NTA JEE Mains result: 24 great students stand top, JEE Adv cut off released

NTA JEE Mains result: 24 great students stand top, JEE Adv cut off released
Published at : 12 Sep 2020, 7:14 PM IST
Updated at : 15 Sep 2020, 1:16 PM IST

NTA JEE Mains result for Paper 1 (BE/BTech) has been declared and a total of 24 students had scored the great 100 percentile. The result declared is that of JEE Mains 2020 April/September.

NTA JEE Mains result can be viewed on the official website of National Testing Agency (NTA) which conducts the exam.

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NTA JEE Mains result

and scroll down the page and find a button titled ‘JEE Main 2020 NTA Score Paper 1’ written white colour on purple background.

After clicking the above titled button, candidates have to type their application number, date of birth and security pin which is mentioned below and press ‘Submit’ button to know the result.

After the result page is downloaded, applicants can take a printout of it.

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That is not all, about 10.23 lakh candidates had appeared for JEE Mains 2020 exam conducted in January and April/September put together.

Coming back to NTA JEE Mains result for April/September, the largest number of toppers had come from Telangana.

NTA JEE Mains result further specifies that about nine candidates got 100 percentile score in JEE Mains January attempt.

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JEE Mains 2020 in January was conducted in six shifts between 7 and 9 January and JEE Mains 2020 in April/September was conducted in 10 shifts from 2 to 6 September.

Candidates who have attended the exam in both January and April/September, their better of two scores have been accounted for.

JEE Mains exam was conducted in over 660 centres in 232 cities across India including eight outside India.

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Prior to declaration of NTA JEE Mains result, candidates were given opportunity to see their responses to the question papers and to challenge the answer keys from 8 to 10 September.

The final answer keys of Paper-1 have also been displayed today on JEE (Main) ‘jeemain.nta.nic.in’

NTA JEE Mains result specified among the students who scored great 100 percentile in Paper-1 were Nisarg CHADHA of Gujarat, Gurkirat Singh of Delhi (NCT), Divyanshu Agarwal of Haryana.

Landa Jitendra and Y.S.S. Narasimha Naidu of Andhra Pradesh, R. Muhendar Raj of Rajasthan, Parth Dwivedi of Rajasthan are also among those who score great 100 percent.

NTA JEE Mains result declared on 11 September also specifies that among state toppers were Eeshan Dutta of Assam with a score of 99.9338277, Siddhant Govekar of Goa with a score of 99.9109245.

NTA JEE Mains result

From Ladakh, Parveez Mehdi was the topper with a score of 96.5201553.

Also along with the release of NTA JEE Mains result for Paper-1, NTA has aslo announced category wise cut-off of NTA Score for JEE Advanced 2020 exam with regards to Paper-1.

Cut-off of Total NTA Score Based on Paper-I is given below:

Common Rank List (CRL)-90.3765335

Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)-70.2435518

Non-Creamy Layer Other Backward Classes (NCL-OBC)-72.8887969

Scheduled Caste (SC)-50.1760245

Scheduled Tribe (ST)-39.0696101

People with Disability (PwD)-0.0618524

Post release of the NTA JEE Mains result, now focus is on next stage of admissions.

Students have won good scores can apply for established institutions like NITs, IIITs or IISCs to study engineering at graduation level.

And, applicants who have won top 2.5 lakh ranks in the NTA JEE Mains result can apply for JEE Advanced 2020. The registrations for JEE Advanced has already begun on the official website ‘jeeadv.ac.in’

The last date to apply for JEE Advanced is September 17 and applicants can pay the application fee till 18 September.

This year refused to be a smooth sailing one for education sector. The protest over CAA delayed school exams particularly in the national capital.

Lateron, outbreak of corona virus brought things to a standstill. Many exams including JEE Mains April 2020 had to be postponed.

NTA JEE Mains result

But as the exam was conducted in September even NTA JEE Mains result for April was released in September. Declaration of NTA JEE Mains result held a pleasant surprise for Chukka Tanuja who is the lone girl topper among the 24 who scored great 100 percent.

Tanuja believes that even girls should aim to reach top scores. She further says this achievement is only the beginning and plan is to achieve much more.

The other toppers are also no less enthusiastic over their achievement. The notification regarding the result and information about toppers and cut-off scores for JEE Advanced 2020 can be accessed here ‘https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/WebInfo/Handler/FileHandler.ashx?i=File&ii=684&iii=Y’

S. Vishnu Sharma

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.

Vels Innovation Council to conduct great hackathon from 27 to 28 March

Vels Innovation Council to conduct great hackathon from 27 to 28 March
Published at : 17 Mar 2025, 3:37 PM IST
Updated at : 17 Mar 2025, 3:40 PM IST

Vels Innovation Council will be the attraction point from 27 to 28 March 2025 when it is going to organize Velsathon.

Velsathon is a 24 hour hackathon content being conducted by Vels Innovation Council of Vels Institute of Science, Technology And Advanced Studies (VISTAS).

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Vels Innovation Council

They can work out the solutions in a most innovative or creative manner and then win prizes. Prizes worth Rs 25000 would be given away to those who prove their mettle in the competition, say sources from Vels Innovation Council.

How to register for contest by Vels Innovation Council?

Vels Innovation CouncilSocial media

Students willing to take part in the Velsathon contest by Vels Innovation Council can take help of social media to register for the contest.

They can visit the social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram and then scan the QR code present on the image related to Velsathon and that will open a form. The form can be filled and submitted, say sources from Vels Innovation Council.

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Facebook handle of the institution is ‘https://www.facebook.com/VelsUniversity.Official/’ The image of Velsathon can be found under Photos menu on that page.

Instagram can be reached at ‘https://www.instagram.com/p/DHF_seNTK8J/’

Official website

Those willing to take part in the contest can also visit the official website of VISTAS at ‘https://vistas.ac.in/

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The website address mentioned above can be typed in the browser and submitted to allow it to download. Once the webpage is ready, candidates can scroll down the webpage to find Velsathon image with the scanner under vistaspallavaram_official menu.

Once the image is found, candidates can scan the QR code there to obtain the form and fill it to take part in the contest.

Vels Innovation Council
Admission Open in VIT for 2025
S. Vishnu Sharma

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.
