details – gas mask – purpose, construction details, functions, self rescues purpose –functions, construction details – rescue station – organization – water rescue and recovery.
UNIT VII: MINE SURVEYING: Definitions, Principles, classifications, Measurement of distances, Various instruments used in Surveying, chain survey, Fundamentals of compass survey, limitation of various and subsidence-purpose-purpose of HFL-contouring methods-interpolation theodolite- surveying methods, various methods of leveling.
TSECET 2020 – Types of levels, instruments, adjustments, computations, curvature, refraction, reciprocal leveling merits- applicability- problems-permissible error, contouring terminology-fundamental linestypes, adjustments- measuring of angels, traversing and computations , permissible error distribution calculation of latitude and departure-problems- rectangle coordinators calculations of areas.
TSECET 2020 – Bowditch rules, setting out curves, types, definition – classification –method of setting-curves – simple problems, correlation survey – purpose, methods – simple problems, tachometric survey-principles-systems- methods problems, Dip, Strike, Fault problems and Electronic survey instruments –history, basics, principles-EDM instruments-gyro meter – applicability uses construction details.
TSECET 2020 – Remote sensing –history, definitions, EMR, sensors, data transmissions storage, application and mining global positioning system and GIS, fundamentals, GPS observations’, data processing, error correction, planning, Maps, total station, use ,setting up –observations measuring and distances and angles –establishing TBM station elevation –remote elevation, auto CAD.
UNIT VIII: MINING MACHINERY – 1: Wire ropes- usage, chemical composition, tests of wires, classification, applicability of different wire ropes, causes of deterioration and precautions, selection parameters- numerical problems on size-weight and strength, capping, recapping methods and rope splicing, description Transportation in mines – classification different types of rope haulages, their applicability, merits and demerits
Safety devices in different rope haulages, laying and maintenance of trackdetails of mine car, factors of section of rope haulage computation of problems for HP, rope size, breaking strength, tub capacity, number of tubs, conveyors –classification different types of conveyors.
Construction safety devices merits- demerits limitations, solves numerical problems on size, output motor HP, Locomotive haulages- types, applicability‘s, meritsdemerits, classify aerial rope ways, applications ,simple problems, pumps –terms classification types of pumps, fittings, merits-demerits.
Limitations ,selection-problem on head, quantity HP, frictional losses their applicability in mines, construction details merits, demerits and limitations.
UNIT IX: MINING MACHINERY – 2: Coal face machinery, different Drills, Power loaders, Long wall face machinery-AFC , lump breakers, stage loaders, power pack, SERDS, DERDS, safety devices, power support, , Flame proof apparatus and Intrinsically safe apparatus- field of applications, features, remote control principle.
TSECET 2020 – Signaling methods used in mines, telephones, winding -purpose, equipment, types of headgear frames, shaft
fittings, guides, Pit top and pit bottom arrangements, keps, suspension gear, types of drums, drum and skip winding, Cage winding and Friction (Keope Winding) speed control and safety contrivances.
Breaks, types, speed control methods, mining cables-classification, types, constructional details-cable jointing, care and maintenance.
UNIT X: MINING LEGISLATION, MINE MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL: Mines-Act, Mine-Rules and regulations provisions of Mine Act in respect of drinking water, Health, Hygiene, etc., Medical facilities. Limitations of employment, leave with wages, etc., Coal Mines/Metal Mines Regulations. Definitions duties of manager, over man, safety officer, under manager etc., Transport, Mine working ventilation etc.
Precautions against Dangers from fire, dust gas, water etc., Mine lighting and safety equipment and fences, Indian electricity rules-notices- plans-lighting, communications fire precautions.
TSECET 2020 – Transformer, protective equipment ear thing, voltage limits signaling haulage, earthling, super vision exemptions Industrial Dispute Act and total quality management Causes disputes work committee, strikes, lock out- definition of TQM, ISO9000 Series-merits, drawbacks, Indian standard quality system, ISO environmental standards, Mine Management-Role of mining industry-Organization structure.
Entrepreneurship and organizational structures –motivation factors, risk, rewards, requirements, product selection, site selection, theory of motivation leadership, decision making communication process, market survey demand survey, techno economic, break even analysis- recruitments and training, methods,essential quality of
persons–training as per V.T.C rules training programs.
Network analysis – definitionobjectives-construction of networks-merits and demerits of CPM, simple problems on CPM. PERT definition methodology time estimation simple problems comparison between CPM vs
PERT, salvage operation application in mind, importance of vocational training to miners –
purpose–scope-VT centers-applicability –courses, equipment.
TSECET 2020 – Selection of training officers duties and responsibilities, Causes and prevention of different accidents in mines etc, safety in mines-safe, unsafe conditions, importance of safety measures, pit safety committee, role of safety conferences, role of CMRS in safety promotions.
