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LPU National Entrance and Scholarship Test Online & Offline Both

Pattern & Syllabus

LPUNEST Syllabus 2022

The LPU NEST entrance exam comprises of 4 subjects, with syllabus given below:

Physics Chemistry Biology Mathematics
UNIT 1: Motion UNIT 1: Atomic Structure, States of Matter & Thermodynamics Unit 1: Diversity & Structural Organization UNIT 1: Algebra
UNIT 2: Kinematics, Gravitation & Oscillations UNIT 2: Solutions, Chemical Kinetics & Surface Chemistry Unit 2: Plant Physiology UNIT 2: Matrices, Vectors & Reasoning
UNIT 3: Thermal Physics UNIT 3: Hydrogen & s – Block Element Unit 3: Human Physiology UNIT 3: Permutation-Combinations & Binomial Theorem
UNIT 4: Electricity & Magnetism UNIT 4: p, d & f block Elements and Environmental Chemistry Unit 4: Reproduction, Genetics, and Evolution UNIT 4: Limit, Integration & Differentiation
UNIT 5: Atomic Structure & Optics UNIT 5: Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry UNIT 5: Geometry
UNIT 6: Electrical & Electronics UNIT 6: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Polymers & Biomolecules UNIT 6: Probability & Trigonometry

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