Best 5 Easiest Subjects for UPSC

In your preparation for the UPSC test, are you looking for the ideal balance between the relevancy of the material and its ease of comprehension? Investigate the Best 5 Easiest Subjects for UPSC that Give You an Advantage in Your Pursuit of Success.

Best 5 Easiest Subjects Of Upsc
Best 5 Easiest Subjects Of UPSC

These topics provide for an easier learning experience because of the conceptual clarity of Sociology and the analytical character of Geography; the familiarity of Psychology and the broad reach of Public Administration; and the fact that Sociology and Geography both share a familiarity with one another. Prepare yourself to succeed in the UPSC test by picking the appropriate subjects and making the most of the points that are available for each.

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Tips for Subject Selection for UPSC

Choosing an optional topic for the UPSC exam  is an IMPORTANT choice that can have various implications on your performance and overall success in the exam. These effects can range from helping you perform better to hindering your chances of passing the exam altogether. The following are some guidelines to assist you in selecting an accessible simple optional subject for the UPSC exam:

#Think About the Things That Interest You: For this assignment, please select a topic that you have prior knowledge of and/or an interest in exploring more.

#Examine the Course Outline You need to examine the course outline for each optional subject and evaluate it in light of your own capabilities and limitations.

#Check Out The Historical Trends You need to look at the historical trends and statistics of each alternative subject to determine which ones have been popular in the past and which ones have a good chance of being successful in the future.

#Take Into Account the Availability of Study Material You need to check that there is sufficient study material accessible for the topic that you decide to focus on.

Best 5 Easiest Subjects Of Upsc......
Positive Mindset for Success

#Consider the Scoring Potential: Select a topic that offers a good opportunity for you to score well. This indicates that the topic in question must have a distinct system of marking and ought to be simple both to comprehend and to articulate.

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#Check whether the Subject Is Compatible with General Studies Papers Pick a topic that is compatible with the papers in the General Studies category.

#Seek Advice of Seekers: Before making a final choice, it is important to seek advice from knowledgeable instructors, mentors, and other subject matter experts

Best 5 Easiest Subjects For UPSC

  1. Sociology
  2. Psychology
  3. Political Sciences
  4. Geography
  5. Public Administration

As the topic that was added to the list of optional subjects in 1987, Public Administration quickly became one of the most popular optional subjects for UPSC candidates due to its reputation as the most straightforward. In addition, the success rate is rather high, and it is not difficult to achieve a high score in this paper. In addition to this, it helps extend your perspective, which is beneficial for your future career as an administrator. Lets examine them from different perspective.


The scientific study of society, social interactions, and the behaviour of humans is referred to as sociology. The following are some of the reasons why many people who aspire to work for the UPSC choose it:

Limited technological Content: Sociology does not demand a wide range of specialised skills or considerable technological expertise. Understanding concepts, conducting analyses, and providing interpretations of social phenomena are the primary components of it.

A Significantly Overlapping General Studies Curriculum: The general studies curriculum for the UPSC test and the sociology syllabus have a substantial amount of material in common with one another. Candidates who have already prepared for themes like social concerns, Indian society, and social institutions have an advantage as a result of this overlap in the exam content.

Scoring Potential Sociology is known for being a scoring topic, and this reputation precedes it. As a result of its well-defined concepts and theories, which are easily able be properly expressed in the responses, it is frequently considered to be a safe choice for getting excellent scores.

Success Rate: Candidates who choose Sociology as their optional subject on the UPSC examination have had a respectable amount of success during the course of the exam’s history. This evidence suggests the problem is manageable and can be addressed.


The scientific study of the mind, behaviour, and the processes that take place in the mind is referred to as psychology. The following are some of the reasons why it is considered to be one of the simpler optional subjects:

Familiarity: The majority of candidates will have had some prior experience with the field of psychology at some stage throughout their educational pursuits. Thus, applicants may find psychological ideas and theories simpler to comprehend and relate to.

Well-organized syllabus: Candidates will have an easier time understanding and remembering the material because it covers a variety of psychological issues, including perception, learning, cognition, personality, and social psychology.

Analytical and Theoretical Nature: The field of psychology is characterised by its analytical and theoretical aspects since it requires both the analysis of ideas and the implementation of those theories into real-world settings. This strategy is appropriate given the requirements of the UPSC examination, which include the capacity for critical thinking as well as the ability to integrate academic concepts with real circumstances.

