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KCET 2024

Karnataka Common Entrance Test 2024 Offline

Pattern & Syllabus

Syllabus for KCET 2022

Maths, Physics, Chemistry have to be studied by students willing to join engineering through this exam. Candidates aiming for biotechnology oriented or biology oriented courses in graduation have to study biology instead of maths along with physics and chemistry. 

The study materials in connection with the above mentioned subjects can be sourced from well-known book stores located across the country. They can be obtained from online book stores and many websites also provide them on their platforms at free of cost or at low cost. Candidates can consider these sources for procuring the study material. The syllabus is provided below for the sake of the candidates:



Diversity of Living Organisms

Chapter-1: The Living World

Chapter-2: Biological Classification

Chapter-3: Plant Kingdom

Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom


Structural Organisation in Plants & Animals

Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants

Chapter-6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Chapter-7: Structural Organisation in Animals


Cell: Structure and Function

Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life

Chapter-9: Biomolecules

Chapter-10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division


Plant Physiology

Chapter-11: Transport in Plants

Chapter-12: Mineral Nutrition

Chapter-13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Chapter-14: Respiration in Plants

Chapter-15: Plant - Growth and Development


Human Physiology

Chapter-16: Digestion and Absorption

Chapter-17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Chapter-18: Body Fluids and Circulation

Chapter-19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination

Chapter-20: Locomotion and Movement

Chapter-21: Neural Control and Coordination

Chapter-22: Chemical Coordination and Integration




Chapter-1: Reproduction in Organisms

Chapter-2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Chapter-3: Human Reproduction

Chapter-4: Reproductive Health


Genetics and Evolution

Chapter-5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Chapter-6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Chapter-7: Evolution


Biology and Human Welfare

Chapter-8: Human Health and Diseases

Chapter-9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Chapter-10: Microbes in Human Welfare


Biotechnology and its Applications

Chapter-11: Biotechnology - Principles and Processes

Chapter-12: Biotechnology and its Application


Ecology and Environment

Chapter-13: Organisms and Populations

Chapter-14: Ecosystem

Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation

Chapter-16: Environmental Issues





General Organic Chemistry


Sets, Relations and Functions

Alcohol Phenol Ether


 Complex Numbers and Quardatic Equations

Redox reactions

Wave Motion

 Matrices and Determinants

Chemical Bonding

Rotational Motion

 Permutations and Combinations

Coordination Compound

Laws of Motion

 Mathematical Induction

P--block elements

Ray Optics

 Binomial Theorem and its simple applications

S-block elements

Magnetic effect of current and Magnetism

 Sequences and Series

Aldehyde & Ketones

Simple Harmonic Motion

 Limit, Continuity and Differentiability


Wave optics

 Integral Calculus

Solid State

Units Dimension Errors

 Differential Equations

Chemical Thermodynamics

Work Energy Power

 Co-Ordinate Geometry

Ionic Equilibrium

Modern Physics

 Three Dimensional Geometry

Chemical Equilibrium

Current Electricity

 Vector Algebra

Surface chemistry

Electromagnetic Induction

 Statistics and Probability

Atomic Structure

Physics of Nucleus

 Trigonometry – 02

Gaseous State


 Mathematical Reasoning

Transition Elements






Nuclear Chemistry

Solids and Semiconductor Devices


Chemical Kinetics

Center of Mass, Impulse and Momentum


Mole Concepts

Kinetic Theory of Gases


Amines and Diazonium Salts




Alternating Current


Alkanes, Alkenes & Alkynes

EM waves






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