Careers in Science: 10 great jobs to apply

Careers in Science: 10 great jobs to apply
Published at : 1 Mar 2021, 5:24 PM IST
Updated at : 16 Mar 2021, 5:12 PM IST

Careers in science can be rewarding if right choices are made.

There are lot of opportunities for all those who wish to carve their careers in science, all enthusiasts have to do is just to make a right choice..

Admission Open in Amity for 2025
Careers In Science

There is no dearth of opportunities, however having a basic interest or passion towards careers in science is a must.

Passion towards careers in science is the first-step towards success, interest motivates individuals to delve deeper into nuances in science and perfect one’s hold on the subject only to take one to perfection gradually.

However, individuals have to remember that there is a difference between careers in science and a job in science.

Admission Open in SRM for 2025

A career is something more permanent as it is done out of liking, a job on the other hand is done for earning than out of liking.

Carving out careers in science can be truly rewarding and some of the fields to be considered are provided below where students who studied science can consider for a career:

Careers in Science

1. Biochemist
Think of commencing a career in science, becoming a biochemist will be one of the finest options.

Admission Open in LPU for 2025

Biochemist is one who is trained in biochemistry. They study chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisms.

The word ‘biochemist’ is a portmanteau of ‘biological chemist.’

Biochemist researchers focus on planning and conducting research experiments, mainly for developing new products, updating existing products and analyzing said products.

It is also the responsibility of a biochemist to present their research findings and create grant proposals to obtain funds for future research.

Admission Open in VIT for 2025

2. Geologist
Geologists are those who study earth’s surface and components inside it.

Their job is to study earth’s upper surface and areas beneath it and find out the presence of valuable minerals that have rich commercial applications.

Geologists also are a part of efforts to prevent natual disasters. As far as career in science is concerned, Geologist is another fine option to be considered.

Careers In Science

As a blockchain developer one’s work is to develop a method to ensure encyrption and privacy of a user.

The rise of digital usage on many fronts have given birth to new career in science and that of blockchain developer is one such.

Blockchain developers enable secure digital transactions by creating systems to record and store blockchain data in a way that prevents changes or hacks.

4. Quantum Computer Programmer
Quantum Computer Programmer is one who takes up the work of quantum computer programming.

Quantum programming is the process of assembling sequences of instructions, called quantum programs, that are capable of running on a quantum computer.
Quantum programming languages help express quantum algorithms using high-level constructs.

Pay prospects are very good for those who choose to become quantum computer programmers.

For the talk of the town is the future technology.
So, if shaping careers in science is high on one’s mind, then consider the field of quantum computing.

Careers In Science

However, the field of forensic science is not a new thing.

It is rather an old-hat and those who are a part of investigation agencies like police are well-acquainted with forensic science.

Forensic scientist investigates the crime in a scientific manner, analyses the evidence available at the crime spot through scientific methods and proves their validity.

The reports submitted by forensic scientist are used by police force to prove the crime in the court.

6. Fermentation Scientist
Fermentation Scientist is one who studies microorganisms in the fermentation process and how they relate to food and medicines.

They also are involved in research, analyze and develop new uses of fermentation.

A talk of careers in science will never be complete without a mention of fermentation scientist.

A masters degree in microbiology or biochemistry is essential to become a fermentation scientist.

They can find work in animal pharmaceutical companies and food production companies.

7. Oceanographer
Careers in science are truly exciting and they can be really worth cherishing if one is indeed interested to become an oceanographer.

This world of careers in science explores the oceans and the world beneath it.

This professional is one who studies the physical and biological aspects of oceans.

The ecosystem of oceans, changing currents, plate tectonics and geology of the ocean floor are among the areas where Oceanographer conducts a study and arrive at conclusions.

8. Biomedical Engineer
As the frontiers of science are expanding, new careers in science are emerging.

Biomedical engineer is one who explores the field of engineering, science and medicine to bring out methods that are aimed at providing better healthcare and improving the treatment process.

Biomedical engineering has recently emerged as its own study, as compared to many other engineering fields.

Such an evolution is common as a new field transitions from being an interdisciplinary specialization among already-established fields, to being considered a field in itself.

This happens to be one of the most interesting work for those who are interested in careers in science.

Careers In Science

The importance of this science has grown by leaps and bounds due to the increasing natural disasters.

Enviromental Scientist is one who analyses the environment from a scientific angle and studies the impact of human activity on environment.

These scientists are responsible for suggesting methods to bring down the harmful impact on environment.

For all those who have a strong interest in careers in science, environmental conservation in particular can opt for the job as environmental scientist.

10. Hydrologist
The field of hydrology is another area with great work prospects as far as the world of careers in science is concerned.

Hydrology is study of water its nature, analysing water bodies. Hydrologist also studies water that lies beneath the earth’s surface.

Hydrologist also does the job of locating water sources in any given area.