Role of DGMS in for safety mines, safety organization, standards of lighting ventilation etc
Chemical Engineering
UNIT I: Material technology: Mechanical properties of metals and Testing of materials–thermal equilibrium diagram-Production of Iron- plain carbon steels, alloy steels–Non ferrous metals & their alloys – Aluminium, copper, nickel, lead, tin, zinc-Miscellaneous materials – Glass, carbon, graphite, rubber, elastomers – glass fibers, Nano materials – Corrosion-causes, types, methods of prevention.
UNIT II: Mass and Energy Balance: Determination of molarity, molality &normality, analysis of solids, liquids and gases on dry and wet basis- Daltons law, ideal gas, equation of state, vapor pressure, Material balances with and without chemical reactions.
Material balance problems related to evaporation, distillation, drying and mixing, Bypass and Recycle streams– limiting component, excess reactant, percentage conversion & yield and degree of completion.
Law of conservation of energy, heat of reaction, heat of formation and heat of combustion – related problems, gross and net calorific values, theoretical air and excess air calculations – Proximate and ultimate analysis.
UNIT III: Organic Chemical Technology: Coal chemicals, coking of coal, coal tar distillation, -carbonization-petroleum refining – atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation, fluid catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming, petrochemicals from methane and ethylene.
TSECET 2020 – Pulp and paper industry, Kraft process – Oils, fats and soaps-sugar and fermentation–synthetic fibres – rubber industries.
UNIT IV: Inorganic Chemical Technology: Water-sources, impurities-treatment-dissolved solids-ion exchange process and Reverse Osmosis(RO)process- Manufacture of chemicals like soda ash, ammonia, Urea, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, super Phosphate and industrial Gases (O2, N2, H2, CO2 and acetylene). Paints, pigments and varnishes, graphite and silicon carbide and cement. Glass, calcium carbide, NPK Fertilizers.
UNIT V: Fluid mechanics: Flow of incompressible fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Pressure, viscosity, laminar, Turbulent flow, Mass and momentum balance, Bernoulli‘s theorem, friction losses, friction factor – pressure drop flow meters, different types of pumps for transportation of fluids.
Centrifugal pump, Displacement pump, Reciprocating pump. Flow past immersed bodies-packed bed and fluidized bed, Fluidization.
UNIT VI: Heat transfer: Conduction–mechanisms of heat flow–Fourier‘s law, thermal conductivity, steady state conduction- compound resistances in series, heat flow through a cylinder – related problems. Convection–heat flow in fluids-rate of heat transfer, counter current and parallel flows-Overall heat transfer coefficient–LMTD–Fouling factors– Nusselt Number – Prandtl Number. Heat transfer to fluids with and without phase change.
Dropwise and Filmwise condensation, Heat transfer to boiling liquids, Radiation, emission of radiation, laws of black body radiation – radiation between surfaces – Stefans law-view factor- Heat Exchange Equipment – types of heat exchange equipment.
Evaporation – types of evaporators, evaporator economy, Boiling point Elevation, single and multiple effect evaporators– related problems.
UNIT VII: Mechanical unit operations: Size reduction methods, laws of size reductioncrushers and grinders. Different types of equipments for mixing liquids, viscous masses, dry powders.
TSECET 2020 – Differential and cumulative screen analysis, screen effectiveness, average particle size, storage of solids, conveyers, mechanical separations – Screening, froth floatation, electrostatic precipitator, scrubber, cyclone separators, filtration, filtration equipment, sedimentation.
UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering: Basic units of thermodynamics, state and path functions, 1st law of Thermodynamics, PVT relationships for gases-ideal gasisobaric-isochoric, iso – thermal and adiabatic processes – cubic equations of state – 2nd law of Thermodynamics.
TSECET 2020 – Carnot cycle-entropy – refrigeration and liquefaction, chemical reaction equilibria – determination of equilibrium constant and conversion, Temperature effect on reactions – Gibbs free energy – chemical kinetics – classification of reactions – order & molecularity – working of batch, tubular and stirred tank reactors.
Catalysis – types of catalysts – industrial reactors – space time – space velocity.
UNIT IX: Mass Transfer: Principles of diffusion, Ficks law of diffusion – molecular diffusion, eddy diffusion – Diffusion in gases – inter phase mass transfer, two resistance theory – wet bulb & dry bulb temperature.
Distillation, simple, steam and continuous distillation – Rayleigh’s equation reflux ratio– McCabe Thiele method – bubble cab & sieve tray columnsabsorption – tower packing, channeling, loading & flooding- Adsorption – adsorbents – humidification.
Extraction and leaching, drying – drying rate curves, time of drying, equipment for drying – crystallization – equipment.
UNIT X: Instrumentation & Process control: Static and dynamic characteristics of an instrument-step input, linear input, sinusoidal input, measurement of temperature, pressure, vacuum, liquid levels, viscosity, density and composition – thermocouples – types of pressure gauges & vacuum gauges for distillation column.
TSECET 2020 – Evaporator, reactor and extractor. Process instrumentation & Instrumentation diagrams – Process control – components of pneumatic system – hydraulic system – different types of controllers, P, PI, PD & PID Controllers.
