CAT 2020 exam: How will the great test be this time?

CAT 2020 exam has now become the talk of the town once again with IIM Indore gearing up to conduct it this year on November 29.
Every year, one of the older Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) conduct the popular exam on a rotation basis.

CAT is also known as Common Admission Test and is considered to be the most popular entrance test for MBA admission.
Score in this test can get a candidate a seat in IIMs and also many other prestigious b-schools located across the country.
Marks obtained in this wellknown entrance test are accepted by over 1200 b-schools apart from IIMs. A pass in this exam is a gate-opener for a great future.

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CAT 2020 exam will be conducted in test centres spread across 156 cities in this country.
This time CAT 2020 exam will have a special significance as the test is being conducted at a time when the ripples caused by COVID-19 situation are still being felt.

Authorities concerned have made it clear that all safety measures with regards to COVID-19 situation will be followed while conducting CAT 2020 exam like social distancing, sanitation of exam centres, use of face mask.
The result of CAT 2020 exam will be out by second week of January 2021.
Sources however maintain that there are no changes in the exam schedule as of now and things with regards to the test will go on as per plan made earlier.
CAT 2020 exam notification was released on 29 July this year and submission of applications began on 5 August and last date for submission of application was 23 September.

Candidates will be able to download halltickets on 28 October this year. The date of CAT 2020 exam is 29 November.
The place to download the hallticket for CAT 2020 exam is the official website of the test which is ‘’
The link to download the hallticket for the exam will be made available on the official website at the appropriate time.
The usual trend is to make the link available for downloading hallticket about 10 to 20 days before the exam. This time too, the same process could be followed.

Applicants of CAT 2020 exam can keep track of their emails or mobile numbers which were provided while submitting the application for the exam.
Message with regards to availability of hallticket for download could be sent to email or mobile number. Also, there is something worth noting with regards to CAT 2020 exam.
What is worth noting is the way CAT 2020 exam will be conducted. Sources say, changes are being made with regards to the way the CAT 2020 exam is going to be conducted.
The changes are being done keeping in view the COVID-19 situation which is causing concern across the country.
One of the change with regards to CAT 2020 exam is the exam will be conducted in three sessions namely, morning, afternoon and evening sessions.
Morning session of CAT 2020 exam will be from 8:30 am to 10.30 am, the afternoon session will be from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. The evening session of CAT 2020 exam is from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
The exam used to be conducted in two sessions, this year CAT exam will be conducted in three sessions.
The second change made with regards to CAT 2020 exam is reduction of the exam duration. The exam will be conducted for a duration of 120 minutes instead of its usual 180 minutes.
CAT 2020 exam will have three sections, Section 1 will have questions related to verbal ability and reading comprehension, Section 2 will have queries related to data interpretation and logical reasoning.
Section 3 has questions related to quantitative ability.

Also the number of questions in each section is expected to witness a reduction in CAT 2020 exam.
From earlier 100 questions spread across the three sections, this time there could be a reduction of number of questions by 30 percent.
The number of questions are expected to be brought down as the duration of the exam has been brought down.
So experts feel the preparation strategy perhaps should undergo a change a bit.
As number of questions and time allotted to answer them is to be reduced, candidates have to prepare in a way that they could answer questions as fast as possible.
Even choosing questions wisely also will help. Preferring questions that can be answered quickly first will be a wise thing to do, say experts.

The difficulty levels may be the same, so cracking the exam will still need good deal of preparation, say experts.
However, a mock test link will be made available on the official website of the exam ‘’ by end of October this year. And, this could give a better idea as to how the actual exam is likely to be.
S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.