If water is one’s passion and carving out careers in science related to water is the wish, then taking up the job of hydrologist is what one can do.

S. Vishnu Sharma

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.

NATA 2025 Application Submission, Exam From 7 March to 28 June 2025, All Details Here

NATA 2025 Application Submission, Exam From 7 March to 28 June 2025, All Details Here
Published at : 26 Mar 2025, 6:51 PM IST
Updated at : 26 Mar 2025, 6:52 PM IST

NATA 2025 application submission has started from 3 February 2025 and will be on till April 2025 at ‘’ The exam will be conducted from 7 March 2025 till 28 June 2025.

The exam is being conducted on every Friday and Saturday from 7 March to 28 June 2025, closing date for online NATA 2025 application submission is Friday exam is 11:59 PM on every Monday from 7 March to 28 June 2025.

Admission Open in Amity for 2025

Similarly, deadline for NATA 2025 application submission online for Saturday exam is 11:59 PM on every Tuesday from 7 March to 28 June 2025. Link For information on important dates in connection with test and NATA 2025 application submission is here.

During that duration, the exam will be conducted on Fridays in afternoon session from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.

It will also be held on Saturdays in morning (10 am to 1 pm) and afternoon (1:30 pm to 4:30 pm). The duration for the exam on all these days is for three hours.

Students who are interested in studying graduation in architecture, can take up NATA 2025 application submission.

Admission Open in SRM for 2025
NATA 2025 application

The brochure containing various details about NATA 2025 is also be released on the official website at the appropriate time. The official website can be accessed at ‘’ to obtain the information brochure.

How to obtain the brochure

1. Candidates can type the URL ‘’ in their browsers and submit them to allow the website to download.

Admission Open in LPU for 2025

2. Once the website is ready, candidates can click the button Nata Brochure 2025 which is located on the right hand top corner of the website.

3. Clicking the above button will open the brochure in another webpage and candidates can read the information there about NATA 2025 registration and other related topics.

Who can take up NATA 2025 application submission?

Candidates who have passed plus-two from a recognized educational institution can take up NATA 2025 application submission. It is nothing but applying for the exam.

Subjects in the plus-two must be from the science stream. Architecture aspirants have to pass plus-two with maths, physics, and chemistry as subjects.

Admission Open in VIT for 2025

Students who have appeared for plus-two exams and are waiting for the results or are about to appear for plus-two exams can also apply.

They have to, however, pass the exam and provide proof of it by the time of admission.

NATA 2025 application

How to take up NATA 2025 application submission?

The process to undertake NATA 2025 application submission is online. Candidates have to visit the official website of the exam to submit applications.

The URL to reach it is ‘’ and process mentioned below can be followed to apply for the exam:

1. The URL mentioned above has to be typed into the browser of the computer. The website has to be allowed to download.

2. Once the webpage is available, applicants have to click the required link for registration. Registration is to be done to obtain an account with a username and password.

3. Once the registration is done, applicants must log in with their username and password. The application form has to be filled out and submitted.

4. Post submission, candidates can obtain a confirmation message indicating successful submission.

5. Once obtained, applicants can download it and take a printout of it.

NATA 2025 Application Fee

Candidates taking up NATA 2025 application submission can pay a fee of  ₹1750 if they are from General or OBC categories.

SC/ST/EWS/PwD category candidates have to pay NATA 2025 application submission fee of ₹1250, applicants from transgender category candidates can pay  ₹1000 while taking up NATA 2025 application submission and fee for the outside India candidates is ₹15000.

Candidates seeking more information about NATA 2025 application submission, can refer the information brochure for the exam.

How to download the hall ticket?

Students who have successfully completed the process of NATA 2025 application submission alone can download hall tickets.

The dates for downloading admit cards will be informed in due course. Details will be available on the official website.

The process to download admit cards is online, candidates have to visit the official website at ‘’ and follow the process mentioned below:

1. This URL can be typed into the browser and then the webpage is to be allowed to download.

2. Once the website is available, candidates can click the link for admit card.

3. They have to enter their roll number, application number and other information and submit them to obtain the hall ticket.

NATA 2025 application

After the NATA 2025 application submission

Those who have completed NATA 2025 application submission can download the hall ticket and appear for the exam.

The candidates have to pass the exam with the required qualifying marks.

Qualifying marks which are otherwise known as cutoff marks are the minimum scores candidates have to score to be eligible for the admission process.

Scores of the students in the exam have to either greater than the cutoff or equal to it.

Those who pass the exam with the required cutoff score can apply separately with educational institutions offering BArch admissions based on NATA scores.

S. Vishnu Sharma

S Vishnu Sharmaa now works with in the news team. His work involves writing articles related to the education sector in India with a keen focus on higher education issues. Journalism has always been a passion for him. He has more than 10 years of enriching experience with various media organizations like Eenadu, Webdunia, News Today, Infodea. He also has a strong interest in writing about defence and railway related issues.
