CUET UG 2022: Know all the great latest info

CUET UG 2022 exam is being conducted and candidates can make a note of these few important details about the exam. The registration for the exam commenced on 6 April 2022 and went on till 6 May 2022.
CUET UG 2022 is all about the written test conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission into undergraduate courses across the central universities situated at various parts of India.

CUET UG 2022 is to be conducted on July 15, 16, 19, 20, August 4 – 8, and August 10. The subjects for question would depend on the type of the course the candidate has chosen to do graduation.
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The questions would usually be various academic lessons of different subjects regularly taught at plus-two classes across India. More details about CUET UG 2022 are provided below for the sake of the students:

Hall ticket for CUET UG 2022
Hall ticket for CUET UG 2022 is already available for download on the official website of the exam. Candidates can visit the official website ‘’ soon after the webpage downloads, candidates can click the button ‘Sign In’ located on the right corner of the webpage just below the banner.
They can click ‘Sign In’ and enter their application number and password and then submit them to obtain the hall ticket for CUET UG 2022. Candidates can check the details on the admit card (hall ticket) for any errors. If any errors, they can be taken for rectification. In case of no errors, candidates can take a printout of the hall ticket.
The Admit Card of Phase I showing the details of Examination Centre was made available for download from 06:00 P.M., 12 July 2022 onwards. Every effort has been taken to provide candidates their choice of city. However, if there is any issue with respect to change of city or difficulty in downloading the City Intimation Slip or the Admit Card, the candidate may call NTA at 011-40759000 or send an e-mail at

The candidates are required to check/download the same using their Application Number and Date of Birth from the website

Dates and candidates

NTA will be conducting Common University Entrance Test 2022 [CUET UG 2022] from 15 July 2022 to 20 August 2022 (excluding the days of other undergraduate Examinations) at different Examination Centres located in 500 cities across India and 10 cities outside India.
CUET UG 2022 has been scheduled for approximately 14,90,000 (Fourteen Lakh and Ninety Thousand) candidates, with approximately 8,10,000 (Eight lakh and ten thousand) candidates in the first slot and approximately 6,80,000 (Six lakh eighty thousand) candidates in the second slot. These candidates have applied for 54,555 unique combination of subjects across 90 Universities.

Exam format
The questions to be asked in the exam will be in multiple choice format where each one has more than one reply option. Candidates have to pick the right one to score marks in CUET UG 2022.
There is a negative marking in the exam and a wrongly answered question would lose 1 mark, questions left unanswered will not forgo any mark. CUET UG 2022 will have questions related to language proficiency (Section 1), core topic (subject where candidate wants to study graduation-Section 2) and general knowledge (Section 3).
Also read ‘Know all about NEET UG 2022 exam‘
CUET UG 2022 is to be held in more than one shift, morning shift will take place from 9 am to 12:15 pm, evening shift is to be held from 3 pm to 6:45 pm. Candidates can answer questions in all three sections over two days.

Other points to remember
There are many other important points in connection with CUET UG 2022 that students going to write the exam have to remember. Students have to check the Reporting Time at Centre, Gate Closing time of Centre, Date of Examination, Shift and Timings of Test, Venue of Test following as indicated on the Admit Card.
Students who are about to write CUET UG 2022 can visit the Examination Centre, in advance and familiarize yourself with the location and means of reaching at the venue of the Test on time.
On the day of Examination (CUET UG 2022), candidates have to reach the venue of the test at the Reporting Time mentioned in the Admit Card. If they report beyond the Gate Closing time of Centre, you will not be allowed to enter in the Test venue.
Instructions have been issued for strict compliance. Several pre-examination formalities need to be completed and therefore please reach on time.
What to carry?
There are other things that candidates have to carry with them while attending the exam. They are mentioned below:
@ Admit Card downloaded from the NTA Website (a clear, preferably colour printout on A4 size paper).
@ One Passport size photograph (same as uploaded with the Online Application Form) to be pasted on the
Attendance Sheet at the Centre.
@ A valid Photo ID Proof in ORIGINAL (PAN card/ Driving License/Voter ID/Passport/Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/E- Aadhaar/Ration Card/12th Class Admit card). Please note that ID Cards issued by Schools/Colleges/Universities/Coaching Centres, AADHAR enrollment receipt without AADHAR NUMBER and
PHOTOCOPIES OR Images Stored in mobile phones etc will NOT be accepted(Note: No Candidate would be
allowed to enter the Examination Centre, without identity verification).

Important points
1. No Candidate is allowed to enter the exam centre for CUET UG 2022 wearing his/her own mask. Mask will be provided at the Centre. Personal masks will be disposed of in a closed pedal push bin provided at the Centre.
2. The candidate should ensure that the Question Paper available on the computer screen is as per his/her opted subject/medium indicated in the Admit Card. In case, the subject/medium of the Question Paper is other than his/her opted subject/medium, the same may be brought to the notice of the Invigilator concerned.
3. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil box, Handbag, Purse, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/Textual material (printed or written material), Eatables and Water (loose or packed), Mobile Phone/Ear Phone/Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, DocuPen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Camera, Tape Recorder, to wear/carry any type of watch including electronic watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic item or electronic gadgets/ devices in the Examination Hall at CUET UG 2022 exam centre. There may not be any provision for safe keeping of valuables at the centre.
4. Diabetic students will be allowed to carry eatables like sugar tablets/fruits (like banana/apple/orange) and transparent water bottle to the Examination Hall for CUET UG 2022. However, they will not be allowed to carry packed foods like chocolates/candy/sandwich etc.
5. Blank paper sheets for rough work of A4 size will be provided in the examination Hall for CUET UG 2022. Candidates must write their name and Roll Number at the top of each of the sheets, and must drop the sheet/s in the designated drop box without fail, before leaving the Examination Hall/Room. Failure to do so may result in a non-evaluation of answers.

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.