UNIT XI: Environmental Studies and Pollution Control Engineering: Scope and importance of environmental studies, Effect of human being on environment and vice-versa – bio diversity.
TSECET 2020 – Water pollution, types, classification, treatment methods – Air pollution, control methods – Gaseous and Particulate emission control- Solid waste management, sources, classification, disposal methods. Pollution control in sugar, fertilizer, paper & petroleum industries – Legal aspects of pollution control.
UNIT XII: Energy Technology: Classification of energy sources – types & analysis of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous fuels – propellant – Combustion principles of fuels, Refractories & Furnaces – Blast Furnace, LD Converter – Nonconventional energy sources (Nuclear Energy.
Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bio-Energy-geothermal energy – Hydel-tidal Energy) – Energy Conservation.
Electronics and Communication Engineering
UNIT I: ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS: Semiconductor diodes – varactor diode – zener diode – Clippers and clampers-Transistors– FETs – UJT (characteristics only) – Power supplies – Rectifiers and Filters – HW, FW and Bridge type – RC , LC and CLC filters – Series and Shunt regulators.
TSECET 2020 -IC regulators – Transistor amplifiers – CE, CC and CB configurations – Biasing techniques-RC coupled –amplifiers, Differential amplifiers – Feedback, Power and Tuned amplifiers – Operational amplifiers – characteristics and applications – RC, LC and Crystal oscillators – Astable , Bitable and Monostable Multivibrators using 555 timers- Schmitt Trigger – Sweep circuits – Miller and Bootstrap circuits, VCO, PLLFabrication of ICs.
UNIT II: CIRCUIT THEORY: Ohms’ Law, KCL & KVL-Mesh current and Node voltage analysis – Crammer‘s Rule – Concept of Graph-nodes, junctions, loops, Co-tree, tree, twig – tie set – cut set – Network theorems – Thevenin’s, Norton‘s, Maximum Power transfer,
Superposition and Reciprocity theorems– Star to Delta and Delta to Star transformations. Series and Parallel Resonance – Q – factor – Selectivity – Bandwidth- Coupled circuits, Transient analysis-RC and RL, Linear wave shaping circuits. Transmission Lines – Characteristic Impedance – Reflection Coefficient – SWR – Transmission Line losses and Impedance matching.
UNIT III: ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Analog Instruments – Extension of range of Ammeter, Voltmeter and Ohmmeter – FET voltmeter – Differential voltmeter- Bridges-Wheatstone, Maxwell, schering – Digital instruments – successive approximation – digital frequency meter-digital LCR meter – CRO– CRT – time base generator – deflection sensitivity – triggered sweep circuits – CRO applications.
AF Oscillator – RF Signal generator – AF Power meters – Q meter – Distortion Factor Meter – spectrum analyser – XY plotters.
UNIT IV : Programming in ‘C’ : Data types – arithmetic operations – operators & expressions – control statements – functions – parameter passing – Arrays – pointers – structures.
UNIT V : INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS: Thyristor family – SCR, TRIAC, Power BJT – IGBT (characteristics, working principle and applications) –– Off Line and On Line UPS – Working & Applications SMPS – Working Servo stabilizer – Opto electronic devices – LDR (characteristics and applications) – Transducers – LVDT – Strain Gauge.
TSECET 2020 -Thermocouple – Ultrasonic – Pulse echo flaw detector –Classify Industrial heating methods-induction and
dielectric heating- Types of electrical welding-resistive welding- applications- Architecture of
PLCs – ladder symbols – diagram – Ladder program-List PLCs types – features of Siemen’s, Allenbradly-applications of PLCs- Block diagram of Open and Closed loop Control system-merits and demerits of open loop system.
TSECET 2020 -UNIT VI :COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Analog – Need for modulation – Types of modulation – AM, FM , PM – Modulation Index – Bandwidth – Power requirements – Transmitters – Low level and High level types – Receivers– Block diagram of TRF and its limitations-Super heterodyne – Need for AVC-Fading-AM and FM receivers – IMRR and choice of IF – Wave Propagation – Ground, Sky and Space waves – Properties.
Digital – Pulse modulation – PCM, Delta modulation – Data codes – error detection and correction – digital
modulation – ASK, FSK, PSK and QAM – generation and detection – Multiplexing – TDM , FDM- Multiple access – TDMA, FDMA.
TSECET 2020 -Internet Telephony.-Antennas– radiation resistance – beam width – polarization – directivity – efficiency – bandwidth – gain – front to back ratio – folded dipole – arrays – broadside – end fire – Yagi, Turnstile antennas-loop antenna-hornhelical-Binomial antenna – Parabolic reflectors – beam width, gain and applications.
Wave Guides – Rectangular – Dominant mode – Phase and Group velocity – Cut off wavelength – working principle and applications of Magnetron, Klystron, TWT– Radar – range equation – Pulsed radars – indicators – duplexers – CW radars and MTI radars – ILS– Satellite communication – UP link and DOWN link frequencies – types of satellites – satellite on board – earth station systems – satellite applications– GPS.
