Know the Grading system in India Top Universities

by Tanu Bhatanagar

Confused by grades in India? Fear not! 

Cracked the percentage code? Now conquer GPA! This guide unravels India's grading system, scales, types, and even global comparisons. Unleash your academic potential, stress-free!

Grading Scales: From Excellent to Failing

Indian universities use either a 10-point or 4-point scale to measure your performance. Each grade, from Outstanding (O) to Fail (F), has a corresponding numerical value.

Different Types of GPAs: Tracking Your Progress Over Time 

There are different GPAs for different timeframes. Semester GPA (SGPA) tracks your performance in a single semester, Annual GPA (AGPA) covers a whole year, while Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is the grand total of your grades throughout your entire academic journey.

How Does Your GPA Compare Internationally?

Indian universities use different grading scales, like UGC 10-point, International Baccalaureate, and Mumbai 10-point. Understanding these variations helps you compare your grades to international standards.

Why Did We Move to Grading? 

India shifted from the percentage system to grading to provide a more holistic evaluation of students. This means your grades consider not just exams, but also assignments and other activities.

Grading Benefits: Less Stress, More Insights

The grading system reduces pressure by focusing on progress instead of just high-stakes exams. It gives you a clearer picture of your strengths and weaknesses, helping you improve in future semesters.