All india institute of medical sciences
Bachelor of Medicine
Bachelor of Surgery [MBBS]
Assistant Professor, Department ofSamhita, Sanskrit & Siddhanta
Lecturer, Department of Rachana Sharira
Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Sharira
Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharira
Lecturer, Department of Kriya Sharira
Professor, Department of Dravyaguna
Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna
Lecturer, Department of Rasashastra & BK
Lecturer, Department of Roganidana
Lecturer, Department of Swastavritta
Lecturer, Department of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga
Lecturer, Department of Panchakarma
Bachelor of Medicine
Bachelor of Surgery [MBBS]
Bachelor of Medicine
Bachelor of Surgery [MBBS]