UNIT VII : DIGITAL ELECTRONICS: Number systems – Logic gates – Boolean algebra – Adders and Subtractors, Multiplexers, De multiplexers-Encoders-decoders, Comparators – Flipflops– Registers and Counters – Memories – RAM, ROM, Flash ROM – D/A converters – binary weighted – R-2R Ladder, A/D Converter – Counter and Successive approximation types.
UNIT VIII: MICRO CONTROLLERS, PROGRAMMING, INTERFACING & APPLICATIONS – Block diagram 8085 – 8051 Architecture – Instruction Set – subroutines – use of input and output machine related statements – time delay program – peripheral ICs – 8255 use of ADC 0808/ADC0809 and DAC0808 / DAC0809 – Interfacing of RTC.-Interfacing & Segment display –LCD 4X 4 matrix –Key board matrix –RS-232 – DB25 & DB9 connector.
TSECET 2020 -MAX 232 233 – 8051 Programming in C-I/O Programming bit wise, byte wise – 8051 Applications –need of relay, opto coupler for interfacing –Stepper motor – Speed control of dc motor using PWM – Water level controller – lift controller – Advanced micro controller – Architecture of PIC – features of PIC – PIC 16F877-ARM –RISC Architecture
UNIT IX: CONSUMER ELECTRONICS: Recording and Reproduction of Sound using Magnetic and Optical methods – Television Picture elements – scanning and synchronization – blanking and interlacing – composite video signal, flicker, CCIR standards – Color TV – Additive and subtractive mixing – types of color TV systems – NTSC, PAL and SECAM – PAL system processing – DTH system – Cable TV– HDTV.
TSECET 2020 -Features of Smart TV- working principle of Microwave Oven –Block diagram of Electronic Washing machines – Block diagram of Camcorder.
UNIT X : DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS: Transmission Media – Twisted pair – UTP – STP – Coaxial cable – Optical fiber – comparison – Shannon Capacity theorem – Network Topologies – BUS, STAR, RING – switching – Packet and Circuit switching – OSI 7- layer model and functions – CSMA and token ring – properties and operations.
Wireless LAN – Bluetooth technology – WAN architecture – Packet transmission – ARPA Net – ISP and ISDN architectures – WAN Protocols – TCP / IP features and comparison – Ports and Sockets – Domain Name System – Email – File transfer protocol – Proxy server and Web server architecture-list HTTP commands – security services-message.
TSECET 2020 -Confidentiality-message integrity – message authentication – entity authentication –IOTS – its
applications – Web Browser Architecture-key management-digital signature – firewalls in
securing networks.
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
UNIT-I: Electrical Engineering: Basic principles of electricity: Ohm‘s law, Kirchhoff‘s laws, Ideal voltage source, Ideal current source and its conversions.
Units of work, Power and energy, Heating effects of electric current, Biot-Savart’s law, Fleming’s rules, Faraday’s laws, Lenz’s law, Self and Mutual inductance, Lifting power of magnet.
Electrostatics: Laws of electrostatics, Coulomb’s laws, Permittivity, Dielectric strength, Dielectric constant, Energy stored in a capacitor. Batteries: Primary cell, Secondary cell, Different types, Charging and discharging, Maintenance
free batteries.
Single phase transformers: Construction features, Principles, Auto transformer. Network theorems & Machines: Motors and generators, A.C. machines, Node voltage and Mesh current analysis, Crammers rule, Dual network theorem, Reciprocating theorem for impedance matching, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s and Norton‘s theorems, DC Maximum power transfer theorem.
TSECET 2020 -Resonance in series and parallel circuits, Q-factor, AC Machines: Alternator, Induction motor, Synchronous motor.
UNIT-II: Industrial electronics: Photo transistor, Photo conductive device, Photo multiplier, Solar cell, Opto coupler, Dot matrix display, Seven segment display, Bar graph display.
Induction heating, Di-electric heating and Resistance welding, Generation and applications of Ultrasonics. Control engineering: Basics of open loop and closed loop control systems.
TSECET 2020 -Linear & Non-linear systems, Time-variant & Time-invariant systems, Continuous data, Sampled data & Digital control systems, Transfer functions, Block diagram reduction, Properties and limitations of Transfer functions, Mason’s gain formula, Signal flow graphs. Time response of first order and Second order systems, Concept of stability(Routh-Hurwitz criterion).
UNIT-III: Electronics: Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors and their specifications, Chokes, Self inductance, Mutual inductance, AF, RF Chokes, Applications of transformers, Basics of Switches.
Fuses, Relays, Microphones and Loud speakers, PCBs, Conductors, Semi conductors and Insulators, Formation of P-N junction, Forward and Reverse biasing voltages, Zener diode.
Varactor diode, Tunnel diode and their applications, Diode as rectifier, Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Need for filter, Classification of filters.
