CGBSE 10th 12th result: Superb results for great exam to be declared on 23 June

CGBSE 10th 12th result will be declared by 11 am on 23 June. The waiting time for the students has come to an end with this announcement.
Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) will be making the results of 10th and 12th class exams conducted this year public.

Soon after CGBSE 10th 12th result will be made public students across the state can see them online at the official websites of the board at ‘’ and ‘’
According to sources, this year about CGBSE conducted 10th standard exam from 3 to 26 March and over three lakh candidates have appeared for them. The notification in this regard was released in December last year.
The 10th exams that were to be conducted after 19 March got postponed. Similarly, the CGBSE 12th exams were scheduled between 2 to 31 March. While exams of subjects whose dates fell between 2 to 19 March could be conducted, those to be conducted from 20 to 31 March were postponed.

Sources say, CGBSE has decided to cancel the remaining exams. Students would be allotted marks based on internal assessment.

Chhattisgarh Board was expected to declare the CGBSE 10th result in the second week of May, but now will be announced on 23 June.

Even though revised dates for 12th exams this year were announced lateron they could not be conducted due to lockdown to regulate the spread of COVID-19.
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It is interesting to note that a rumour did round recently that CGBSE 10th 12th result would be released on 20 June.
Message mentioning this point regarding CGBSE 10th 12th result to be made public did rounds on social media, however that was confirmed to be a fake. There was no truth in it.

Principal Secretary of Education with Government of Chhattisgarh Alok Shukla said that the message doing rounds on social media had no truth in it.
Sources say, about six lakh students have registered for 10th exam and over two lakh students registered for 12th exams.
CGBSE 10th 12th result can be seen on the official websites ‘’ and ‘’ Apart from this the other websites where CGBSE 10th 12th results can be seen are ‘’ ‘’ and ‘’
It is interesting to recollect that CGBSE has also brought another change in the pattern of conducting 10th and 12th exams.
The answer booklets given to 10th students would be 32 pages in size for 10th exams and 42 pages booklet would be given to students of class 12 exams. This was done to ensure students begin the the practice of limiting the length of their answers.

Once the link is clicked candidates have to enter their roll number allotted for writing the 10th or 12th exams followed by a captcha to get CGBSE 10th 12th result.
The CGBSE 10th 12th result will be displayed with details namely, student’s name, roll number, school name, subject wise marks, total marks and result status.
Candidates after obtaining CGBSE 10th 12th results can take a print out of it and preserve it for future use.
Students can keep their hall-ticket used while writing the exam in the past when they make attempts to know CGBSE 10th 12th result.
This is only to ensure they are entering correct hall-ticket numbers which is required to obtain the results. Candidates finding any discrepancy in CGBSE 10th 12th result can report them to the authorities concerned.
CGBSE 10th 12th result may not be accessible on the website as many people would try to access them at the sametime.
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In case of lack of response from the websites, candidates can wait to know CGBSE 10th 12th result by accessing the same website in the late evening or by late night.
The other route to know CGBSE 10th 12th result is through the SMS. Candidates have to send their roll number to the designated number 56263.
For knowing the 10th result candidates must type ‘CG10 first and then type their roll number and send it to 56263. For obtaining 12th result candidates must type CG12 and then their roll number and send it to 56263.
CGBSE 10th 12th result will be send to the mobile number and candidates can save the message for future use.
As far as CGBSE 10th 12th result last year is concerned about seven lakh candidates appeared for the board exams and overall pass percentage was 68 for 10th and 78 for class 12.
As far as CGBSE 10th 12th results are for previous year (2019), Nisha Patel secured the top rank in class 10 exams with 98 percent, for the 12th exams, Yogender Verma and Devender Sahu got top ranks by securing a score of 97 percent each.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.