Top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology Latest List 2023

Top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology are educational institutions that are considered to be best for studying Biotechnology at postgraduate level.
These top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology give out the best in teaching. One can never deny the fact that studying Biotechnology will open the gates for great career with handsome pay prospects. Some of these institutions also offer Biotechnology course at undergraduate level also.

The intension behind providing information on top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology is to help students make better choices when it comes to studying Biotechnology.
Top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology.
The list of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology are given below for the sake of students:

1. Jamia Millia Islamia
Department of Biotechnology offers the Biotechnology as MSc Biotechnology. The same course is offered at undergraduate level also as BSc Biotechnology. Those who wish to delve deeper into the subject can also pursue doctorate here.
Department was established in 2008 under the Faculty of Natural Sciences. It offers graduate and master courses on semester system pattern and Ph.D. program in biotechnology as per recent UGC norms.
All faculty members are active in doing advance research funded by various Govt. of India agencies such as UGC, CSIR, DBT, ICMR, DST, etc. with around 25 Ph.D. students/Project fellows working on several important research topics.

The department regularly invites eminent scientists and academicians to deliver seminars on current topics of national importance to apprise the students and faculty members on recent advances related to the field of biotechnology.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
2. SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Southern part of India has no scarcity of high worth institutions that offer good quality education. This institution which is also popularly known as SRMIST is one among those high worth institutions.
The Department of Biotechnology that comes under School of Basic Sciences offers Biotechnology at both graduate and postgraduate levels as BSc Biotechnology and MSc Biotechnology respectively.

The other course offered is B.Sc Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, M.Sc Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. The faculty members in the department are actively involved in research in thrust areas such as Nanotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Clinical Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Ph.D Scholars are also Pursuing research in these area.
The department has six well established laboratories with instruments such as Thermalcycler, ELISA reader, Gel Documentation, Co2 Incubator, Fermentor, Millipore Unit, UV – Vis and Spectrophotometer.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

One would never find a student in any corner of this country who wouldnot aspire to study here. Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering (BSBE) offers the course MSc Biotechnology which is supported by Department of Biotechnology of Government of India.
BSBE department is comprised of faculty with a variety of backgrounds in basic sciences, applied sciences and engineering pursuing diverse teaching and research interests in biological sciences and biomedical engineering.
The BSBE department aims to create an ambience for the smooth pursuit of scholarly activities in research and education, to make an international impact, and to produce future leaders in the field of Biosciences and Bioengineering.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
4. Lovely Professional University
Availing high quality education is not a concern, thanks to no dearth of institutions that are highly worthy. This institution is also one of those that has won the admiration of all through its praiseworthy services.
The course offered here is MSc Hons Biotechnology which is of two years and comprises four semesters. The course enables graduate students to pursue doctoral studies or professional employment, through imparting in depth knowledge in specific domain of Biotechnology along with three semester independent research project leading to dissertation.
A pass in bachelors degree Applied Medical Science or Medical Science with atleast 60 percent pass marks is required to apply for the course.
Even students who have passed bachelors degree in Agriculture or Nanotechnology or Biosciences or Life Sciences or Bioinformatics or Food Sciences or Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology or Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology or Public Health and Allied Sciences or Plant Science) or equivalent can also apply.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

Students from all corners of the country come here for education. Biotechnology is offered here as MSc Biotechnology. At the undergraduate level, the subject is offered as BTech Biotechnology.
The above courses are offered by School of Bio Sciences and Technology. The school also offers M.Tech in Biotechnology, M.Sc. Integrated Biotechnology (5 Years).
School of Bio Sciences & Technology (SBST) was established in 2001, consists of four departments namely Biotechnology, Integrative Biology, Bio-Sciences, and Bio-Medical Sciences, headed by well-trained professors.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
6. Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Department of Microbiology under the Faculty of Science offers Biotechnology course as MSc Biotechnology. The Faculty of Science also offers Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology.
Applicants must have passed BSc in Botany/ Zoology/Microbiology/Chemistry/Biochemistry/Pharmacy/Agriculture. They must also have passed GAT-B Exam.
Candidates willing to apply for MSc Medical Biotechnology must have passed BSc in Medical Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Chemical Sciences.
The Faculty of Science is a Constituent Institution of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda under the direct management and control of the University. The Old Baroda College which was founded in the year 1881 consisted of Arts and Science Sections.
The Faculty of Science started its independent existence in March, 1951 with Dr. C.S. Patel as its first dean. This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website is ‘’
7. Christ University
Department of Life Sciences at this institution offers course in Biotechnology as BSc Biotechnology and MSc Biotechnology.
The department of Life Sciences is a unique department in the University where multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching and research in life sciences have established permanent roots.
It is a diverse discipline that covers all branches of Zoology, Botany and Biotechnology in a dominant manner. This is one of the oldest departments of Christ University (formerly Christ College) started from the inception of the Institution in 1969.
Apart from the syllabus, the department emphasizes on Value Addition Programs like Current Affairs, Holistic Education, Certificate Courses and Placement Training Programs, which include training students in group discussions, facing interviews and so on.
It strives to promote all round development of students by inculcating a spirit of inquest, discipline and adventure through various academic and co curricular activities.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