TSECET 2020 -Working of clipper and clamper using diodes, Formation, Working and Configurations of PNP and NPN transistors, Construction and working of FET, MOSFET, UJT, SCR, Diac and Triac. Amplifiers: RC coupled amplifier, Transformer coupled amplifier, Darlington and Cascaded amplifiers, Class-A and Class-B push-pull amplifier.
Complementary type power amplifier, Oscillator principle, RC phase shift oscillator and Wien bridge oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Colpitt’s oscillator, Bootstrap sweep circuit, Current sweep circuit using transistor, Bistable, Astable and Monostable multi vibrators using transistors.
TSECET 2020 -Transistor as an amplifier in different configurations, AC and DC load line, Biasing methods, Operating points, Stabilization techniques, Direct coupled amplifier, Differential amplifier, Positive and Negative feedback amplifiers.
Types of ICs: Based on integration (SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI), Heat sinks.
UNIT-IV: Digital Electronics: Number systems, Different postulates, De-Morgan’s theorems, Simplification of Boolean expressions, K-map (up to 3 variables reductions), Logic gates, Half adder, Full adder, Serial adder, Parallel adder, 2’s complement subtractor.
RS, T, D and Masterslave JK type flip-flops and Encoders, Decoders, 4×1 Multiplexer, 1×4 De-multiplexer, Counters, Modulus of counter, Synchronous, Asynchronous counters and their working
TSECET 2020 -Decade counter, Ripple counter, Binary counter, Registers, Shift registers, Universal shift register, Basic memories (RAM and ROM), Analog to Digital Converters (Counter type, Successive approximation type) and Digital to Analog Converters (R-2R ladder type, Weighted resistor type).
UNIT-V: Electronic Measuring instruments:
Analog Instruments: PMMC movement, Ammeter, Voltmeter and Ohm meter using PMMC movement, Extension of range of Ammeter and Voltmeter, Rectifier type Voltmeter and Ammeter.
Principle of Moving Iron instruments, FET input voltmeter, Differential voltmeter, Wheatstone bridge, Maxwell bridge, Schering bridge, Megger.
Digital instruments: Digital multi meter, Digital LCR meter, Ramp type digital volt meter, Successive approximation type digital volt meter, Digital frequency meter.
TSECET 2020 -Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: CRT, Time base generator, Deflection sensitivity, Triggered sweep circuits, CRO applications, Storage oscilloscopes, Digital oscilloscopes, Dual trace oscilloscope.
Signal generators & Other instruments: AF Oscillator, RF Signal generator, Function generator, Q-Meter, Distortion Factor Meter, Digital IC tester, Logic analyzer, XY recorders, Plotters, Signature analyzer.
UNIT-VI: Process Instrumentation: Fundamentals of Instrumentation, Basic transducer theory for the measurement of displacement (LVDT, Potentiometer, inductive, capacitive, RVDT), Angular velocity (Moving iron, Moving coil type), Temperature (Liquid filled in thermometers.
TSECET 2020 -Thermometers, RTD, Thermo couple, Thermistor, Pyrometers, Bi-metallic strips), Pressure (Elastic elements, Strain gauge, Piezoelectric transducer, Force balance transducer, Pressure multiplier, Dead weight tester), Flow (Bernoulli’s theorem, Head type flow meters.
Rota meter, Electromagnetic flow meter, Anemometers, Ultrasonic flow meter, mechanical flow meters, thermal flow meters), Pneumatic transmitters, PH, Conductivity, Weight, Humidity.
Different methods of Level measurement, Viscosity and Density, Flame sensors, Leak detectors, Noise sensors, Torque transducers.
Measurement of various Parameters in: Power plants, Petro chemical, Iron and Steel, Paper and Pulp plants.
UNIT-VII: Process Control: Different process variables, Process characteristics, ON-OFF
Control, Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, PID Controller, Tuning of PID
TSECET 2020 -Actuators (Pneumatic, Electro-Pneumatic, Hydraulic) P to I and I to P converters, Solenoid valve, Stepper motor actuator, Basics of control valves, Cascade Controller, Ratio Controller, Feed forward control systems, Adaptive Control, Line Diagrams, Letter Codes, Standards.
UNIT-VIII: Communications and Linear IC Applications: Need for modulation and Types of Modulation, SSB, DSB and VSB transmission, AM and FM Transmitters, AM and FM Detectors, Basics of Pulse Modulation and Applications.
Characteristics of Operational Amplifier : Applications of Operational Amplifier like Summer, Integrator, Differentiator, Inverter, Voltage follower, Voltage to Current Converter.
Current to Voltage Converter, Op-amp based LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF, Comparator, Isolation amplifier, Square wave Generator, Triangular wave generator, Mono Stable Multi-vibrator.
TSECET 2020 -Astable multi-vibrator, Wien-bridge Oscillator, Instrumentation Amplifier, Schmitt Trigger, ADC and DAC, Applications of 555 timer IC (Mono stable multi vibrator, Astable multi vibrator, Square wave generator), Regulated power supply using 78XX regulator.
