JEE Advanced 2020: Great, exam to be held on 23 August

JEE Advanced 2020, the popular exam will now be conducted on 23 August. This announcement has been made on the official website of the organisation that is conducting the exam this year.
Each year one of the IITs takes the responsibility of conducting the exam, JEE Advanced 2020 is being conducted by IIT Delhi.

CBSE 10th and 12th board exams were postponed when lock down was imposed, soon JEE Mains and NEET were also postponed. And, with that JEE Advanced 2020 was also postponed.
As per earlier planned schedule, the JEE Advanced 2020 was supposed to be held on 17 May, but as the JEE Main (April) 2020 exam was postponed due to corona virus outbreak, even JEE Advanced 2020 had to be rescheduled.
The new date for JEE Advanced 2020 was informed by Union Minister of Human Resource Development. This also has been officially posted on the official website of JEE Advanced 2020.

The exam is usually held after the JEE Mains exam is conducted. All the students who have scored good in JEE Mains will be eligible for writing JEE Advanced Exam.

As per the earlier planned schedule, JEE Main April 2020 was to be held 5 to 11 April. The results for the same was to be declared by 30 April.

JEE Advanced Exam was to be conducted on 17 May and results of the exam was supposed to be declared that 8 June. The seat allocation was to begin by 17 June.
Now all that will not happen on the above said dates as JEE Advanced 2020 itself was postponed. New dates will be announced soon for all the process after JEE Advanced 2020 exam takes place.
JEE Advanced-2020 is a computer based test and questions asked in the exam are related to Maths, Physics, Chemistry of plus-two level. The exam will be having Paper-1 and Paper-2.
Also read ‘ExcelOn Academy launched online test series to help Civil Services aspirants to prepare for the exam‘

JEE Advanced 2020 is also known as The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) 2020 [JEE (Advanced) 2020] will be conducted by the seven Zonal Coordinating (ZC) IITs under the guidance of the Joint Admission Board (JAB) 2020.
The performance of a candidate in JEE Advanced 2020 will form the basis for admission to the Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Dual Degree programs (entry at the 10+2 level) in all the IITs in the academic year
The decisions of the JAB 2020 will be final in all matters related to JEE (Advanced) 2020 and admission to IITs in the academic year 2020-21.
Eligibility for JEE Advanced is that applicants must be a pass in plus-two with 75 percent for general category candidates and 65 percent for candidates of SC, ST and PwD categories.
Applicants for JEE Advanced must compulsorily be students of science stream in plus-two with maths, physics and chemistry as subjects.
A candidate can attempt JEE Advanced for a maximum of two times in two consecutive years. The registration fee for JEE Advanced 2020 for examination centres in India is Rs 1400 for female candidates, Rs 2800 for candidates of all other categories and Rs 1400 for candidates of SC, ST and PwD categories.
Candidates coming from SAARC countries have to pay USD 75 as registration fee for examination centres in India and for the same non-SAARC country candidates have to pay USD 150.
Registration fee for examination centres abroad are USD 75 for Indian nationals, candidates of SAARC countries can pay the same and those from non-SAARC countries have to pay USD 150. The information about JEE Advanced 2020 can be accessed by clicking the highlighted portion.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.