Know the APLAWCET syllabus here

APLAWCET syllabus – Students aspiring to become lawyers have to focus on preparing APLAWCET exams. Pass in the exam provides the students an opportunity to study law degree in three year and five year duration. Cracking the exam demands that the aspirant to know more about the exam and its pattern. This article by ‘collegechalo‘ is an attempt to familiarize the student with the popular exam, its pattern and its syllabus.
The exam contains three parts, namely, Part A, Part B and Part C. Part A and Part B have 30 questions each and Part C has 60 questions. The total questions are 120 and are for 120 marks. Each question carries one mark. Part A consists of questions related on General Knowledge and Mental Ability, Part B has questions related to Current Affairs.

Part C comprises questions on Aptitude for the Study of Law. This section has topics related to elementary knowledge of the basic principles of law and Constitution of India. Students who want to study law degree of five year duration, they are expected to have plus-two knowledge of the above subjects for cracking APLAWCET.

Candidates have to focus on topics related to Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Public international law, mercantile law, labour law, crimes and torts, Intellectual Property Rights and other laws. The detailed list of topics are given below:
Schools of Jurisprudence, Custom Precedent and Legislation, Sources of Law, Rights and duties, Persons, Obligation, Ownership and Possession, Property, Liability, Legal Sanctions

Constitutional Law
Nature of the constitution: Fundamental Rights, Executive, Judiciary and Legislature, Directive Principles of State Policy, Center-State Relations, Amendments to the constitution, Emergency provisions
Public International Law
International Law and Municipal Law, Air, Sea and outer space, Subjects, State Territory, Nationality and Statelessness, State Jurisdiction, United Nations, Extradition, Asylum
Mercantile Law
General Principles of Contract (Sections. 1-75, Indian Contract Act-1872)

Crimes and Torts
Indian Penal Code -General Principles & General Exceptions, State liability for torts; Consumer Protection Act,1986, General principles of Tort, Defenses, Joint Liability
Labour Law
Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Disputes Act 1947
IPR and Other Laws
Copy right Act, 1957, Patents Act, 2005, Human Rights, The Protection of Human Rights, Environmental Protection Act, 1986, Act, 1993, Salient features of Information Technology Act, 2000 and Right to Information Act 2005. The sample question paper and syllabus of APLAWCET is available at official link ‘Candidates can get APLAWCET syllabus and model question paper at official link ‘pdf‘

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