Empower Kids with Chakras: Tools for Balance, Confidence & Joy 

Written By:  Vani Jha

What Exactly Is a Chakra? 

Positioned at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with feelings of security and stability. Yoga Pose: Tree Pose; Color: Red; Mantra: Lam. This Chakra helps ground children and promotes a sense of safety 

Root Chakra: "I Am Secure" 

Positioned at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with feelings of security and stability. Yoga Pose: Tree Pose; Color: Red; Mantra: Lam. This Chakra helps ground children and promotes a sense of safety. 

Sacral Chakra: "I Enjoy My Life" 

Located in the pelvic area, the Sacral Chakra governs creativity and pleasure. Yoga Pose: Warrior 2; Color: Orange; Mantra: Vam. It supports emotional expression and joyful living 

Solar Plexus Chakra: "I Am Confident" 

Found around the navel and solar plexus, this Chakra is linked to self-esteem and personal power. Yoga Pose: Boat Pose; Color: Yellow; Mantra: Ram. It fosters confidence and motivation. 

Heart Chakra: "I Am Kind" 

Situated near the heart, the Heart Chakra relates to love, compassion, and forgiveness. Yoga Pose: Cobra Pose; Color: Green; Mantra: Yam. It encourages emotional openness and kindness. 

Throat Chakra: "I Am Confident" 

Located in the throat, the Throat Chakra is vital for clear communication and self-expression. Yoga Pose: Bridge Pose; Color: Blue; Mantra: Ham. It enhances articulation and authentic expression. 

Third Eye Chakra: "I Am Open-Minded" 

Centered on the forehead, the Third Eye Chakra influences intuition and perception. Yoga Pose: Legs Up the Wall; Color: Purple; Mantra: Sham. It sharpens mental clarity and imagination. 

Crown Chakra: "I Am Peaceful" 

At the top of the head, the Crown Chakra connects to higher consciousness and self-awareness. Yoga Pose: Savasana; Color: White or Ultra-Violet; Mantra: Om. It promotes spiritual connection and inner peace 

Activating the Chakras 

Encourage children to focus on the corresponding body parts and colors associated with each Chakra. This practice helps them stay present and attuned to their feelings, supporting their emotional and physical health.