NEET, know how to make corrections in the app
We exert care while filling the details required in application forms for higher education. But mistakes can happen due to various reasons. While this stands true for NEET application also, thankfully National Testing Agency (NTA) provides an opportunity to rectify mistakes made while filling the application form. This article by ‘‘ informs how students can correct mistakes made in the NEET application form.
Points to remember
# Candidates cannot send a request for correction through email, post or fax.
# Normally NTA sends an sms reminder to candidates who have made mistakes while filling the NEET application form. However, candidates who do not get these reminders can also check the application form to ensure there are no errors.
# Applicants must have their qualification exam mark sheets, plus-two and 10th exam mark sheets and other required documents with them while making corrections in the application form for sake of reference. They can refer the mark sheets, documents in case of any doubt.
# Applicants must provide their own number mobile number and email, if they have not given that they can make that corrections when NTA opens the window to make corrections. Future communications regarding the exams will be made through email and mobile number. So candidates must give their own number so that they can get updates correctly.
# The state of eligibility cannot be edited after payment of application fee. If the applicant has not paid the fee they can edit it.
Process for error rectification
# Candidates must click the official link ‘‘
# After the required window downloads, applicants must enter Application number and password to take up rectification work.
# Candidates must choose the link ‘online application’ in the page that downloads after entering application number and password. Online application menu displays another menu ‘online correction’ where the display leads to another links ‘correction in particulars’ ‘pay correction fee’ and ‘correction in documents’
# Candidates must click ‘online correction’ link which yields ‘Your Provisional Application Number’ and ‘click here for correction in NEET UG 2020 application’ and applicants can click that
# Candidates can take up the required corrections as per their requirements.
# Candidates can click ‘preview and submit’ link after taking up all the required corrections. Also make sure all the corrections made are accurate before making the final step.
# Candidates must enter OTP which they receive on their mobile or email and click the final submit.
# The interface asks for final confirmation after clicking final submit. Candidates must click ‘Yes, Please Do’ as a mark of final submission.
# Now after making corrections, the required balance fee must be paid if there is any. Then the form can be submitted and after download of the resultant page, candidates must take a printout and preserve it for future use.
Photo correction
Correction can be made to photos also. Normally NTA sends a notification if the photos uploaded by candidates have errors. Photos uploaded are along with the application are candidates’s digital signature and his or her image. These can get rejected either when the background of the image is too dark, or when the image of a candidate is shot when he or she is wearing dark fashion glasses.
The other reasons for rejection is when whole sheet bearing photo of signature of the candidate is scanned or when photo has candidate’s signature in in capital letters or when a photo of a running signature is prefixed or suffixed by initials.
These corrections related to the images can also be done following the required procedure. Candidates have to re login into the application portal and re-upload the correct images. Usually, once the SMS is received, the candidates have to re upload the images in a proper format in three days. Other images like qualifying exam mark sheets must be properly scanned and re-uploaded if there is any problem with regards to them.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.