Important Topics CBSE Class 10 Hindi Grammar 2024

Present Tense: मैं खाता हूँ (I eat), तुम खाते हो (you eat), वह खाती है (she eats) Past Tense: मैंने खाया (I ate), तुमने खाया (you ate), उसने खाया (she ate)

क्रिया परिवर्तन (Verb Conjugation): 

Simple Sentence: वह स्कूल गई। (She went to school.) Complex Sentence: अगर वह मेहनत करेगी तो सफल होगी। (If she works hard, she will be successful.)

कठिन वाक्य (Complex Sentences) 

These sentences express a single idea with a subject and a verb. While simple, they can still convey profound meaning. Example: Simple Sentence: सत्यमेव जयते। (Truth alone triumphs.)

सरल वाक्य (Simple Sentences) 

These sentences join two or more independent clauses using conjunctions like "and" or "but". They create a sense of flow and can express different relationships between the clauses.

संयुक्त वाक्य (Compound Sentences) 

his means using language that avoids discrimination and promotes equality. It's important to be mindful of the words you choose and ensure everyone feels .

समाहित भाषा (Inclusive Language) 

Using verbs correctly in your story brings your characters and their actions to life. It helps the reader understand who is doing what and when. 

कथा में क्रिया परिवर्तन (Verb Conjugation in Storytelling) 

औपचारिक पत्र (Formal Letters): Learn the art of professional communication through formal letter writing. अनौपचारिक पत्र (Informal Letters): Master the skill of crafting engaging and personal informal letters.

Letter Formats 

अवकाश आवेदन (Leave Application): Request leave effectively using the proper application format. नौकरी आवेदन (Job Application): Apply for jobs with confidence by understanding application structure.

Application Formats