The department of Life Science and Biotechnology was established in the year 1993. However, the plan of setting up such a department in Jadavpur University was conceived by the authorities as early as in 1985, since all the leading universities of the country had shown a rising academic interest in such interdisciplinary courses covering the vast areas of Life Science, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Medical Sciences.
Now Jadavpur University has successfully established itself as a foremost Indian University with a vast repertoire of courses offered, an enviable list of faculty members and has come to be known for its commitment towards advanced study and research.
This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
9. Delhi Technological University
Department of Biotechnology was founded in 2004 with a vision to make an impact through research and technology-based training. The department has teaching and research programs which encompass various basic and applied aspects of modern biotechnology.
Department of Biotechnology offers MSc in Biotechnology. This is a course at postgraduate level. The course is offered at MTech level also as MTech in Industrial Biotechnology.
Department of Biotechnology was founded in 2004 with a vision to make an impact through research and technology-based training. The department has teaching and research programs which encompass various basic and applied aspects of modern biotechnology.
The main objective of the Department is to provide academic training and conduct research in the interdisciplinary areas of biotechnology with particular emphasis on extending the knowledge generated from these studies towards the development of technologies of commercial significance.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
10. Chandigarh University
This is another of the educational institutions that carved out a name for itself in the field of higher education. The best of education is available here in all courses and Biotechnology is no exception.
University Institute of Biotechnology (UIBT) offers the course in Biotechnology as both graduate and postgraduate levels. MSc in Biotechnology and BSc in Biotechnology are among the courses offered at UIBT.
UIBT features among top ranking institutions as far as Biotechnology is concerned. With a faculty team sourced from top universities and industry around the world, UIBT offer students an opportunity to develop expertise in the exciting areas of the field.
The cutting-edge curricula with state-of-the-art facilities for teaching & research will provide a solid foundation in the biological sciences.
This is also among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

Jamia Hamdard offers MSc in Biotechnology and MSc in Biotechnology (SFS). Candidates who have passed BSc in Biological Sciences, BSc in Agriculture or BVSc with 45 percent pass marks can apply.
Applicants have to pass a written test conducted by Jamia Hamdard and take part in an interview conducted by the institute. Even PhD in Biotechnology is also offered here.
The Department of Biotechnology at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi was established in the year 1997 with a vision to be recognised as a Department of International repute with a strong interdisciplinary research and teaching base in Plant and Animal Biotechnology with active collaboration of industries and health-care institutions.
The faculty members of the Department have been able to attract number of extramurally funded research projects from various national and international funding agencies.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
12. University of Hyderabad
It is also one of the most well-known learning hubs of India. Students from all corners of the country come here to study various courses from different streams.
As far as the Biotechnology course here is concerned, School of Life Sciences is the focus point. The Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics offers MSc Biotechnology and this was introduced in the year 1990
under the nationwide post graduate program by the Department of Biotechnology
(DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
The program comprises of four-semesters with credit system of evaluation and latest curriculum recommended by DBT.
The other course offered is Integrated MSc (MSc/PhD) in Biotechnology. This is a five year programme and could be extended to a period of eight years.
The course structure is similar to that of M.Sc. Biotechnology consisting of core courses, foundation courses and elective courses.
This is also one among the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

