MAT 2023 registration till 29 Aug/12 Sep for PBT and CBT modes, imp info and direct appln link here

MAT 2023 registration last date is 29 August 2023 for PBT mode and 12 September 2023 for CBT mode. Candidates can apply at ‘’ It is about Management Aptitude Test (MAT) being conducted in Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer Based Test (CBT) and Internet Based Test (IBT).
Students interested in seeking admissions into management courses in reputed b schools across India can take up MAT 2023 registration till 29 August if they choose to write the test in PBT mode.

They can take up MAT 2023 registration till 12 September 2023 if they wish to write MAT in CBT mode. IBT mode has multiple slots, candidates can choose the date and time while taking up MAT 2023 registration.

Candidates can choose to write the test in either one mode or more than one mode. While those who choose to write it in PBT or CBT modes have to take up the exam at the designated test centers.
Those who wish to write the exam in IBT mode can appear from anywhere. Candidates who wish to appear for the test in more than one mode have to pay additional amount while taking up MAT 2023 registration.

Candidates who choose to appear for the exam in PBT mode can take up MAT 2023 registration on or before 29 August 2023. The admit card will be available for download by 5 PM on 31 August 2023. The exam is on 3 September 2023.
Candidates who wish to appear for the exam in CBT mode can take up MAT 2023 registration on or before 12 September 2023. Admit card will be available by 5 PM on 14 September 2023. The exam will be held on 17 September 2023.
Candidates who wish to appear for the exam in IBT mode can take up MAT 2023 registration as per the available slots. There are many slots available and candidates can choose among them keeping in mind their convenience.

About the exam
The full name of the exam is Management Aptitude Test which is popular among all as MAT. It is conducted four times in a year in February, May, September and December.
Exam is conducted in Computer Based Mode (CBT), Internet Based Mode (IBT) and Paper Based Test (PBT). Candidates can choose to appear in any one of the three modes.
Also read – AILET 2024 registration to start from 7 August 2023, imp info and direct link to apply here
They can also opt to write the test in more than one mode. The score card will be made available on official website of AIMA during the last week of the month of the test.

More details about the combination that can be opted for writing the exam are provided below for the sake of the candidates:
# Appear for MAT in PBT mode
# Appear for MAT in CBT mode
# Appear for MAT in IBT mode
# Appear for MAT in CBT and IBT
# Appear for MAT in PBT and CBT
# Appear for MAT in IBT and IBT (Double Remote Proctored Internet Based Test-IBT)
# Appear for MAT in PBT and IBT

Those who have appeared for their qualifying degree exams and are waiting for results or who are about to appear for their final exams of the qualifying degree can take up MAT 2024 registration.
However, these candidates have to pass the exam and provide a proof for it by the time of commencement of admission in the institutions. Candidates can visit the official website for more information.
How to take up MAT 2023 registration?
The process to take up MAT 2023 registration is online and candidates can submit applications at the official website that is reachable with the URL ‘’
1. The URL mentioned above must be typed into the browser and submitted to allow the webpage to download.
2. Once the webpage is ready, candidates can click the information brochure to know about the exam.
3. After knowing about the exam, candidates can click the link for registration. This will likely open another page.
4. After clicking the link, they can register and create an account with username and password.
5. Post account creation, candidates can login and start applying for the exam.

$ High quality image of candidate’s photograph conforming to the requirements specified
$ High quality image of candidate’s signature conforming to the requirements specified
$ Any of the valid photo Identity document: Aadhar-UID (preferable), Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID and
$ Class 10 marksheet
$ Class 12 marksheet or suggested alternative if marksheet are to be obtained if applying for graduate courses
How to download the admit card?
The process to download admit card for MAT 2023 is online. Candidates have to visit the official website to download the hall ticket with the help of URL ‘’
1. The URL mentioned above has to be typed into the browser and submitted to allow the website to download.
2. Once the website is ready, candidates have to click the link to download the hall ticket.
3. After clicking the link, they can enter their roll number/application number and other required details and submit them to obtain the hall ticket.
Point to remember
Candidates who have successfully completed their MAT 2023 registration will alone be able to download the admit card. The link to download hall ticket will be made active at the appropriate time, a few days before the commencement of the exam.

Exam pattern
The exam will be conducted in three modes, IBT, CBT and CBT. Questions have to answered on a computer screen in CBT mode, the same has to be done on a separate answer sheet in PBT mode and in IBT mode too questions have to be answered on a computer screen.
Questions to be answered are related to Language Comprehension, Mathematics skills, Data analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence, Critical reasoning, Indian and Global Environment. The total marks are 200 and time to answer questions is 150 minutes or 2 hours 30 minutes.
Point to remember
Candidates taking up MAT 2023 registration and appearing for the test is one part of the process. The remaining of the procedure comprises applying for admission in the participating institutions.
Each of the participating institution may have different admission schedule, candidates can visit the respective websites of the participating institutions to know about the schedule before applying for admission there.

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