UNIT-IX: Analytical instrumentation: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Beer Lambert’s Law, Mono chromator, Light Sources and Detectors, Spectrophotometer (UV, Visible, IR), Flame Photometer, Spectroflourometer, Interferometer, Refractometer, Polari meter, Different types of Gas Analyzers, Mass Spectrometer, Liquid Chromatography and Gas Chromatography, Auto analyzer.
TSECET 2020 -Nuclear Instrumentation: Alpha, Beta, Gamma particle radiations, Neutron radiation, Different detection methods of radiation.
UNIT-X: Microcontroller & PLCs: Architecture and Instruction set of 8051 Microcontroller, Programming concepts of 8051, interfacing peripherals (8255, 8251 and 8257) and Applications of 8051. Basics of PLC architecture, Instruction set of PLC and PLC ladder diagrams of various applications, Basic concepts of SCADA, DDC, DCS, DAS, ROBOT, CNC, Data loggers.
Metallurgical Engineering
UNIT I : ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF METALLURGY: Introduction to metallurgy – ores & ore dressing, Methods of ore sampling – Communition – sizing- concentration. Principles and processes of Pyro, hydro and electrometallurgy – Minerals of commercially important metals.
UNIT II : FUELS, REFRACTORIES AND PYROMETRY: Classification of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels – Testing and properties of important fuels-Manufacture and characteristics of Metallurgical Coke – Gasification of solid fuels.
TSECET 2020 -Combustion of fuels – Properties, manufacture and selection of Refractories, Principles and operation of important pyrometers- Heat transfer.
UNIT III : METALLURGICAL THERMODYNAMICS: Introduction and applications of thermodynamics – First Law of thermodynamics – Thermo chemistry – Second Law of thermodynamics – Ellingham diagrams – Fugacity, activity and equilibrium constant – Phase Equilibria – Solutions. Fundamentals of Reaction Kinetics.
UNIT IV : PHYSICAL METALLURGY: Structure of Metals and Alloys – Solidification – Binary thermal equilibrium diagrams – Iron-carbon diagram – important non- ferrous binary alloy systems. Microscopic and macroscopic examination of metals and alloys.
UNIT V : HEAT TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY: Heat treatment of plain carbon steels – Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening and tempering of steels – TTT diagrams – Hardenability.
Grain size, Quenching media. Alloy steels & Effect of alloying elements on plain carbon steels –Stainless steels, tool steels – Case hardening techniques.
Special heat treatment techniques such as Austempering, Martempering, sub-zero treatment – Heat treatment of Non-ferrous metals and alloys – Age hardening – Heat Treatment Furnaces and Furnace atmospheres – Heat treatment defects.
UNIT VI : FERROUS EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY: Iron ores and preparation of iron ores – Burden distribution – Blast furnace profile – Blast furnace plant and equipment – blast furnace reactions – irregularities and recent trends – sponge iron & methods of production – Ferroalloys – types and applications. Steel making by Bessemer, LD, Kaldo, Oxygen Lime (LDAC) process.
TSECET 2020 -Open hearth and Electric furnaces – Secondary steel making process – Vacuum treatment of liquid steel – Ingot defects – Continuous casting.
UNIT VII : NON-FERROUS EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY: Extraction of copper – Pyro and hydrometallurgical methods & refining – Aluminum – Extraction, Anode effect, Refining – Zinc and Lead – Pyro and hydrometallurgical extraction and refining.
Extraction of Magnesium by Dows and pidgeon processes – Extraction of Titanium by Kroll‘s process – Refining of Titanium by Van arkell‘s process-Extraction of Thorium and Zirconium.
UNIT VIII : MATERIAL TESTING: Tension test. Stress – strain relationships, necking phenomenon. Hardness tests – principles and types. Impact testing – Notched bar impact tests.
Transition temperature. Fatigue, Stress cycles, S-N diagram, Factors affecting Fatigue. Creep testing – creep curve, Stress – rupture test. Non-destructive testing. Principles, methods and applications of liquid penetrant, Radiography, Ultrasonic Magnetic particle and Eddy current test.
UNIT IX : MECHANICAL METALLURGY: Plastic deformation of metals – lattice defects – Slip and Twinning – CRSS –Strengthening mechanisms. Strain hardening – Hot and Cold working – Recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth. Metal forming processes – Rolling, Forging, Extrusion & Sheet metal forming processes and defects.
UNIT X : FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY: Patterns: Types, materials and pattern allowances, Moulding Sands – properties and Testing, Moulding Processes and equipment: Sand casting, Die casting, Shell moulding, Centrifugal casting, Investment casting and CO2 process-Cores.
Types of Cores and properties, pouring and feeding of castings. Cast irons – types, Melting of cast irons
– Grey, S.G and Malleable iron. Aluminum, Copper and Steel Foundry practices. Defects in Castings. Cleaning & Salvage of Castings.
