CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet: Great, new schedule is out

CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet has been released and students who are yet to finish their board exams can refer that.
The release of CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet has brought enough relief to students who are yet to write their CBSE board exams for 10th and 12th classes.

As per the earlier schedule, the CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet was issued in the month of February this year and the exams were supposed to happen till 30 March. However, CBSE exams did not go on as per the schedule.
There were two reasons behind it. While the first reason was the protests that rocked the whole nation with regards to Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
Soon after the protests subsided, new CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet was readied, but within a few days the exams had to be stalled due to corona virus outbreak.

The CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet was supposed to be relased on 15 May earlier, but that did not happen. Sources say, CBSE was taking into consideration few more technical aspects before releasing the CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet.

Sources further say the datesheet would be released on 18 May (Monday) and as said CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet has been declared. As per the CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet, rescheduled exams for 10th class students from north-east part of Delhi is given below:
Wednesday 1 July 2020
Exam name: Social Science
Subject code: 087
Thursday 2 July 2020
Exam name: Science (theory)
Subject Code: 086
Exam name: Science without practical
Subject code: 090
Friday 10 July 2020
Exam name: Hindi Course A
Subject code: 002
Exam name: Hindi Course B
Subject code: 085

Wednesday 15 July 2020
Exam name: English Communicative
Subject code: 101
Exam name: English Language and Literature
Subject code: 184

As per the new CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet the exam schedule for 12th students of CBSE is divided into two categories.
First category is for subjects for which 12th exams will be held all India, the second category is for those subjects for which exams will be held for 12th students of north-east Delhi.
All India CBSE 12th exams
Wednesday 1 July 2020
Exam name: Home Science
Subject code: 064
Thursday 2 July 2020
Exam name: Hindi Elective
Subject code: 002
Exam name: Hindi core
Subject code: 302
Tuesday 7 July 2020
Exam name: Informatics Practical (New)
Subject code: 065
Exam name: Computer Science (New)
Subject code: 083
Informatics Practical (Old)
Subject Code: 265
Exam name: Computer Science (Old)
Subject code: 283
Exam name: Information Technology
Subject code: 802
Thursday 9 July 2020
Exam name: Business Studies
Subject code: 054
Friday 10 July 2020
Exam name: Biotechnology
Subject code: 045
Saturday 11 July 2020
Exam name Geography
Subject code: 029
Monday 13 July 2020
Exam name: Sociology
Subject code: 039
The above mentioned CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet is for 12th class subjects for which exams will be held students all over India.
CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet for 12th class subjects for which exams will be organised for students of north-east part of Delhi is given below:
Friday 3 July 2020
Exam name: Physics
Subject code: 042
Saturday 4 July 2020
Exam name: Accountancy
Subject code: 055
Monday 6 July 2020
Exam name: Chemistry
Subject code: 043
Wednesday 8 July 2020
Exam name: English elective-N
Subject code: 001
Exam name: English Elective-C
Subject code: 101
Exam name: English Core
Subject Code: 301
Tuesday 14 July 2020
Exam name: Political Science
Subject code: 028
Wednesday 15 July 2020
Exam name: Mathematics
Subject code: 030
Exam name: Economics
Subject code: 030
Exam name: History
Subject code: 027
Exam name: Biology
Subject code: 044
The timing for the above mentioned exams for 12th class students as per the new CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet is 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Points to remember
CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet reminds that students attending the exam will be carrying their own hand sanitizer.
It further says candidates attending the exam must be wearing a mask to cover their face, nose and mouth. These are among the precautions CBSE Exam 2020 date suggests.
The datesheet further says the candidates must also follow the required physical distancing norms. Parents must guide their children about precautions to be taken by them to avoid spread of Covid-19.
Parents will ensure that their ward is not sick. Candidates must also adhere strictly the instructions mentioned in the admit card.
Duration for each examination are given in the date-sheet and will also be mentioned in the admit card.
Answer books would be distributed to candidates between 10.00 – 10.15 A.M on the exam day.
CBSE Exam 2020 datesheet says question paper will be distributed at 10.15 A.M. 11 From 10.15 A.M. – 10.30 A.M. (15 minutes), candidates shall read the question paper. At 10.30 A.M. candidates will start writing the answers.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.