The aim of the programme is to produce postgraduates with advanced knowledge and understanding of Biochemistry, higher order critical, analytical, problem solving and attitudinal skills (transferable) to meet expectations of hospitals, Biotech industry involving Biochemical reactions, academia, and research institutions or to take up entrepreneurial route.
Applicants willing to apply for this course must have passed Bachelors degree in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Agricultural Sciences, Animal Sciences or any Life Sciences as Biochemistry with minimum pass percentage of 40 to 45 percent.
The course here is designed to ensure students get the right knowledge and then turn into able contributors towards the progress of the industry.
This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
14. Nirma University
The focus point here is Institute of Science which was established in 2004 as it offers postgradute level MSc in Biotechnology. The regular upgradation is the buzz word at the department.
There is enough scope for students to stay updated by enhanching their knowledge as latest developments in the subject are included from time-to-time.
Various technical, co-curricular, extra-curricular and extra-mural activities are introduced for holistic growth and development of students and faculty members. Such events are preserved by the library in the form of digital resources.
This is one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

IBU was established on 3 January 1985 as a semi autonomous institution and carry out interdisciplinary teaching and research in biotechnology.
Since the year 1990 the M.Sc. Biotechnology programme is supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology of Government of India.
The DBT also supports the Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC) attached to the Unit. The students willing to study MSc Biotechnology have to pass an entrance test.
Individuals who wish to delve deeper into the subject can pursue research at this institution. This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
16. Savitribai Phule University
The Department of Biotechnology at this university offers a two-year M.Sc. Biotechnology Course supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.
Students from all over the country take the entrance examination conducted by the Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad for the DBT-supported PG Programmes in Biotechnology.
It also offers Ph.D. programmes in Biotechnology and related areas. Since its inception, this department has been emphasizing on recruiting meritorious Faculty in various specialised branches in Biotechnology.
The Faculty members have excellent track record of research in various areas of Biotechnology with exposures to Foreign laboratories. The Faculty members have excellent records of publication in journals with high impact factors and have filed National and International patents.
The students from this institute have made this institution popular through their glorious achievements. This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

The Department of Biosciences offers the courses. It was established in 2012 with a vision of excellence in education and biological sciences and imparting high quality education and research covering all major areas.
The students of this department have proved their mettle across the globe. The fame of this institution always shines bright owing to its never ending praiseworthy achievements.
This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
18. Ravenshaw University
The course in Biotechnology is offered here at the postgraduate level as MSc Biotechnology. The course is of two year duration.
Applicants must have at least a second class honours with minimum 50% marks in the subject of Science with 50 percent pass marks. Applicants should have passed Biology as one of the subjects at plus-two levels or graduate levels while studying BTech, BE or BPharma or BHMS from a recognised institution.
Ravenshaw University is a co-educational state university situated in Cuttack, Odisha on the eastern coast of India. Founded as Ravenshaw College in 1868, the institution became a university in 2006.
It is one of the oldest educational institutes in the country and its history is synonymous with the history of modern Odisha. This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’

In addition, the Institute is engaged in advanced level research and offers doctoral and postdoctoral programmes in the areas of cutting edge technologies and sciences.
This is also one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
20. Birla Institute of Technology Mesra
The institution is one of those that has carved a space for itself in the field of higher education. MSc in Biotechnology is offered here.
The aim of this course is to guide students to gain necessary knowledge and develop specialized skills in the different areas of Biotechnology.
After completion of this course students will be able to implement the scientific knowledge and skills for development of industrial applications and entrepreneurship.
Individuals who passed BSc in Biotechnology/ Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Agriculture/BPharma or its equivalent can apply for the course.
BIT Mesra has many firsts to its credit. It was the first in the country to establish a department dedicated to Space Engineering & Rocketry way back in 1964.
It was also the first to develop a Science & Technology Entrepreneurs’ Park (BIT-STEP), on campus to instill the spirit of entrepreneurship in its students.
Today, it is a vibrant place, bustling with student activities and innovative teaching methods that make it home to thousands of aspiring leaders of tomorrow.
The institution also offers BTech in Biotechnology at undergraduate level. This is one of the top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology. The website to know more is ‘’
Conclusion (Top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology)
Top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology is not about simply studying Biotechnology. But it is also about working hard to gain entry into them.
Students have to remember that gaining a seat in these top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology may not be an easy task.
Getting a seat in these top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology may require students to write tough written tests and get a good score. It may require the applicants to pass exams like GAT B (Graduate Aptitude Test Biotechnology) with required score.
Candidates targeting a seat in these top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology must be prepared to pass the written test and go through the next phases of admission.
Also, certain other institutions may be conducting their own written test and candidates seeking a seat in Biotechnology may have to pass that also. Post a pass in the written test with good score, candidates get to take part in the counselling where they get to choose their preferred course.

For study in these top 20 colleges in India for MSc Biotechnology will brighten life by opening the gates for greener pastures.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.