UNIT XI : WELDING TECHNOLOGY: Basic concepts of Welding – Principles and processes of various welding techniques such as Oxy-acetylene, Shield Arc welding, Inert gas welding- TIG and MIG – Special welding processes – Plasma, resistance, electro slag, electron beam, thermit and Laser. Soldering and brazing– Weld ability, factors affecting weld ability. Heat affected zone, Microstructure – Post weld treatments – Welding defects – Inspection and testing.
Civil Engineering
UNIT–I: ENGINEERING MECHANICS: Forces and moments- Vectors and scalars, resultant forces at a point, types of supports, types of loading. Centroid – rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, circle, semicircle, trapezium. Location of centroid of T, L, I, channel , Z sections.
TSECET 2020 -Built up sections. Moment of Inertia – T, L, I and built up sections, radius of gyration of builtup sections. Polar moment of inertia of solid and hollow circular sections using perpendicular axis theorem only.
UNIT-II: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS: Simple stresses and strains – ductile materials, Mechanical properties of materials- Hooke‘s law – lateral strain-Poisson‘s ratio-Elastic constants and the relation between them.
TSECET 2020 -Composite sections-Resilience-Strain energy-Gradual and sudden loading- Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams for cantilever, Simply supported, fixed, continuous and overhanging beams subjected to Point loads and UDL.
UNIT-III: Theory of simple bending-assumptions-bending equation-bending stresses-Section Modulus-Shear stress distribution across various sections like rectangular, circular and I – sections-Torsion-solid and hollow circular shafts subjected to pure torsion – shear stress – distribution in shafts – power transmitted by circular shafts.
UNIT-IV: THEORY OF STRUCTURES: Deflection of cantilevers and simply supported beams by Double Integration method and Deflection of simply supported beams by Macaulay‘s method – For Mohr‘s theorems for slopes and deflections-Moment area method- Columns and struts-types-slenderness ratio- Euler‘s and Rankine‘s formulae for axial loading.
TSECET 2020 -Dams and retaining walls-conditions for stability-middle third rule – Rankine‘s formula for active earth pressure. Thin cylinders – failures, strain and changes in dimensions.
UNIT-V: REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES: Grades of concrete, characteristic strength, Modulus of Elasticity-I.S.456-2000- Philosophy of Limit state design. Limit state of Strength and Serviceability, partial safety factor-design strength of materials and design loads assumptions.
Analysis and Limit state design of rectangular beams-Singly, Doubly reinforced and T-beams. Shear in RCC beams, lintels and sunshades – Development length.
Slabs-analysis and limit state design of one-way and two-way slabs as per IS.456-2000. Torsion reinforcement. Design of continuous slabs and beams – Deflection check for slabs and beams.
TSECET 2020 -Detailing of reinforcement in singly reinforced and doubly reinforced simply supported beams of rectangular sections and lintels, one way and two way slabs.
UNIT-VI: COLUMNS: Codal provisions of I.S 456-2000 – short and long columns-different shapes-design of short columns by limit state method-long columns- concept, effective length for different end conditions.
Footings-Isolated column footings-one way shear and two way shear. Stairs – types, loads on stairs.
Working stress method of design: Basic principles, neutral axis, lever arm-Design and analysis of Singly reinforced simply supported rectangular beams. Comparison of Limit state and Working stress methods.
UNIT-VII: SURVEYING: Chain surveying – purpose and principle – errors and correctionsdifferent operations in chain surveying- obstacles – methods of calculation of area.
Compass Surveying – purpose and principle – bearings- traversing using prismatic compass- local attraction – errors. Levelling – definitions – component parts – errors – Methods of levelling – contouring – characteristics and methods.
Theodolite – principles and component parts fundamental lines and relationship among them – adjustments of theodolite – measurement of horizontal and vertical angles – errors-traverse computations – Bowditch and Transit rule.
TSECET 2020 -Tacheometry – principle – stadia tacheometry – tangential tacheometry, Principle and uses of E.D.M, Electronic Theodolite, Total Station, Global positioning System – Importance, G.I.S – Use and applications in Civil Engineering, Curves – simple curves, elements of simple curve, setting out of simple curves by chain & tape, single & double theodolite method.
UNIT-VIII: HYDRAULICS: Fluid properties – specific weight – mass density-specific gravity -surface tension – capillarity-viscosity. Atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure and absolute pressure.
Fluid pressure on plane surfaces – Centre of pressure, measurement of fluid pressure using piezometer and manometers. Types of flows-uniform, non uniform, steady, unsteady, laminar and turbulent flows. Energies of liquid in motion – continuity equation.
TSECET 2020 -Bernoulli‘s theorem – Pitot tube – Venturimeter. Flow thorough small and large orifices, free orifices,
submerged orifices, coefficients of orifices – Cc, Cv and Cd. Flow through internal, external, convergent and divergent mouthpieces.
Types of Notches – rectangular and triangular, flow over notches. Types of Weirs- sharp crested and broad crested-mathematical formula for dischargeFrancis and Bazin.
