CBSE’s Bold Plan to Transform Class 10 and 12 : 3 Languages, 1 New Grading System

The CBSE is planning to transform Class 10 and 12 education in India with a daring and forward-thinking project. This bold concept introduces a trilingual Class 10 and a new grading system. This blog examines how these revolutionary shifts may affect students, educators, and the educational environment.

This blog posts goes into great detail about these big changes and how they might affect students, teachers, and the whole educational system. Change is coming to CBSE classes, bringing with it a new age of academic exploration and skill development across the board. Adding a third language to Class 10 and changing the way grades are given are big steps towards giving students today a more active and well-rounded education that will prepare them for the difficulties of tomorrow.

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I. Three Languages in Class 10: A Multifaceted Linguistic Approach

The proposed revisions in Class 10 herald a new era, requiring students to engage with ten subjects, including three languages and seven other subjects. The linguistic spectrum currently requires at least two languages, including Hindi or English. Students may pick Sanskrit, French, Urdu, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Odia, Assamese, or Nepali for their third language.


Multifaceted Language Proficiency: The incorporation of a third language expands linguistic horizons, contributing to a more robust language skill set. Cultural Diversity: Students now have the freedom to explore languages that resonate with India’s cultural tapestry, fostering cultural awareness and inclusivity. Reason for Change: To enhance students’ adaptability in a globalized world by promoting linguistic diversity and cultural understanding.

Changes In Passing Criteria

II. Changes in Passing Criteria: A Shift Towards Holistic Assessment

Changes in Class 10 and 12 passing standards are a major paradigm shift in CBSE-led educational growth. Changes go beyond corrections; they redefine assessment methods. CBSE takes a holistic approach to assessment to create a learning environment that goes beyond traditional measures, supporting skill development and academic performance. This transition towards holistic evaluation shows the board’s versatility and commitment to developing well-rounded, modern-world-ready students.

Adjustments in Class 10

The proposed modification in passing criteria for Class 10 aims to elevate academic standards. Students are now required to excel in ten subjects, a departure from the existing five. This shift reflects a commitment to instil a culture of academic excellence and comprehensive skill development.

Shift in Class 12 Requirements

Class 12 has a streamlined curriculum with a focus on six subjects. Students must learn two languages, one of which must be Indian. Hindi, English, Sanskrit, French, Urdu, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Odia, Assamese, and Nepali are available. Class 12 witnesses a streamlined curriculum with a focus on six subjects..

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The higher topic load promotes a well-rounded education and a more thorough assessment of pupils’ skills. Compliance with National Education Policy 2020: The suggested adjustments support the policy’s comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to education. Fostering Well-Rounded Skill Development: The shift emphasises kids’ future success with different skills.

Reason for Change: To align with evolving educational philosophies and prepare students for a dynamically changing global landscape.

National Credit Framework

III. National Credit Framework: Bridging Educational Pathways

In a breakthrough move, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) creates the National Credit Framework to seamlessly connect educational routes. Beyond a structural adjustment, this programme strives to harmonise vocational and general education, creating a vibrant educational environment. As CBSE creates a comprehensive framework, it anticipates academic equity and flexible educational pathways for children. As the project evolves, it presents problems that need strategic preparation and rigorous execution to achieve its ambitious aims.

Academic Parity

The proposed changes align with CBSE’s broader initiative to introduce a national credit framework in school education. This visionary framework seeks to establish academic parity between vocational and general education, facilitating seamless transitions between these two educational trajectories.

Implementation Challenges

While the vision is clear, the successful implementation of the national credit framework presents a formidable challenge. The proposed addition of vocational and transdisciplinary courses underscores the need for harmonious integration of diverse educational pathways, a task that requires meticulous planning and execution.

Reason for Change: To create a more inclusive and flexible education system, accommodating diverse career aspirations and promoting skill-based learning.

Final Note

Finally, CBSE’s big plan to change Class 10 and 12 stands out as a great example of new ideas in education. The board’s choice to teach three languages in Class 10 and use a modern marking system shows that they want to create well-rounded people with a range of skills and a worldview. These changes might improve education and prepare students for a changing world. The educational community anxiously anticipates this revolutionary journey, which will usher in a new era of educational greatness in India.

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