Scoring Potential: Because of the objective nature of the questions that are asked in psychology and the abundance of particular theories, research studies, and case studies that may be used to support answers, the field of psychology is sometimes thought of as having a high-scoring potential. affairs, which prospective candidates are required to have studied in preparation for the preliminary examination.

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The study of politics, political institutions, and political systems is known as political science. It’s one of the simplest optional subjects for these reasons:

Familiarity and Relevance: Political Science is a topic many applicants have studied. It covers material that applicants would likely find useful and understandable, such as political philosophy, Indian politics, international relations, and public administration, among other topics.

Subjective Nature: Subjective analyses and answers that are dependent on opinions are common. Because of this, applicants are given the opportunity to communicate, in their own words, their comprehension of many concepts and theories, without being required to have substantial factual knowledge.

Access to Materials: There is a plethora of research materials, books, and online resources accessible for Political Science. Candidates will have an easier time accessing literature that is both comprehensive and well-structured as a result of this, which will help them better prepare for the exam and comprehend the material.

Consistent Performance: Candidates who chose Political Science as their optional subject have, on average, fared well in the UPSC examination in the past, according to the data that was compiled from the past. This success percentage gives the impression that the topic is doable and presents options for grading.

Best 5 Esaiest Subjects ......


The study of Earth’s physical characteristics, climatic patterns, human populations, and their relationships is geography. Here are some of the reasons why it is regarded as one of the simpler elective subjects:

Analytical and Conceptual Nature: Geography is a subject that demands students to analyse and comprehend geographical patterns, maps, and data. This is due to the analytical and conceptual nature of the subject. It requires knowledge of a variety of subjects, including physical geography, human geography, environmental concerns, and geographical information systems (GIS). Candidates can have a successful comprehension of the material if they approach it in a logical and conceptual manner.

Overlapping Syllabus: The UPSC exam’s General Studies test covers a variety of subjects linked to geography, including environmental ecology, disaster management, and both global and Indian geography. Candidates who have already prepared for these areas have an advantage as a result of this overlap since it makes the subject matter simpler to deal with.

Visual Representation: The study of geography frequently calls for the creation of maps, diagrams, and other types of graphical representations. It is much simpler to present material in a logical order when using this visual assistance, which helps candidates better learn and remember geographical ideas.

Scoring Potential: Geography is recognised to have an excellent scoring potential due to its objective character, factual content, and the availability of diagrams and maps that can boost the quality of answers. This is because geography has a good scoring potential because of its objective nature.


The study of administrative structures, political leadership, and the formulation of public policy is referred to as “public administration.” The following reasons contribute to it being regarded as one of the less challenging optional subjects:

Relevance to Current Affairs: Public administration is intimately connected to governance, public policy, and administration, all of which are crucial components of the UPSC test. Candidates who keep up with current events have an easier time drawing connections between their prior knowledge and the questions that are asked of them.

Availability of Study Material Because there is such a broad variety of study materials, books, and resources accessible in the field of public administration, applicants find it much simpler to have access to high-quality information for the purposes of preparation.

Clarity of Concept: The field of public administration places a strong emphasis on concepts, theories, and administrative models. Candidates can successfully demonstrate their knowledge and analytical skills by comprehending the aforementioned topics and then applying those comprehensions to various case studies and practical settings.

Success Rate: Throughout the years, a great number of applicants who chose Public Administration as one of their optional subjects were successful in passing the UPSC examination. This gives the impression that there are possibilities to get points and that the topic is approachable with adequate preparation.

When picking an optional subject for the UPSC test, an individual’s preferences, ability, and interest should be the major considerations, even though some courses could be thought of as being comparatively simpler. It is vital to highlight that this is the case. It is quite important to pick a topic that plays to your strengths and provides many opportunities for you to demonstrate your level of learning and expertise.


By choosing the best 5 easiest subjects for UPSC that correspond with your interests and abilities, you may maximise your potential and breeze through the UPSC test. Take advantage of Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Geography, and Public Administration’s simplicity, conceptual clarity, and scoring potential. You may put yourself in a position to have a favourable outcome in the UPSC exam and pave the road towards a promising future in civil services by thoroughly preparing and approaching the test in a planned manner.

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