UNIT-IX: Flow through pipes-major and minor losses – Chezy‘s and Darcy‘s formulae for loss of head due to friction-HGL & TEL – Reynold‘s number for laminar and turbulent flows.
Flow through open channels-rectangular and trapezoidal – chezy‘s formula for discharge – Kutter‘s and Manning‘s equation for Chezy‘s constants-Most economical sections.
Reciprocating and Centrifugal pumps (without problems). Classification of Turbines – Kaplan, Francis and Pelton wheel (without problems) – use of Draft tube. Hydro-electric installations – components and uses.
UNIT X : IRRIGATION ENGINEERING: Necessity of Irrigations – Perinnial and inundation Irrigation, Flow and Lift Irrigation, Principal crops – kharif and rabi seasons – Duty, delta and base period. Methods of Irrigation – check flooding, basin flooding, contour bunding, furrow, sprinkler and drip Irrigations.
Hydrology – Rainfall, types of Rain gauges, types of catchmentsrainfall and runoff. Measurement of velocity of flow in streams-Ryve‘s and Dicken‘s formulae for computing maximum flood discharge. Classification of Head works – component parts of diversion head works. Weirs and Barrages. Perculation and uplift pressures. Types of Reservoirs
– dead storage, live storage and surcharge storage.
UNIT XI : Storage Head works-different types of dams-rigid and non rigid dams- gravity damslow and high dams. Elementary profile of a dam. Failures of gravity dams – drainage galleries.
TSECET 2020 -Ogee and siphon spillways. Earth dams – types, failures and precautions. Phreatic lines and drainage arrangements in earthen dams. Distribution works-classifications and alignment of canals-typical cross section of a canal-berm and balanced depth of cutting- canal lining. Cross drainage works –types and functions.
UNIT XII: TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING: Importance of transportation engineering – I.R.C. – Classification of roads as per I.R.C., recommended I.R.C. values of camber for different roads. Gradients – Ruling gradient, limiting and exceptional gradient Recommended I.R.C values of gradients, Different systems of classification of soils – Textural classification – I.
Classification of soils, Bearing capacity – importance in foundation design. Highway surveys and Traffic Engg.- Traffic census and its importance, Road intersections Traffic signs- Informatory signs- Mandatory signs, Cautionary signs.
Highway constructions and Maintenance – Purpose of road drainage- surface and sub-surface drainage, Typical cross section of highway in cutting and embankment.
TSECET 2020 -Water bound macadam roads, Cement concrete roads. Permanent way of Railways, Importance of Railways- Gauge, Types of gauges, Structure of permanent way –different types of rails, requirements of a good rail, Sleepers- functions, Types of sleepers, characteristics of a good sleeper –spacing of sleepers-sleeper density.
Bridges, Culverts and Causeways: Bridges, classification based on material, position of bridge floor and form / type of superstructure- selection of site for a bridge. Types of Culverts – Types of cause ways.
UNIT XIII : ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: Environment and Ecology- Ecology and Ecosystem, Quality of water, Need for protected water supply, Total quantity of water for a town, per capita demand and factors affecting demand, Forecasting population by arithmetical, geometrical and incremental increase methods
TSECET 2020 – Sources and conveyance of water: surface sources, underground sources, Types of Intakes. Quality and Methods of purification of water.
Distribution System: Methods of supply, Storage- underground and overhead-service reservoirs, Types of layout- dead end, grid, radial and ring system their merits and demerits and their suitability.
General layout of water supply arrangements in buildings. System of sewage disposal-types of sewerage systems, Quantity of discharge in sewers, dry weather flow, variability of flow. Different shapes of cross-section for sewers, Strength of sewage, sampling of sewage, characteristics of sewage.
Characteristics of Industrial waste water-principles of treatment, Preliminary treatment, secondary treatment. Sewers – sewer appaurtences- shapes, merits and demerits.
Solid waste disposal and sanitation in buildings. methods of disposal, Sanitary fittings. Rural water supply and sanitation- Disinfection of wells, Rural sanitation and sanitary latrines, biogas production technology.
UNIT XIV : DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES: Loads considered in the design of steel structures as per I.S. 875-1987, Standard structural sections , Concept of Limit State Design.
Design of Fillet Welded Joints- types of joints, stresses in welds as per I.S.800-2007. Tension members and forms of tension members, different modes of failures, calculation of net effective sectional area of single angle with welded connection only.
Different forms of compression members. Behavior of compression members- classification of cross-sections, effective lengths for different end conditions- Codal provisions of single or double lacing and battening for built up columns(no problems).
Analysis and design of steel beams- concept of limit state design of beams, shape factor and plastic properties of beams –problems on shape factor. Laterally supported beam.
Laterally unsupported beams, effective strength of compression flanges, Resistance to shear buckling, shear buckling design methods. Design of roof trusses – Loads of roof trusses as per I.S. 875.
S Vishnu Sharmaa is with collegechalo.com in the news team where he writes articles related to the education sector in India. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has over 20 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing stories related to Indian defense and Indian Railways.