NTA Exams 2020: Great, schedule further extended

NTA Exams 2020, the last date for submission of application form for exams conducted by National Testing Agency have been further extended.
According to sources, the dates for submitting applications for NTA Exams 2020 (exams being conducted by NTA) have been extended keeping in view the hardships caused due to outbreak of COVID-19 situation to both students and parents.

Exam dates
Name: National Council for Hotel Management (NCHM) JEE-2020
Previous date: From 1.1.2020 to 30.4.2020
Revised date: 1.3.2020 to 15.5.2020
Name: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Admission Test-2020 for PhD and OPENMAT (MBA)
Previous date: 28.2.2020 to 30.4.2020
Revised date: 1.3.2020 to 15.5.2020
Name: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-2020
Previous date: 1.3.2020 to 30.4.2020
Revised date: 1.3.2020 to 15.5.2020

Name: Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination (JNUEEE)-2020
Previous date: 2.3.2020 to 30.4.2020
Revised date: 2.3.2020 to 15.5.2020
Name: All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET)-2020
Previous date: 1.5.2020 to 31.5.2020
Revised date: 6.5.2020 to 5.6.2020
Applicants for NTA Exams 2020 must remember that as per the changes made with regards to last date for submitting applications, online applications will be accepted upto 4 pm of 15 May, fee for the application submitted can be paid till or before 11:50 pm of 15 May.

Candidates who have already applied for NTA Exams 2020 and those who are about to apply for them have to remember as the dates for submitting applications have been extended, the dates for downloading hall-tickets
and dates for exams will also likely be changed.

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To stay in touch with the latest updates regarding NTA Exams 2020, applicants can either get in touch with official website of NTA at ‘https://nta.ac.in/’ or can refer their mobile numbers or email ids which applicants have mentioned in the application form for contact purpose.

Each of these exams have their own individual website on the NTA’s platform and applicants can visit them also frequently for getting updates regarding the exam. Individual websites on NTA’s platform are given below for the sake of candidates.
Exam name: National Council for Hotel Management (NCHM) JEE-2020
Exam website: ‘https://nchmjee.nta.nic.in/webinfo/public/home.aspx’
Exam name: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Admission Test-2020 for PhD and OPENMAT (MBA)
Exam website:
Exam name: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-2020
Exam website:
Exam name: Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination (JNUEE)-2020
Exam website:
Exam name: All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET)-2020
Exam website:
For paying the fee, applicants of NTA Exams 2020 can make use of net banking, debit card or credit card. NTA further says that the students who have applied for NTA Exams 2020 should not worry about the dates of the exam as of now and focus on preparation instead.
Information about the dates of exam, dates for downloading admit cards will be on display at the common website of NTA mentioned earlier and also on the individual platforms of each exam which are also mentioned earlier.
In case of any queries applicants of NTA Exams 2020 can contact National Testing Agency at the following numbers 8700028512, 8178359845, 9650173668, 9599676953 and 8882356803. The notification with regards to change in the NTA Exams 2020 can be accessed by clicking the highlighted portion.

National Testing Agency (NTA) has been established as a premier, specialist, autonomous and self-sustained testing organization to conduct entrance examinations for admission/fellowship in higher educational institutions.
To assess competence of candidates for admissions and recruitment has always been a challenge in terms of matching with research based international standards, efficiency, transparency and error free delivery.
The National Testing Agency is entrusted to address all such issues using best in every field, from test preparation, to test delivery and to test marking.
One of the chief function of NTA is to identify partner institutions with adequate infrastructure from the existing schools and higher education institutions which would facilitate conduct of online examinations without adversely impacting their academic routine.
Another function is to create a question bank for all subjects using the modern techniques and also To help individual colleges and universities in the field of testing and to provide training and advisory services to the institutions in India and to provide quality testing services to the academic institutions in India.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with collegechalo.com in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.